

【作者】 刘瑞萍

【导师】 朱明侠;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 特许经营是指特许人将自己所拥有的商标(包括服务商标)、商号、产品、专利和专有技术、经营模式等以特许经营合同的形式授予受许人使用,受许人按合同规定,在特许人统一的业务模式下从事经营活动,并向特许人支付相应的费用。  特许经营有两种基本形式:商品商标型和经营模式型特许经营。商标型特许经营即特许人授权受许人对特定产品或商标进行事业开发,作为回报受许人需定期向特许人支付费用。特许人仍保留对商标的所有权,而且与该商标相连的商誉的任何增加都主要由特许人完成。经营模式的特许经营,在此种类型的经营体系中,加盟者购买的不仅仅是商品的销售权和商标使用权,而是整个商业模式的经营权,特许者要对被特许者在企业创建和经营运作方面给予支持和指导。  特许经营方式起源很早,根据美国学者亚历山大的报告,特许经营应该起源于远古人类文明社会的初期,也就是应追溯到商队往返于埃及和耶路撒冷之间的时代。但美国的胜家缝纫机公司被公推为近代特许经营的创始人,因此,我们现在提起的特许经营是从19世纪80年代开始的,这样看来其发展历史虽然只有100多年,但在全世界取得了巨大的发展。从80年代开始,全球特许经营飞速发展,以美国为例,现在每1美元销售额中就有50美分花在特许商品或服务上,每6.5分钟就有一家加盟店开业,而加盟店的失败率每年不超过5%,普通商店则一般有50%左右在5年内失败;在亚洲一些国家和地区,如日本、新加坡、台湾等特许经营发展势头也很强劲。特许经营所以发展迅速、常盛不衰,既有客观经济动力的支撑,又与特许经营的特殊操作机制、商标品牌的作用、特别的技术手段、强调市场定位分不开。它是一种简单易行、成功率高的经营手段。从经济动因上看,特许经营有和连锁经营一样的规模经济效益。以特许经营方式展开的经营组织能在极短的时间内迅速扩张,使企业得到更快的发展。从技术、服务优势看,特许经营按契约规定,受许人(即加盟店)在特定期间使用特许人(即总部)商标、商号、产品或经营技术,从事经营活动,并能得到特许人提供的信息、知识、技术和培训等服务。尤其是特许人传授业务经验和成功的运作方式,能帮助受许人解决创业过程中的许多问题,使其在缺少行业经验的情况下也能较为顺利地开始经营。总之,特许经营是一种知识产权的总体转让,它不仅包括专利、商标等工业产权,也包括计算机软件、版权等著作权,以及技术秘密和商<WP=4>  业秘密等专有技术。  我国特许经营开始于80年代末期,目前仍处在刚刚起步阶段,人们普遍对特许经营这种形式的认识还不够,许多企业其实本身己具备了搞特许经营条件,却想不到以这种方式发展,而还是在申请贷款、直接投资上打主意:有些己尝试搞特许经营的企业,因缺乏理论指导和准备不足而陷入经营困境甚至夭折;还有一些企业或个人想做加盟商,但对支付特许权费用感到难以接受。  正因为如此,加大特许经营的宣传力度,加强与特许经营相关的理论建设在我国显的尤为必要,本文力图在这方面有所发展。论文着重介绍了特许经营的概念及特点、特许经营的现状和未来、成功企业经营案例,以及特许经营在中国发展前景等几个问题,采用特许经营运作原理与经典案例相结合的方法,深刻剖析特许经营在我国发展可行性、重要意义、经营前景、存在问题及对策。文章最后得出结论,今天在中国大力发展特许经营事业,既顺应国际经济潮流,又符合经济发展规律,不仅是必要的,更是可行的。但要做好这项工作,还有很长的路要走,需要学术界和政府部门的通力配合。具体讲需要做这几方面的工作:第一要立法先行,创造良好法制环境,建立与完善有关特许经营的法律法规,创造良好的法律环境,是保障特许经营健康发展的先决条件;第二要有政策倾斜,采用政府推进模式大力发展特许经营,既拉动经济合理增长,又能够较大幅度地提高社会就业率;第三要引进外商,汲取国际成功经验,特许经营在一些发达国家已有上百年的发展史,建立了许多国际知名的品牌和运作体系,学习别人的成功经验,可以让我们少走弯路,尽快缩短与发达国家之间的差距;第四采用重点扶植的方法,发挥样板示范作用,对一些民族名牌、优秀老字号、传统特色店重点扶植,运用市场规律,赋予其传统的知识资本以更多的现实内容,利用这种新的经营方式为发展民族企业做贡献;第五加强培训,造就行业专门人才,中国要想使特许经营有大发展,就要不断加强专业教育和培训,造就一支专门的合格人才队伍,因为现代企业的竞争,归根结底是人才的竞争;第六发展中介,提高专业管理水平,一个行业的发展,中介组织是催化剂,具有相当重要的作用;通过中介组织对特许经营体系进行"整体包装"、挖掘特许组织的企业内涵、以专业水准管理特许经营活动,缩短特许经营的开发周期,提高特许体系的成熟效率;第七扩大宣传,塑造积极社会氛围,作为新事物,特许经营在中国的发展还有赖于扩大宣传,以便在全社会范围内<WP=5>  获得更大的理解和支持;第八组建协会,建立桥梁纽带关系,特许经营协会,既是政府和特许组织的信息沟通渠道,也是进行行业自

