

Studies on Optimal Configuration of Handling Equipment in Container Terminal

【作者】 郝旭

【导师】 谢新连;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着集装箱船舶大型化以及集装箱运输的蓬勃发展,港口所面临的经营与竞争的压力也越来越大。减低码头的装卸成本,提高货物的装卸效率,是各个港口所要解决的首要问题。同时,码头的管理者也逐渐认识到在装卸工艺基本确定之后,装卸机械的合理配置对提高装卸效率、降低装卸成本的重要性。因此加强集装箱码头装卸机械优化配置的研究就显得十分的必要,通过对装卸机械进行合理地配置,来实现港口以最小的投入达到最大的产出,从而提高港口自身的竞争力。 在本文中,作者首先介绍集装箱码头装卸机械和装卸工艺类型,通过分析集装箱码头装卸机械的配置与使用情况,来找出港机配置和管理上存在的问题;然后从定性的角度阐述了集装箱装卸机械选型和数量配置上应注意的问题和方法。在定量研究中,主要是对港机合理拥有量的确定进行研究。在这一阶段,作者采用了两种不同的定量研究方法来进行讨论:在码头的投资规划期,采用了综合成本模型来确定港机的合理投资规模;在营运期,通过拟合模型中的参数,建立设备完好率、港机拥有量和设备最佳出勤台数三者之间的函数关系式,来计算港机的最佳拥有量。 通过定性与定量的研究,以及用给定的算例对模型的验证,可以解决有关集装箱码头装卸机械的优化配置方面的问题,来减少设备的闲置量,有效地控制码头的营运成本,为码头的经营管理提供决策的依据。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of container freight and large container ships, container terminals have to face more and more pressure of competition and operation. Decreasing the operation cost and increasing the handling efficiency of cargo have become the major goal for ports to pursue. Meanwhile, in order to tackle such problems, administrators of ports are gradually aware of the importance of reasonable configuration of handling equipments after the confirmation of handling technology. So it is necessary to study on the optimal configuration of handling equipments in container terminals. Through the optimal configuration of handling equipments, ports could achieve the maximum output with the minimum cost, and improve the competitive ability of their own.In this thesis, first of all, the writer introduced the knowledge of operating equipments and styles of handling technology in container docks. And then to find problems, which lay in the configuration and management of handling equipments, via analyzing the situation of configuration and usage. From the qualitative point of view, the writer issued the problems and methods that should be noticed in the choice of equipment and the configuration in quantity. In quantitative study, the main task was to obtain the reasonable quantity of devices. Two different quantitative methods, Comprehensive Cost Model in the stage of port planning and A Formula that could present the mathematical relation of possessed equipment amount, the efficiency of equipment in good condition and amount of equipment on duty, were employed in this research stage.Through the qualitative and quantitative studies, and testing the models via given data, analytic methods could solve problems about the optimal configuration of handling equipment in container terminals and reduce the quantity of equipment at ease. The operation cost in docks would be controlled effectively. The conclusion also became the useful reference for making decision in ports’ management.

  • 【分类号】U693
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1014

