

Strategic and Tactical Planning for Inland Waterway Oil Spill Response

【作者】 徐晓光

【导师】 雷孝平; 张硕慧;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国正在逐步完善已经建立的海上溢油应急计划体系,但在内河(尤其是长江)船舶污染事故频发,水资源状况逐渐恶化的背景下,具有“东重西轻,海重河轻”特点的现有应急反应体系显然不能满足我国内河溢油防治的需要。我国内河河段溢油应急计划亟待建立。 本文在内河溢油反应战略规划层次上,分析现有的溢油风险评估方法,包括历史数据统计法和比较风险评估法,指出相关方法的适用性和局限性;基于长江下游水道采用“区段”和“河段”双层评估的思路,提出“长江下游河段比较溢油风险评估模式”;将马尔科夫状态转移的思想应用到船舶运动描述中,从随机过程角度分析船舶在水道中的运行和事故发生,得出船舶事故概率计算模型。 针对长江下游具体水文特点,提出长江下游河段溢油应急计划制定思路,包括河道溢油情景描述、具体战术反映策略和关键反应点的确定等。 本文在内河溢油反应战术规划问题上,考虑了实际反应中的条件和因素,运用整数规划思想,建立了使反应时间最短的求优模型,并在如何简化计算方面进行了探讨。 本文得出的“长江下游河段比较溢油风险评估模式”简便易行,在实际操作中通过对现有船舶信息资源的充分挖掘,可开发为海事主管部门经常性风险评估的高效工具。在水文、气象和交通量信息比较详尽的基础上,随机过程河道事故模型可成为一种比较精确计算河道事故概率的方法。

【Abstract】 China marine oil spill contingency plan is now in the process of improvement .the inland waterway oil spill is another important area remain to be explored in term of increasing accident rate and booming shipping amount in yang tzi river .the need for inland waterway oil spill contingency plan is imperative .At strategic level,This paper compares several existing oil spill risk analysis methods including "historical date analysis"and "comparative risk indexes",pointing out limitation of them,and then apply the "comparative risk indexes"approach to "river segment" spill risk analysis,developing "river segment oil spill comparative risk assessment framework"This paper also take new approach to collision and grounding in river by stochastic modeling tanker traffic in narrow waterway.At tactical level ,this paper give a general integral programming model to optimize response in clean up operation with the objective of minimizing response time.Both strategic and tactical planning above is intended to allow for effective and environment friendly spill response in inland waterway.

  • 【分类号】U698.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】359

