

【作者】 刘远征

【导师】 杨长春;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 口岸物流是近年来出现的新名词,是指以口岸城市为中心发展起来的综合物流体系。所谓口岸物流,是指中心口岸城市利用原有口岸优势,以先进的软件硬件设施为依托发展起来的综合物流体系。它以国际物流和保税区生产为基础,整合国际物流节点的口岸物流资源,强化国际物流节点的枢纽辐射功能;并且以口岸及周边地区加工贸易为产业支撑,实现全球一体化和区域经济一体化在口岸城市的连接。从学术角度看,口岸物流是一个新的物流概念,是原有的各种物流理念的深化和整合,是供应链管理理论和全球经济一体化的结合;从产业角度看,它是国际物流发展和跨国公司跨国经营和直接投资下的综合物流体系。近年来供应链一体化和跨国公司直接投资发展很快,跨国公司在全球经济一体化的趋势下在进一步推行国际战略,在全世界范围寻找生产、贸易和投资机会。特别是在发展中国家寻找新的经济增长点。对跨国公司来讲,口岸物流不仅是由商贸活动决定的,而且也是本身管理模式的必然产物。全球化战略的实施,使企业分别在不同的口岸地区生产零件、配件,又在其他口岸开发区或保税区组装或进一步加工。企业的这种生产环节之间的衔接尤其需要依靠口岸物流来实现。这样,我国口岸物流建设已经提到议事日程上来,口岸物流建设必须为支持这种全球化战略,更新物流管理观念,扩展物流设施,按全球供应链一体化的要求对原来的物流系统进行改造。此外,随着国际物流的迅速发展,区域经济一体化步伐明显加快。我国内陆口岸与周边国家贸易的发展,加上珠江三角洲和长江中下游区域经济的发展,口岸在经济发展中的地位和作用将日显重要。因此,积极探索新的口岸物流发展模式,既是供应链管理全球化发展的需要,也是顺应区域经济和国际物流发展的需要。尽管我国口岸物流的发展已具有相当规模,但是由于我国对现代物流管理技术的应用尚处于初期阶段,使得口岸物流管理水平较低,口岸物流的效率低下,特别是通关效率较低,无法跟上供应链管理的发展。国家和各口岸地方政府在政<WP=4>策上非常重视口岸物流发展模式的研究和探索,而且加大了资源整合和政策扶持方面的力度。例如在一些重要口岸推行的EDI报关和电子口岸联网核查等系统,已经取得了一定的成果。全文共分六章,采用对比分析的方法,结合适量的图表、统计数据和一些必要的案例分析,实现定性分析和定量分析相结合、理论阐述和实证分析相结合。首先通过介绍供应链管理新理念的发展,对比我国口岸发展的现状,突出我国口岸物流发展的滞后,分析我国口岸发展的必要性和紧迫性;然后根据供应链管理新理念对口岸物流发展的具体指导,结合国际物流发展的特点,深入阐述我国发展口岸物流的可行性;最后提出我国口岸物流的发展对策和建议,展望入世以后我国口岸物流的发展前景。本文第一章介绍了物流的起源、从物流管理到供应链管理理论的发展过程,通过标准化—延迟供应策略和柔性生产策略的发展来阐述供应链管理的垂直一体化,然后着重介绍OEM、VMI等管理新理念对口岸物流发展的推动作用。最后阐述水平一体化提倡的物流外包和第三方物流发展,着重分析水平一体化推动口岸物流的标准化、社会化发展。第二章通过我国口岸物流行业和信息化发展现状的介绍;分析沿海港口的对外开放和货运代理等传统口岸企业的状况;提出我国口岸物流的主要问题和弊端;着重分析我国口岸物流信息化发展必要性、紧迫性,以及口岸物流执法、监管信息化发展过程,最后阐明我国口岸物流信息化的重要意义。第三章中分析了供应链管理一体化在口岸加工贸易数据中的体现,通过供应链管理新理念的介绍,分析这些理念对口岸物流发展的战略指导意义;具体阐述OEM 生产模式对口岸物流和保税区发展的指导、库存管理策略的新发展对口岸物流发展方向的指导以及供应链伙伴关系管理对口岸物流发展方向的指导作用。第四章通过国际物流发展历程和发展特点的介绍,阐述了国际物流发展对我国口岸物流发展的影响,重点通过口岸物流节点—港口的发展和现代港口信息技术发展的分析,具体阐述对口岸物流发展的指导作用。第五章主要阐述我国口岸物流发展思路与对策,通过对我国口岸发展物流产业优势的分析,提出关于我国口岸物流的一些建设性建议和发展思路,包括:海<WP=5>陆空立体交通网络的发展思路;发展跨国公司口岸加工、采购的供应链伙伴关系;以及加大政府整合力度,建设口岸物流平台的发展思路。第六章展望入世以后我国口岸物流发展前景,通过分析我国口岸的生产优势,提出发展跨国公司口岸采购中心的建议,并在此基础上进一步发展口岸保税区和口岸物流园区。最后分析我国口岸物流的本土优势和发展前景,结合外资物流企业进军中国与口岸物流业的本土化优势,展望入世以后我国口岸中小传统物流企业的发展前景。综上所述,近年来供应链管理理念和跨国公司直接投资发展很快,在全球经济一体化的趋势下,发展中国家也逐渐成为全球供应链的链条,融入了全球市场,这种趋势下我国口岸物流的管理思路和发展方向一定要顺应时代的潮流,加快与国际接轨的步伐。口岸物流企业和政府管理?

