

【作者】 崔洙源

【导师】 沈四宝; 黄勇;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际经济法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一、研究背景,目的和研究范围随着信息通信技术的发展,特别是网络技术的发展在人们的日常生活与企业活动中有了很多变化。消费者(交易当事人)的购买方式(交易方式)也变化了。(传统的面对面方式 → 超越时间与空间随时随地可以购买商品(服务)- 在虚拟世界中购买商品)。这样的发展环境下电子交易成为了21世纪世界交易的新趋向。随着通信技术与电脑技术的飞跃发展出现了没有时空限制的新交易类型,而这种类型的新交易实现了交易的多样化,大量化,信用化,国际化等。我们可以预测到这样的电子交易的发展导致生活,思考方式的变化,而且这种变化影响到法律领域。1992年中·韩建交后很多的韩国企业也进入了中国市场,中?韩两国之间的经济交流也越来越扩大,电子交易有关的经济交流也开始了。但是,电子交易是一种新的交易形式,而且传统民商法上没有的新概念也出现了。到目前为止,还没有完善电子交易有关的法律规定,而这种状况变成了电子交易发展的障碍因素。因此,本论文要研究在法律领域中发生的现象与问题中电子交易的契约成立问题,介绍韩国电子契约有关的法律规定,还要看中国法律中的规定。研究过程如下 :电子契约的特点↓韩国电子交易与电子契约的立法状况↓对利用电子媒体之意思表示的3种接近方法↓电子意思表达的效果归属↓契约的签订阶段 ↓电子交易中电子契约之订立与消灭↓电子交易中的支付方法↓中国电子契约立法的借鉴<WP=5>↓结 论一. 电子契约的特点1.非书面化与方式要件随着出现“机能的等价物(functional equivalent)"理论,联合国国际贸易委员会《电子交易示范法》采取了这个理论。韩国也制定了电子签名法与电子交易基本法对电子文件与电子签名赋予一定的效力(电子签名法第3条,电子交易基本法第5,6,7条)。2.电子交易的自动化 随着电脑技术的发展,由两台主机依据其预先格式化的程式表示自己的意向,进行交易,缔结合同,而其协商或议价过程乃至最后交易之完成都可能完全不须以人为方式介入。这样的话,可能发生电脑使用者不知道电脑缔结合同的情况。那么,跟传统的交易概念比较的话,这算不算正式合同? 关于这个问题,在美国制定了电子代理人制度,处理这样的新法概念。 3.立法论的特色 - 国际性标准化 适用电子交易的立法论正在在世界各国或国际机构进行讨论,而且已经有法律规定的国家。看他们的状况我们可以看得到传统立法论中没有的特征,这就是国际性标准化。电子交易是虚拟空间中的交易,各国适用不同的法律规定的话,这种规定变成交易的障碍物。4.多数当事人的法律关系电子交易是介入供应商和购买人外通信事业者,虚拟商店运营者,电子认证机关,电子货币发行者等多数当事人参与的特殊交易。在网络上发生事故时,因网络的不可视性而查明其原因的情况较多,即使查明其原因也无法证明原因当事人是否有过失的情况较多。因类似不知原因的网络系统下降的不可抗力事故发生损害时,要修整传统过失责任原则,多数当事人之间负了连带责任较为恰当。5.代替的纠纷处理程序(Alternative Dispute Resolution)电子交易的技术特征上,通过仲裁等非司法程序解决纠纷比通过法院的司法程序更有效率,需要仲裁?调整机构的设置?运营,为国际纠纷的解决与损害救济要加强国家之间的协助。三.韩国电子契约的立法状况1999年初电子交易基本法(法律第5843号新规定1999.2.8)和电子签名法(法律第5792号新规定1999.2.5)通过国会,自7月份开始可以生效。因电子交易基本法的制定,电子文件和电子签名具有法律效力;电子签名法对国内认证机关的各项规定进行明文化,使认证机关作用为形成电子交易信誉的主要技术基础。另外,国家情报院和情报通信部许可民间的密码使用,关于修改原先限制规<WP=6>定政府,公共机关,金融机关使用密码的‘国家电算安全业务指南’,正在进行协商。随之如许可金融圈的密码使用,网上银行成为普遍化,可以使用网上转账的方便结算手段。另外,正在促进因非面对交易有可能发生的各种危险中保护消费者的法制完善化。公正交易委员会于1999年1月发表‘通信销售表示?广告相关公正交易指南’,规律了欺诈,夸大性广告。产业资源部修改制订了‘上门销售等相关法律(法律第5982号部分修改1999.5.24,以下简称为‘上门销售法’)’,对消费者赋予无条件订购撤回权等,为最小化通信销售给消费者带来的损害,正在加紧制订相关方案。此外,电子交易基本法生效的同时设立电子交易纠纷调解委员会,要加强电子交易中的纠纷仲裁和为消费者保护的措施。为资金转账的活性化和资金转账时的用户保护,正在研究电子资金转账法的制定。为活性化电子交易法的引导方案,对电子交易相关设备投资上赋予减免税的优惠政策。为市场的透明性确保和防止无资料惯例,正在考虑对使用电子交易的商品交易赋予减免增值税的优惠政策。四.电子意思表示将单一使用电子媒体为意思表示手段的情况,以及提前对电脑等输入程序和数据后,根据事后给予的?

