Structure and Design of Bridge Console of Large Scale Shiphandling Simulator
【作者】 王逢仅;
【导师】 李志华;
【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 船舶操纵模拟器在海员培训和适任评估中起着重要的作用。随着世界经济的蓬勃发展、海运事业的蒸蒸日上,船舶操纵模拟器亦向着多样化、大型化、智能化发展。《STCW 78/95公约》也多次强调了模拟器的作用,并就其在航海教学培训中的应用做出明确的规定。 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。 在设计和开发控制台接口电路系统的过程当中,主要深入研究了单片机应用系统的设计方法,提出了一整套单片机应用系统设计思想,并根据这一思想完成了大型船舶操纵模拟器接口电路系统的研制开发工作。整个控制台硬件接口电路系统可以分为:主CPU模块,串行口模块,外部I/O端口扩展模块(行列式键盘接口),A/D转换模块,D/A转换模块,舵输入模块,LED显示模块。在实际开发工作中,按照单片机应用系统设计思想分阶段进行各个子任务模块的开发调试,然后对整个控制台系统进行调试,使得该控制台接口电路更好的应用于大型船舶操纵模拟器中。在控制台实现USB通信的设计和开发过程中,主要深入研究了USB的结构特点,USB的应用以及USB设备的一般开发过程,对控制台实现USB通信的硬件电路和软件部分做了部分开发工作。
【Abstract】 Shiphandling simulator plays an important role in seafarer training and assessment of eligibility. With the swift development of economic all over the world and the flourish of ocean shipping, it is making a progress towards large scale, diversification and intelligentization. 《STCW 78/95 Convention》 has also emphasized its effect and made a specific regulation of its application to training of maritime personnel. This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University, especially about its interface circuit, and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console.During the process of design and development of interface circuit, I mainly studied the design method of microcontroller application system, brought forward a set of scheme of it, and accomplished the development of interface circuit of large scale shiphandling simulator according to the scheme. The whole console comprises CPU module, serial port module, I/O port extension module, A/D module, D/A module, LED display module and rudder input module, etc. During design and development of USB communication applied to console, characteristic and application of USB, general process of development of USB device have been mainly discussed, part work on hardware and software of USB communication have also been done.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 大连海事大学 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
- 【分类号】U666.158
- 【被引频次】6
- 【下载频次】170