

【作者】 宋玉

【导师】 杨长春;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,汽车物流业都是被国际物流同行所公认的最复杂、最专业的领地。在世界汽车制造业日益重视供应链管理,千方百计降低成本以提高供应链效率,拓展更大利润空间的今天,高速增长的中国汽车工业才刚刚触及汽车供应链管理的边缘。在国际汽车物流商眼里,中国巨大的发展潜力,早已使他们蠢蠢欲动甚至付诸行动了。而产销两旺的汽车市场形式使得物流管理在很多中国汽车厂商眼中,还不是一个太急迫的词语。在汽车供应链条的各个环节上,从过去一直沿用至今的物流运作方式和方法依然随处可见,中国的物流商大多还在汽车物流的门槛之外,中国物流业在这一领域所表现出来的与国际企业的差距也是最大的。因此,深入探讨中国汽车物流的特点,为中国汽车产业链上的各个企业以及从事汽车物流相关业务的物流企业提供先进的、适合中国国情的供应链管理经验,将有助于推动中国汽车行业的物流需求向社会化、专业化方向发展。 本论文共分七章。通过理论和实践两个方面的探讨,对汽车物流供应链管理的方式进行研究和论证,从内在逻辑关系、经济学原理、具体绩效和实际发展状况等方面了分析中国汽车物流与供应链管理发展的现状、存在的问题和未来发展的趋势,进而得出信息化技术在现代汽车物流与供应链管理中的重要地位和意义。 第一章是对供应链管理理论的产生发展进行详细的介绍和分析。作者通过阅读大量的国内外供应链管理理论的相关文献,对供应链管理概念的产生背景和供应链管理理论的演变发展历史进行了逻辑地整理和分析,从而定性地解释了传统管理与供应链管理的联系和区别。同时对供应链管理的内容、职能和流程加以具体的阐述,并对供应链管理在中国的应用发展进行了翔实的总结和归纳。 第二章分析的是中国汽车工业的发展情况。通过对中国汽车工业的发展演变历史进行总体的分类和概括,揭示出汽车工业在中国国民经济中的重要地位和作用。并对当前中国汽车工业的整体发展水平、生产能力、市场需求地理分布以及汽车产品集中度和汽车市场分布的集中度加以分析,阐述汽车工业在中国市场的光明前景。同时作者根据搜集到的大量数据,对中国未来汽车市场的发展趋势做出了客观的评价和预测。 第三章分析的是汽车物流供应链管理流程。通过借鉴发达国家汽车物流的生产组织模式,笔者分析了汽车物流供应链活动中各个环节的衔接和组织,从汽车供应链上游的汽车零部件采购、中游整车厂的组装加工生产中国汽车物流与供应链管理研究以及下游的产品配送服务整个汽车物流流程,阐述了物流管理在汽车生产供应链中的重要作用。并着重分析了汽车物流供应链环节中的CKD采购体系、看板供货体系、JIT供货体系和JIS供货体系,强调了信息系统是保证物畅其流的重要手段。 第四章则专门针对中国汽车物流供应链现有体系结构和管理模式展开论述,通过对中国汽车生产体系、汽车配送体系和干线运输体系的分析,指出其存在的弊端和问题,以及加入WTO后,中国汽车物流产业所面临的严峻挑战。 第五章是在前文分析的基础上,阐述了信息系统在汽车物流中的重要地位和作用。通过对汽车仓储管理信息系统和运输管理信息系统的分析,论述了汽车物流信息系统管理的方式的选择和应用。最后理论联系实践,引用案例—中软冠群为东风汽车公司提供的整车物流管理解决方案,得出信息技术是实现仓储自动化管理,提高效率,以及对市场波动做出迅速反应的可靠保障。 第六章探讨的是汽车物流与供应链管理方式的选择问题。一般来讲,供应链管理模式不外乎是两种,一种是自营,一种是外包。汽车制造商应当根据其产销量及市场分布结构选择适合本企业发展的合理模式。笔者于2001年在对外经济贸易大学大田物流研究中心《物流世界》创刊号上发表了一篇题为《是自营还是外包—中国第三方物流市场分析》的文章,对当时中国的第三方物流市场进行了深入的探讨和分析,在这里亦可为中国的汽车制造商在进行汽车物流与供应链管理模式选择予以参考和借鉴。在本章中,作者详尽阐述了当前汽车制造商对于选择第三方物流服务所存在的顾虑,第三方物流业自身存在的弊病,以及汽车物流业引进第三方物流的目的和重要意义。第七章是对中国汽车物流业的发展提出的建议和对策。 结论部分是对全文论述的概括和归纳,笔者通过对中国汽车物流与供应链管理的分析,对其现状做出了客观的评价和总结,并预测了未来汽车物流的发展趋势。 发展是硬道理,变化是主旋律,从传统管理到全程供应链管理,全球范围内汽车制造企业都将面临一场彻底的管理革命。这不仅是企业竞争环境的改变而引发的一场管理革命,也是现代信息技术发展推动的一场管理革命。汽车物流业是一个蓬勃发展的行业,充满着机遇与挑战,对于这一行业的发展战略研究可使汽车制造商对经营环境、经营方向、经营能力有一个正确的认识,扬长避短,审时度势,把握时机,在新世纪激烈的市场竞争中始终保持自己的优势。

