

Research of Phase-change Cooling Applied on Laser Mirror

【作者】 伍志坚

【导师】 岳丹婷;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以大连化学物理研究所的高功率氧碘化学激光器激光腔镜为研究对象,分析在强激光辐照作用下的激光腔镜吸热发生的热变形现象。相变制冷技术作为迅速发展的交叉学科被引入激光领域,用于解决这类热变形问题。它具有明显的优点,但有关这一方面的理论和应用研究,还很不完整和成熟。本文综观现有的文献资料,设计制作一个有孔阵列空腔结构的、并填入特定相变材料的试验镜和一个作对照的实体铜镜,并就此进行理论与实验研究。本文探讨了在快速的高功率激光作用下,傅立叶导热定律有可能不适用的置疑,并在传统的导热微分方程的基础上建立导热和相变数学模型,引用了较流行的有限元法进行数值分析,明确求解温度场的一般思路。本文选用大型的有限元通用软件ANSYS,分别对制作的实体铜镜和相变制冷镜进行温度场和热变形计算,并在大连化物所激光实验室进行实测,取得的实验数据与计算结果对比基本一致,二者均证实了装入相变材料能达到一定的制冷效果和有效改善热变形。本文首次提出运用ANSYS软件对相变制冷激光腔镜进行数值计算仿真,实验验证了模型的正确,对进一步研制高性能的相变制冷镜,在腔镜镜体材料选择,内部结构优化,相变材料开发等方面具有十分重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes the DICP’s high power COIL (chemistry oxygen iodine laser) laser mirror as research object. The thermal distortion phenomenon, which takes pjace at the laser mirror’s surface when it absorbs immense energy rapidly under the high power laser’s irradiation, is analyzed in the paper. The phase-change cooling technology, as a rapid progress cross subject, has obvious advantages when used into the field of laser to solve this thermal distortion problem. But the research about theory and application in this field is still not perfect. Author designed a laser mirror with hole-array inner structure which filled with a specified phase-change material after consulting the existing technical literature, and carry out the experiment in the side of theory and application with it. It was proved that the Fourier heat conduction law is still suitable even the object be irradiated in a short time by high power laser. The mathematic model of heat conduction and phase changing was established through traditional heat conducting differential equation, and the Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to analysis it. ANSYS, an all-purpose FEM software, was selected to calculate the phase-change cooling mirror’s temperature field and thermal distortion, and the same as a sample bronze mirror’s as a contrast. At the same time we carried out the experiments with the two mirrors in the DICP’s laser laboratory and have gotten the basically consistent result as the former calculation. All of this proves that it is effective by filling phase-change materials into the laser mirror for decreasing the mirror’s thermal distortion.The paper put forward the ANSYS software on the numerical simulation of the phase-change cooled laser mirror for the first time. It would be constructive in the following experiments, such as the research of high performance phase-change cooling mirror, the choice of laser mirror materials, the optimization of interior structure and the development about phase-change materials, etc

  • 【分类号】TN24
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】186