【Abstract】 I. Background, intention and the scope of the studyingWith the development of information and communication technology, especially the development of networking technology, the consumers’ (parties of transaction) way of shopping (way of transaction) has also changed (traditional aspectant trading → purchasing for commodities and services at any time and anywhere, surpassing time and space → buying commodities in the virtual world). Under such an environment of development, E-trade becomes a new trend for global trade in the 21st Century. With the rapid development of communication and computer technology, new ways of transaction without the limitation of time and space have emerged. Such new methods of trade have lead to the diversity, massiveness, creditization and globalization of transactions. We can predict that such kind of e-trade development will bring about changes in people’s life style and their way of thinking. And this kind of changes will influence the field of justice.Since China and Korea established diplomatic relation in 1992, many Korean companies have entered into China’s market. The economic communion between the two countries is expanding ever since. The e-trade-related economic communion has already come into existence. As of today, there is no established laws or regulations regarding the e-trade issue in China. This has become a negative factor affecting the development of e-trade. Therefore, this thesis has studied the phenomena happened in the juristic field, and its relations with the establishment of the contract of e-trade, while introducing relevant laws and regulations relating to e-trade in Korea,<WP=12>and reviewing the provisions of China’s laws. The studying process is:Characteristics of e-trade contracts↓Status of the legislation of e-trade and e-contract↓Introducing the meaning of e-media with 3 kind of approaches↓Results and ascriptions of e-introduction↓The phases for signing a contract ↓The establishing and canceling of e-contract in e-trade activities↓Methods of paying in e-trade↓Reference to China’s e-trade legislation↓ConclusionII. Features of e-contracts1. unwritten ways of key factorsWith the theory of "functional equivalent" comes into existence, the Law of E-trade Demonstration of the UN International Trade Committee has adapted the theory. Korea has set up laws for e-<WP=13>signature and basic laws for e-trade, to give certain authority to the e-documents and e-signature (see Article 3 of the Law of E-signature and Article 5, 6 and 7 of the Basic Laws for E-trade).2. The automation of e-tradeWith the development of computer technology, introduction, transaction and the conclusion of a contract can be done through predetermined format by two hosting machines. The negotiating process and even the fulfillment of the final transaction can be done without the intervention of human factors. This may leads to the case that the user of a computer do not know the conclusion of a contract signed by the computer, therefore, compared with traditional concept of transaction, is this a formal contract? Addressing this problem, the United States has laid out a system of e-agents, in order to deal with the new concept.3. The characteristics of legislation - international standardizationThe legislation on e-trade is being discussed among countries all over the world and international communities. From those countries that already have the laws and regulations, we can find some features that are not contained in the traditional legislations. This is the international standardization. E-trade is the transaction in the virtual world, if each of the countries applies different laws and regulations, these regulations would become an obstacle.4. The juristic relations among most partiesE-trade is kind of special transactions participated by suppliers, buyers, communication operators, owners of virtual stores, e-<WP=14>certification agencies, e-currency issuers and a pluralit

  • 【分类号】D931.26
  • 【下载频次】142

