

【作者】 宋爱玲

【导师】 张家瑾;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 9.11事件后美国的经济贸易动态与中美经贸关系9.11事件对美国政治、经济、文化和社会的发展都有着深远的影响,对世界经济的影响更是不可忽视。9.11事件后,美国为了摆脱经济所陷入的困境,布什政府充分利用反恐行动的直接和间接影响,加快调整其对内、对外政策,推出了一系列旨在刺激美经济复苏的经济政策。这些政策有:实行扩张的财政政策,从原有的主张减税节支转变为减税和增支双管齐下;增加军费开支,形成新的需求;加强对经济活动的干预,努力扩大国内需求;加大对科研和高科技的投入,在形成新的需求的同时增强经济的竞争力;配合其军事的全球化部署加快推进其经济的全球化部署。这些政策的实施果然使美国的经济形势有所好转。9.11事件以后,美国经济雪上加霜,为了维护本国的经济利益,保护国内基础产业,美国新一轮的贸易保护政策相继出台:“201条款”对进口钢铁征收8%-30%不等的进口关税,并实行进口配额制;“新农业法”对本国农产品的补贴在原来的基础上又增加了80%。前者对世界产钢大国和钢铁出口大国造成严重伤害;后者使发展中国家农产品在世界市场上处于更加不利的地位,失业人数增多。二者对全球经济一体化带来极为不利的影响,完全体现了美国单边主义行为。美伊战争是9.11事件后,美国在军事和外交上的一次重大举措,它是继阿富汗战争之后的又一次反恐战争,打着“彻底摧毁恐怖分子巢穴和重建伊拉克”的旗号,美国绕过联合国,不顾阿拉伯世界的反对发动对伊战争,然而在战争的背后,却有着更深的经济原因,那就是美国对伊拉克的石油垂涎已久,如果能占有伊拉克的石油资源,那么美国的经济发展几乎不受任何因素的制约,而且一旦控制了伊拉克的石油生产,便可对抗阿拉伯石油输出组织的约束。但是美国最终为这场战争付出了代价,庞大的军费支出使美国本已亏空的国库更加紧张,而这笔支出最终要转移的纳税人的头上,美国人民过起了缩紧钱囊的日子。当然,从战争对国际石油价格的影响来看,在经过短暂的油价上扬后,伊拉克石油生产的恢复和产油量的增加将导致油价下滑,美国的经济压力会明显减缓。2001年底,中国正式加入WTO,中美贸易关系进入新阶段,为了适应新角色,美国在对华政策上有所调整,其中有放松出口管制,扩大对中国市场的出口;同时限制从中国进口,保护国内产业;包括继续对华实施歧视性贸易政策。<WP=3>中美经贸关系是中美关系的推动力。纵观其30年的发展,从中美建交开始到1992年可算是一个阶段。这一阶段从中国方面来将是改革开放的深入发展,经济实力的不断增强,投资环境的逐步改善,以及各项政策的更加透明。在美国方面是对中国市场潜力的认同,对中国政府政策的理解,以及美国企业在中国投资的成功实践。1992年以后,中美经贸关系继续磨合,双方进行了紧张的知识产权谈判、纺织品贸易谈判、恢复关贸总协定席位的谈判,直到1999年中美双方达成关于中国加入世贸组织的协议。经过进一步的磨合,中美经贸关系终于上升到一个新的平台。近年来,中美双方在双边贸易、投资和技术合作等方面都有着稳步而快速的发展,但是伴随着两国经贸合作的不断扩大,争端也日渐增多,且两国在中美贸易不平衡上尚不能达成共识,这种不平衡主要是中美贸易日益扩大的逆差。中方认为逆差原因是美方高估了自华进口,低估了对华出口,导致前者的原因据分析是:(1)美国滥用原产地标准,(2)香港转口贸易造成中国出口到美国的产品价格,经过在香港的服务,远高于在中国出口时的价值,(3)中国的加工贸易使得美高估了对华逆差。导致后者的原因主要是美国对本国的出口统计不严不细。9.11事件和中国入世是进入本世纪以来影响中美经贸关系的两件大事。9.11事件后中美贸易发展提速,一方面由于中美经济的互补性,另一方面也是美国内部解决自身问题的需要,美国国内经济发展的压力迫使其增进与其贸易伙伴的关系,尤其像中国这样拥有巨大市场和投资潜力的国家。当然,接近中国也是为了将中国作为其反恐合作的伙伴。中国入世标志着中美经贸关系进入新阶段,由于中国为入世消除种种关税壁垒,美国对华出口增加,加上9.11事件后的亚洲及中国市场相对稳定,对美国投资更具诱惑力,另外,中美就中国入世所进行的政策调整也有利于中美双边经贸关系的发展。最后,世贸组织规则和争端解决机制有助于消除中美经贸关系中的障碍,协调中美贸易中的争端。中美贸易一直以来就存在着纠纷,在逆差问题上,反倾销问题上,知识产权问题上,纺织品服装贸易问题上,出口管制问题上都存在着纠纷。尤其近两年来,美国贸易保护主义抬头,先后启动了201钢铁保护政策和新农业法,使我国钢铁出口受到影响,农产品在国际市场上的销售份额大幅减少。针对贸易保护政策给中国经济带来的影响,我国制定了相应的对策,主要有:利用WTO争端解决机制<WP=4>或政府间的磋商或制定对等的保护措施来消除201条款为我国钢铁产业带来的危害;在农业方面,强调以市场机制为主导,制定农产品价格;重视推行农业产业化,提高农业生产效率,促进农产品流通;提高农产品品质,加强品牌建设,实现农产品优质化和品牌化,用?