【Abstract】 Port Logistics is a new term refers the complex logistics system that appeared recently and developed from the important ports.The so-called Port Logistics develops in the port area with the harbor hardware strengths and the advanced information system. Basing on the international logistics and the industry in the Bonded Area, it integrates the resources and strengthens the hub-spokes function of the ports as the points in international logistics. It is an absolutely new concept in the view of academe, which integrated from the different logistics theories such as the Supply Chain Management and Economic Globalization. However, in the view of the industries, it is the composite logistics system thrived from the development of international logistics and the boom of multinational enterprises’ investment and procurement.Viewing on the Supply Chain Management, the Supply Chain Integration and the multinational enterprises’ direct investment thrive rapidly in recent years. The multinational enterprises hasten to push their international strategy in the trend of globalization. They never stop looking for the business chances around the world and searching for the new-booming market in the developing countries, especially for the increasing engine in the port area. Thus the Port Logistics is driven not only by the international trade, but also by the multinational enterprises’ business style. Under the strategy of globalization, multinational enterprises produce variety of parts and accessories around the ports, and transport and assemble them in other bonded area. So the links ask for Port Logistics and the Port Logistics construction in our country is on the schedule now. We should update the logistics notion and renew the logistics facilities to meet the globalization trend.Besides, as the international logistics develops, the regional economic integration grows rapidly among China and Southeast Asia countries, Hong Kong and South China and some border areas. With the development of Changjiang River Delta and Zhujiang Delta economic integration, the Port Logistics becomes more and more<WP=8>important to the economic growth and the Port Logistics management modes will become more and more diversified. Although the Port Logistics size is quite huge in our country, the application of the new logistics technology and the logistics management is still on the low level. It is urgent to improve the efficiency of the Port Logistics, especially the efficiency of the Customs. Our government emphasizes on the logistics research and resources integration, and got some success from the E-port System and EDI Clearance System, in which we deliver and check the documents on-line.There are six chapters in this thesis combining the quantity analysis and the case study with some tables and data. At first, it will introduce the Supply Chain Management, and contrast the new trend with the situation of our country’s Port Logistics to expatriate the necessity and urgency of our Port Logistics construction. Then it will combine the new trend of international logistics with the detail instruction to our Port Logistics construction, and discuss the feasibility. At last, it will make some conclusions and suggestions, and look forward to the prospect of our Port Logistics construction after China entry into WTO.The first chapter introduces the origin of the logistics theory and evolution from the logistics theory to the Supply Chain Management. Viewing the process from the standardization-postponement to the flexible production, it introduces the vertical Supply Chain Integration. And then it emphasizes on the new management mode such as OEM and VMI. After that, it continues to introduce the horizontal Supply Chain Integration with the development of Outsourcing and the Third Part Logistics. And the horizontal Supply Chain Integration will strongly push the standardization and the socialization of the Port Logistics.By introducing the status quo of the Port Logistics, the second chapter analyses the main weaknesses

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1521

