

【作者】 陈伟雄

【导师】 唐宜红;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国已经加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的今天,面对对外开放全方位、多层次、宽领域的进一步深化发展,巨大的冲击接踵而来,机遇和挑战并存,迫切要求检验检疫部门在有限的过渡期内完成与WTO规则的全面接轨。一方面,检验检疫部门是履行我国入世承诺、承担入世后有关规则实施的重要机构;另一方面,入世后,其职能由过去的把关、服务扩展到用技术手段保护国家利益,担负起我国在与其他国家的贸易战中用技术手段进行宏观调控的主力军的作用,地位日益突出,越来越成为国内经济界关注的焦点。本文在充分认识我国现有检验检疫体系的基础上,比照入世后WTO及其国际规则的要求和承诺,分析我国本身存在的差距。在技术性贸易壁垒不可避免的现实情况下,积极研究国外发达国家的特点、状况及有益的启示,寻求我国检验检疫体系构建的合理政策和措施,确保我国体系转轨的平稳过渡,强化其执法的地位,优化其保护国家经济和社会安全的职责,为合理合法破除国外技术性壁垒障碍提供技术支持,并最终有益于增强我国企业的国际竞争力。论述中采用理论联系实际的方法,以WTO及其国际规则的分析理解为指导,并从我国作为发展中大国的客观条件出发,借鉴发达国家技术性壁垒措施及WTO案例的合理内涵,分析检验检疫体系构建中需要考虑的关键因素及规律,提出适合我国国情的解决方案和政策措施。本文论述的主要内容包括以下三个部分:第一部分:检验检疫WTO和其他国际规则 主要是说明检验检疫体系的概况和介绍WTO及其他国际规则。首先,通过检验检疫的含义、工作范畴、产生和发展的历史、法律地位、主要职责和机构设置以及检验的依据和技术标准等的介绍,以便对我国的整个体系框架有一个较全面的了解。其次,结合检验检疫与国际贸易的关系,体现其地位和作用,并以国际贸易法律和惯例的分析,引出WTO规则是公认的最大国际贸易惯例。最后,具体地概括了WTO法律制度的地位及基本原则,简要地介绍了检验检疫的基本规则和入世承诺,以及WTO引用的其他国际组织与规则。第二部分:入世对检验检疫的挑战主要是分析经济全球化下WTO规则对检验检疫的影响和要求,并概括了国外技术性贸易壁垒的具体选择形式。一方面,通过经济全球化的客观要求,导出WTO规则的重要性,并逐项分析TBT、SPS及DSU等的特点及要求,结合其对检验检疫的影响,得出技术性贸易壁垒无可避免的现状;另一方面,通过研究国外<WP=4>技术性壁垒的特点、主要表现形式以及发达国家间的比较分析,归纳出他们构筑技术性壁垒的共性之处,为我国检验检疫体系的调整提供借鉴。第三部分:我国检验检疫体系的对策在考虑我国检验检疫现状的基础上,提出我国检验检疫体系调整的具体对策。其主要包括如下几个方面:以技术法规、标准为核心,构筑我国合理合法的技术防线;发挥认可认证作用,打造破除技术壁垒的“金钥匙”;实施科技和人才的发展战略,为外贸的发展提供持续的技术支持;构建预警及应急反应系统,为我国经济的发展提供“安全闸门”;加强双边和多边国际协调,维护公平竞争的检验检疫环境;理顺检验检疫体制,培育有序高效的检验市场。检疫检验体系的稳定与高效运转是保障我国国民经济持续、健康、协调发展的关键,也是我国入世后能否在经济全球化下获取最大利益的关键。因而,如何构筑适应新形势的检验检疫体系是我国现在及以后不得不面对的严峻课题。实践表明,只有在挑战面前,抓住壮大并发展的机遇,才能有效地满足我国日益增长的检验检疫需求。本文针对性地选择当前我国经济界面临的焦点问题进行讨论,明辨理解的误区,提出政策的建议。通过上述的论述,旨在寻求一个有效的检验检疫体系改革模式,使之能够适应我国经济发展的需要,全面增强我国企业的国际竞争力,拓宽并强化包括农业产业在内的产业链,才能最终为我国经济的持续高效地发展提供强有力的技术保障,更好地服务于全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标。

【Abstract】 After China’s accession to WTO, there are both opportunities and challenges brought forward by new round of full scale, multilevel and wide range development for reform and opening-up. It is then an essential task for Inspection and Quarantine Administration to follow the WTO practice and transfer its role within a limited transitional period. The Inspection and Quarantine Administration is one of the most important authorities for China’s commitment to WTO and the implementation of relative rules and regulations. Moreover, its functions are transferred from the original inspection and quarantine service to the current safeguarding national interests with technical methods. It plays a major role in the macro-control of trade wars between China and other countries, thus becomes the focus of concerns from national economic circle for its daily enhancing position. This dissertation is analyzing the disparity between China and other countries by comparing the current conditions of inspection and quarantine system with new requirements and commitments of the international codes of practice after China’s accession to WTO. With the reality of unavoidable technical barriers to trade, we should study positively on the related features, conditions and benefits of those developed countries and seek reasonable policies and measures for the establishment of our inspection and quarantine system, through which we can ensure smooth transfer and promotion of the system and optimize its function of safeguarding national economic benefits and social orders. Moreover, it will grant technological assistance to legally and reasonably break through technical trade barriers of other countries and finally enhance the competitiveness of national industries in the world market. With the method of theory based on practice and the guidance by analysis on WTO and related international rules, the dissertation has taken into consideration the key issues of inspection and quarantine system and proposed solutions and policy measures for its establishment based on the general conditions of China as a big developing country and the study on technical trade barriers measures and cases of other developed countries and WTO.The main content of the dissertation is divided into the following three chapters:First chapter: Inspection and quarantine system, WTO and other international rulesIt focuses on the brief introduction of inspection and quarantine system, WTO and other international rules. Firstly, a general introduction of the inspection and quarantine system of China basing on its definition, business range, origin and history, legal status, major functions, corporate structure as well as technical standards for inspection. Secondly, its roles and functions are reflected through elaboration on relations between domestic inspection and quarantine system and international trade. The analysis of international trade laws and regulations will lead to the conclusion that WTO is the well recognized most important international trade practice. Thirdly, generalization of the status and principles of WTO regulations and brief introduction of the basic rules of inspection and quarantine system, its commitment to WTO as<WP=7>well as rules of other international organizations adopted by WTO.Second chapter: Challenges for inspection and quarantine system after China’s accession to WTOThis part has analyzed the influence on and demand for inspection and quarantine by WTO rules under the global integration of economy. It also lists the specific selections of technical trade barriers by other countries. Firstly, the importance of WTO rules is reflected by the demand of global economic integration. Through analysis on characteristics and requirements of TBT, SPS and DSU and their influence on inspection and quarantine, a conclusion is made that the current status of technical trade barrier is unavoidable. Secondly, through study on the characteristics and forms of technical trade barriers and the comparisons between other developed countries, thei

  • 【分类号】F752.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】511

