

Study on Facility Strategies in Logistics System of Agile Supply Chain

【作者】 彭程

【导师】 谢新连;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今激烈的市场竞争中,物流系统的构建情况直接影响到企业的竞争水平。而节点战略作为物流系统构建中的一个重要组成部分,更是有着举足轻重的地位。一般而言,物流系统构建的目标就是在满足一定服务水平的基础上,尽量减少物流成本的支出;而节点战略所要做的就是,通过设置最佳的节点数量、节点位置、节点服务范围和节点的存货水平来实现物流系统构建的目标。 在制定具体的节点战略的时候,必须要同时考虑成本和服务水平这两个方面的约束。但是,由于物流成本和服务水平之间存在着的复杂的二律背反现象使得要均衡分析它们的关系变得很复杂。对于设立节点数量这个问题来说,一方面,多设立节点是有好处的:这样做不仅可以减少从节点到分销商的运输费用,而且还可以加快响应速度,提高服务水平。另一方面,少设立节点也有它的优点:第一,通过风险共担可以减少存货费用和安全库存费用;第二,通过规模经济效应可以减少节点的固定费用。因此,在制订具体的节点策略的时候,要综合考虑物流系统中的各种因素,以及这些因素相互作用对总成本的影响。 基于上述原因,本文提出了在敏捷供应链条件中的物流系统节点的综合模型。模型中的目标成本包括:RDC的设立成本、RDC成本、RDC安全库存成本以及从RDC到分销商的配送成本四部分。从模型的形式上看,该模型属于运筹学领域中的非线性0-1整数规划问题,在理论界属于NP-Hard问题,求解起来很困难。为了解决这个复杂的数学问题,本文提出了一种新算法,这种算法通过对启发式算法和拉格朗日松弛法有效的结合来解决问题。并且,为了使算法能更好的应用以及以后对节点策略的进一步研究,本文开发了基于这个新算法的软件系统。最后,文章给出了一个算例--六个分销商的节点策略问题。为了检验计算的效果,本文同时运用穷举法和通过软件系统实现的新算法两种方法求解对应的节点策略。通过对求解目标和求解时间的比较,我们发现,通过软件系统来实现的新算法求出的结果有很好的可靠性、有效性和快捷性。

【Abstract】 In today’s competitive market, structure of the logistics system is important to competition. As parts of the structure, facility strategy (FS) is in the first place. Usually, the structure is to meet service goals at the lowest possible cost. To achieve this, an ideal FS must have the optimum number and location of RDCs.When solving such problem, one must consider all relevant costs and service level constraints. But complex trade-offs between costs and service-level make it difficult to analyze. From the view of number of RDCs, on the one hand, it is good to have many RDCs since this reduces the cost of transporting products to retailers and will provide better service; on the other hand, it is good to have few RDCs since this reduces the cost of holding and safety stock inventory via risk-pooling effects, and reduces the fixed costs associated with operating RDCs via economies of scale. Consequently, efficient FS that reduce total cost must take into account the interactions of the various activities in the distribution chain.Motivated by these issues, we propose in this paper an integrated model for agile supply chain. The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs, working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs. The model is formulated as a non-linear integer-programming problem. It’s a NP-Hard problem, and it’s hard to be resolved. An algorithm mixed heuristics and Lagrangian relaxation solution is proposed. To support the algorithm, an in-house software tool is exploited. Finally, we test the algorithm by the software on a problem with 6 retailers. Compared with result and calculational time of exhaustion approach, we found it reliable, effective and rapidly.

  • 【分类号】F252
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】304