【Abstract】 The America Economy and Trade trends after 9.11 Event& Sino-US Bilateral Trade Relation9.11event has profound effect to the development of politics, economy, culture and society of America. It also has great effect to the whole world economy. After 9.11event, in order to break away from its economic difficulties, Bush government made full use of the direct and indirect influence of its anti-terrorism actions to adjust its external and internal policies. A series of economy policies were taken into effect, which aimed at stimulating its weak economy. These policies included, to practise the expanding financial policies - release tariff and taxes; to increase the military expenses and form the new demand; to increase the government interruption to economy activities and widen its domestic demand; to increase the investment to science and high technology, and enhance economy competitive ability. These policies were helpful to improve the temporary economic situation. Since American economy deteriorated after 9.11 event, to maintain its domestic economy benefits, and protect its domestic infrastructure industries, America implemented more severe trade protection policies. "201 terms" requires to levy 8%-30% tariff on the imported steel products, and applies the quota system on them; "New Agricultural Law" requires to add 80% allowance to its domestic agricultural products. The former is a big attack to the world steel manufacturing and exporting countries, and the later damages the profits of the agricultural products from developing countries. Iraq war, breaking out on March 20,2003, is another anti-terrorism war after Afghanistan war since 9.11 event, which was launched in the name of "completely Smash the Nest of Terrorism and Reconstruct Iraq". In this war, America neglected solutions of UN, despite of the objection from Arabic world, attacked Iraq on a large scale. While actually, the aim of this war is to occupy the oil resource of Iraq, and get out from the economy crise which America encountered. At the end of 2001,China entered WTO and the Sino-US trade relation stepped into a new phase. In order to seize more benefits and protect its domestic market, America regulated its foreign policy to China, which included, to loosen the export control to China and increase its export to China; to limit the import from China and protect its domestic industry and to take the trade discrimination policy to China. Sino- US trade relation has been the impetus to Sino-US relation. Retrospecting<WP=6>this 30 years long-term relationship, we can say from the original establishment of this relationship until year 1992, it is the first phase. During this period, to China, it was a development of the open and reform in China. Its economy ability was increasing and its invest environment was improved, at the same time, its various policies became more and more transparent. To America, this period was the appreciation to the Chinese market potential and comprehension to Chinese government policies and it was also a successful practice of American investment to Chinese market. After 1992, the bilateral relation was further developed, the negotiations for Intellectual Property Rights, Textile Trade and Recovery of GATT seats were continuously undertaken. Until an agreement of China entrance into WTO was achieved between China and America in 1999, the Sino-US trade relation arrived to a new flat.In the resent years, the rapid and steady progress have been made in the bilateral trade investment and technique cooperation. With the extension of economic cooperation, the discord between China and America in bilateral trade has also increased, and the unbalanced situation has become more severe. We can find the trade deficit between China and America has enlarged, and we attributed the reason to America’s overevaluation to the import from China and underestimation to the export to China. The following three factors mainly lead to America’s overevaluation. Firstly, America abused its criteria of Origin. Secondly, the c

【关键词】 9.11事件贸易动态经贸关系
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】704