【Abstract】 A Summary of the Thesis on theResearch of Franchise Development in China(by Liu Rui ping )  Franchise means the authority granting of trademark, including service trademark, products, patent, the special technology and the managing mode to the franchisee in a form of contract by the franchisor who is in possession of the above, while the franchisee has to continue its business under the unified business mode at the cost of certain amount of expenses.  All together, three are two basic forms of franchise, which are the product trademark franchise and the business format franchise. In the, the product trademark franchise, franchisee can make their business development of the specific products or trademarks under the authorization of the franchisor, and as a return, the franchisee has to pay for the above authorization regularly. In the meanwhile, the franchisor still has the possession of the related trademark, and everything related to the increase of the goodwill of the trademark should be accomplished by the franchisor. On the other hand, in the business format franchise, the franchisee not only buy the right of selling the related products or the usage of the trademark, actually, what they are to buy is the whole right of running the business under the authorized mode. In this mode, franchisor has to offer support and conduction in the course of the enterprise establishment and the managing period of the franchisee.The management of franchise can be ascended to the very early period, which according to the American scholar, Alexander, is no later than the early days of human civilization, in another words, can be ascended to the ear which the business troops coming back and forth from Egypt and Israel. However, the American Sewing company , Singer, is regarded to be the earliest ancestor of franchise, therefore, the modern franchise we mention here can be considered starting from the 1880s. In this case, with only a very short developing period<WP=8>  of no more than 100 years, franchise has made its vast development throughout the world. Let’s take America for example, now every 50 cents out of one dollar is spent in franchise commodity or service and within every six and a half minutes, there is an opening of a new allied shop. The failure rate of those allied shops is not more than 5%, while 50% of the ordinary shops might go bankrupt within 5 years. In some Asian countries and regions, this mode is also at its floruit.  The reason for the quick development and everlasting of franchise lies in the supporting of objective economic motivity and also the special operating system, the function of trademarks , the special technical means and its focus on the marketing orientation. It is an easy taken managing measure with high opportunities of succeeding. In the aspect of economic motivity, franchise has the same economic scale effect with the management of chainstores. All the business enterprises based on this mode can expand very quickly at the shortest period with the result of having their enterprises developing very fast. In the aspect of the superiority of technique and service, the franchisee can take the advantage of the usage of the trademark,. trade name, product or the managing skills offered by the franchisor in certain period described in their uniting agreement; also they can get some information, knowledge, technique and training service provided by the franchisor. Most important of all, the introduction of the successful business experience and the operating system can help the franchisee solve the many problems in the course of their business exploration, which they can go on much more smoothly even without enough experience.In brief, franchise can be considered as a kind of total transfer of intellectual asset, which not only consists of the industrial property right ,such as patent, trademark, but also is made up of the copyright ,such as computer software, and the proprietary technology which includes some technique secret and business secret. The intellectua

【关键词】 特许经营特许人受许人策略
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