【Abstract】 The automotive sector is considered to be the leader in both logistics industry and supply chain management. For companies working within this highly competitive sector, the need to stay one step ahead is essential to retain and gain market share, among which the most important component is the application of new technology within the supply chain structure and the implementation of collaborative working practices. As far as improving logistics efficiency and maximizing commercial benefits of logistics are concerned, new technologies are having a greater impact than ever before.The major obstacle in achieving full supply chain integration across supply chains is the unwillingness of different players in the industry to cooperate. Whilst many companies are unwilling to collaborate too closely for the fear of losing competitive advantage, in practice, greater collaboration results in greater cost savings, from the manufacturers to the suppliers. The development and implementation of effective supply chain management and strategic transport alliances will keep the automotive industry wheels moving.Today’s automotive suppliers are confronted with numerous strategic challenges in the face of rapidly multiplying and changing business threats and opportunities.1 First, the Industry’s continuing globalization raises a particular set of challenges for suppliers. Most immediately, globalization is leading the suppliers’ traditional automaker customers to demand support for their own entry into new and emerging markets, requiring suppliers to add production capacity and/or adapt to new logistics challenges. Less immediately, but of potentially equivalent importance, the continuing entry of new automakers and their suppliers into China changes the competitive equation for the traditional suppliers. It brings the traditional suppliers new customer opportunities, but it poses new competitive threats as well, both in the form of direct competitors and indirectly through threats to its traditional customers.Second, the industry is restructuring, and virtually all suppliers will experience continual change in their specific roles and responsibilities, as the locations for executing various technical and managerial functions shift along the value chain. For example, some suppliers will face increased requirements to engineer their own parts and components andeven provide engineering support to their own suppliers. Almost all suppliers will experience heightened responsibility for the process engineering and manufacturing of their automotive products.The industry’s increased globalization, combined with its altered responsibility structure, is driving a third important challenge, as suppliers and the manufacturers will inevitably develop quite different relationships as time passes. Some suppliers will find these relationships growing more balanced, as their increased responsibilities and the larger number of available customers makes them less dependent on any given manufacturers. Other suppliers will see their traditional relationships with the manufacturers essentially disappear, as system integrators or other suppliers replace their old manufacturer customers in the industry’s more tiered structure.These three change challenges all intensify competition, forcing companies to alter their standard business operations, processes, and strategies as they pursue higher levels of internal performance and external coordination of their value chain. Meeting the demands of today’s automotive industry will require most suppliers to make more and better use of information technology (IT), and the deployment of IT’s constituent elements itself becomes a fourth fundamental and major challenge for the automotive suppliers.This article is organized as follows: Chapter I introduces the philosophies and concepts of supply chain management; Chapter II discusses the development of China’s automotive industry; Chapter HI explores the supply chain process of automotive logistics; Chapter IV examines China’s current automotiv

【关键词】 汽车物流供应链信息化
  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】3905

