

Study on the Location of Public Logistics Terminals

【作者】 尹丽

【导师】 田征;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 物流系统给城市带来了许多负面影响,如:交通阻塞、环境污染、能源的大量消耗等。物流基地的建立,对缓解物流系统对城市的压力有很大的作用。本文正是在此背景下来研究物流基地的选址问题。 文章首先介绍了物流基地的概念、特点、功能、营运主体等方面的内容,接着介绍了物流基地选址的原则、影响因素、评价指标等。由于物流基地的选址与城市交通网络有密切的关系,因此文章在第4章着重闸述了城市交通网络的流量分配问题,主要是在用户平衡条件下的四种流量分配形式。第5章是本文的核心,首先介绍了物流基地的最佳规模问题,用泊车位数量来表示基地规模的大小,根据确定港口最佳泊位数的方法建立模型,并用排队论的知识进行求解;该章的第二部分是选址模型的建立,根据路网中的运输费用和基地内发生的总费用最小的原则,建立了上层模型,描述决策者的行为,根据弹性需求下的交通流量分配规律建立下层模型,描述司机在选择物流基地和路径时所遵循的规律;该章的第三部分是对模型的求解,用遗传算法求解上层模型,用凸组合法求解下层模型。第6章是对本文的总结,并指出今后研究的方向。

【Abstract】 There are many problems concerning the development of logistics, such as congestion, negative environmental impacts and high energy consumption. To cope with these problems, public logistics terminals have been constructed in the vicinity of expressway surrounding large cities. This paper focuses on the size and location of public logistics terminals.The concept of public logistics terminals are described firstly. Since the aim of constructing logistics terminals is to reduce the total social and environmental costs of urban freight transport, the condition of road network must be considered. In part 4,the distribution of traffic volume under the condition of the user equilibrium is discussed. Part 5 describes the optimization in designing public logistics terminals. A mathematical model is made to deal with the optimization of the size , which is represented by the number of berths. Queuing theory is used to solve this model. Then the location of logistics terminals is described. An objective function is made using the trade-off between transportation and facility costs, within this model, the user equilibrium assignment procedure is used for determing truck and passenger car traffic on the road network under any location pattern of candidate sites of public logistics terminals. The model is solved by genetic algorithms. Part 6 concludes the paper and proposes the further investigation.

【关键词】 物流基地选址流量分配
【Key words】 Public Logistics TerminalsLocationTraffic Assignment
  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】584

