

UPS Inverted by IGBT with Constant Current and High Power Factor

【作者】 钱勇

【导师】 王天序;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 UPS是英文Uninterruptible Power Supply的缩写,即不间断电源,人们习惯将其简称为UPS。UPS不仅仅是一个备用电源,它还具备电力净化的功能。随着计算机、各种办公设备、精密电子仪器的普及,UPS得到了广泛的应用。 作为本课题的主体,高功率因数恒流调光IGBT逆变UPS(以下简称恒流UPS)具有其区别于普通UPS的独特之处:1、实现电网侧的高功率因数 2、电源输出为分级恒流(从零负载到额定负载)。 本文主体分为七个章节来对恒流UPS进行解析说明。第一章概述UPS的功能及工作原理,并就恒流UPS进行简单介绍。第二章主要阐述了恒流UPS在市电供电时的工作原理,解释了其能实现电网侧高功率因数的原因。第三章重点讲的是恒流UPS在市电出现故障时如何实现恒流不间断供电的。第四章主要介绍的是蓄电池及其充电回路,作为UPS的心脏,蓄电池占有举足轻重的地位。第五章简要介绍了静态开关及其控制电路,静态开关是UPS市电供电和逆变器供电之间相互转换的桥梁。第六章着重对IGBT的驱动控制电路进行了说明。第七章为对恒流UPS进行的调试总结。

【Abstract】 UPS is the abbreviation of Uninterruptible Power Supply, or power supply without interruption. In general power supplies with such characteristic are named UPS. UPS is not only a spare power supply, but also one with the ability to filter the power input . With the development and application of computers, various office equipment and electron apparatus, UPS is put into use widely.As the object of the task, UPS inverted by IGBT with constant current adjusting and high power factor (abbreviated to UPS with constant current) is known from others by: 1 , high power factor as to the power system 2 , constant current output at different level according to the demand (from zero load to rating load).The text is divided into seven chapters to deal with the UPS with constant current. Chapter One summarizes the functions and theory of UPS, introducing the UPS with constant current briefly. Chapter Two expatiate mainly the function principle of the UPS with constant current as the electric power is available, interpreting how the UPS can realize high power factor. Chapter Three explains how the UPS with constant current supply the power, as the electric power is not available. Chapter Four chiefly tells of accumulator and its charging circuit. As the heart of UPS, accumulator occupies the position second to none. Chapter Five introduces simply the static switch and its control circuit. Static switch is the bridge between electric power supply and accumulator supply. Chapter Six makes out the drive and control circuit of IGBT. Chapter Seven sums up the testing result of the UPS with constant current.

【关键词】 高功率因数恒流IGBTUPS
【Key words】 High power factorConstant currentIGBTUPS
  • 【分类号】TN86
  • 【下载频次】351

