

Research on Commitment of Liabilities Incurred by Pre-incorpration Contrct

【作者】 文伟斌

【导师】 丁丁;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 先公司合同(Pre-incorporation Contract)的签订是市场经济环境中的普遍现象,而先公司合同债务的承担关系到交易的稳定与安全,并影响各个主体之间风险与利益的分配。因此,对该问题的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文就先公司合同之债的承担问题进行研究,主体分为五个部分。文章的前两部分分别对先公司阶段和先公司合同进行界定和概述。先公司(Pre-incorporation)阶段是发起人依照法律规定的条件和程序,为组建具有法律人格的主体――公司,而采取和完成一系列法律行为的阶段。该阶段始于发起人协议的生效,终于公司设立成功或设立失败。先公司合同是指在先公司阶段,为了使成立的公司取得一定生产要素,具备一定生产经营能力而订立的合同。 文章第三部分主要就签订先公司合同的行为主体――发起人、设立中公司及第三人进行讨论,其中重点就设立中公司存在的意义、法律地位、起点及终点进行探讨。关于发起人的概念,主要有三种观点:实质概念说、形式概念说和综合概念说。笔者认为采用形式概念说有利于明确发起人身份,使法律关系明晰化。 设立中公司是指以成立公司法人为目的,在发起人协议生效后,至公司成立或成立不能前,无法人资格的过渡性团体。其存在避免了为筹建公司所得之权利义务要首先归到发起人名下,待公司成立后再向公司办理移转手续的不经济性。而且如果该等权利首先作为发起人个人债务的责任财产的一部分,还会出现要服从于其债权人的强制执行的情况。设立中公司的法律地位,是指其是否具有在法律上作为一类独立民商事主体,从而享有特定权利,承担特定义务的资格。当前法学界关于设立中公司的法律地位主要有三种理论:合伙说;无权利能力社团说;非法人团体说。笔者同意非法人团体说,因为设立中公司虽不是完全独立的民商事主体,但是其在设立公司的活动中具有相对独立性,是具有有限人格的非法人团体。关于设立中公司的始点,主要有三种观点:发起人制定公司章程时;发起人认购一股以上股份时;第一次发行的股份总额已认足时。发起人协议是发起人发起行为的准则,发起人协议实现了发起人从自然人向团体的转变,创造了设立中公司的社团属性。确立了公司设立的具体方式和步骤,<WP=3>并明确了相关人的权利义务关系,明确了各自的责任,因此它是设立中公司在获得法律人格之前赖以独立存在的基础。所以从发起人协议生效时起,设立中公司就开始存在。而且设立中公司的产生时刻应与先公司阶段的起点一致,这样可以避免在先公司阶段存在设立中公司缺位的一段真空期。从发起人协议签订生效之时起,设立公司的行为已经开始付诸实施。若设立中公司始于发起人制定章程之时或之后,则制定章程之前任何设立行为皆不能归属于设立中公司。设立中公司的终止时刻因设立中公司命运的不同而有差别,为公司成立或成立不能。第三人即先公司合同相对人,是指在先公司阶段,与发起人、设立中公司签订先公司合同的自然人或法人。文章第四部分是对先公司合同之债承担的分析。设立中公司与成立的公司之间的关系影响到先公司合同之债的承担。学界对此众说纷纭,主要有:无因管理说;为第三人利益契约说;代理说;继承说;归属说;同一体说等几种观点。其中,同一体说为当前通说。笔者通过对世界各国公司法的比较研究,发现先公司合同之债承担问题颇为复杂,须根据公司设立的结果及签订先公司合同的不同主体名义来分析合同责任的归属情况。综观各国立法例,在公司未能成立的场合规定较为一致,均要求发起人为先公司合同承担个别的和连带的责任。而在公司成立的场合,先公司合同之债的承担主体则具有相当的不确定性。一般来说,发起人以其自己名义签订的先公司合同责任应由其自行承担。而在一些国家,成立的公司可以通过与第三人签订一个新的合同来承担先公司合同之债,从而解除发起人的个人责任。在确定以设立中公司名义签订的先公司合同债务承担主体的问题上,各国的立法价值取向不同,偏重于不同利益的保护,因而法律的规定也大相径庭:有首先由成立的公司全部承担,再由其向发起人追偿的(如日本);有完全由发起人承担的(如德国);有由发起人自行承担(如英国、法国)――但经过一定程序(如契约更新)可转移于公司的;有不确定:既可能由发起人承担,也可能由公司承担――需要经过探求当事人真意来确定(如美国)的;有公司和发起人负连带责任的(如台湾)。对于以成立的公司名义签订的先公司合同之债承担的规定,各国虽然仍存在差别,但却具有相当的一致性:在先公司阶段以公司名义订立的合同对公司没有约束力;合同对发起人和第三人具有拘束力;公司在成立后可以通过<WP=4>一定的程序来取得和承担合同的权利与义务。文章第五部分是对我国先公司合同之债承担制度的立法建议。我国公司法在先公司合同之债承担制度方面存在较多空白,应在考量各主体所处的地位及享有的权利和承担的义务的基础上,以维护交易稳定与安全为原则,建立、健全相应的制度来平衡发起人、公司与第三人之间的利益与风险。笔者主张借鉴台湾和日本等地?

【Abstract】 Signing a pre-incorporation contract is a common phenomenon in the market economy context, while the commitment of liabilities incurred by the pre-incorporation contract has a relationship with that deal’s stability and security, and simultaneously influences the assignment of risks and benefits among relevant interest entities. Therefore, there is an important practical significance in performing research on this subject.This thesis, which includes five parts, does a research on the problem concerning the commitment of liabilities incurred by the pre-incorporation contract.The first two parts define and briefly discuss "Pre-incorporation Phase" and "Pre-incorporation Contract" respectively."Pre-incorporation Phase" is a phase during which initiators have adopted and completed a series of legal acts for the purpose of establishing a corporation, namely, making it an entity possessing legal personality in compliance with those conditions and procedures required by law. The phase begins when the agreement of initiators becomes effective and ends with accomplishment of incorporation or failure in establishing it. "Pre-incorporation Contract" refers to contract which is entered into for the purpose that newly-established corporation can acquire certain elements for production and be provided with certain capability of doing business.The third part mostly deals with principals of behaviors which signs pre-incorporation contract, and attaches importance to analyzing issues covering the significance of the existence of "corporation in formation", legal status of that and its jumping-off point and end-point.With regard to the conception of initiator, there are mainly three viewpoints: "essential concept" theory, "formal concept" theory and "comprehensive concept" theory. The author is of the opinion that "formal concept" theory should be adopted because it is propitious to clarify the identity of initiators so as to enhance the perspicuity of legal relationship."Corporation in formation" means a transitional group for the purpose of establishing a corporation that starts after the agreement of initiators taking effect and ends with accomplishment of incorporation or failure in establishing it. The existence of this concept avoids the diseconomy that may happen when all rights and obligations must be primarily attributed to initiators before subsequently-emerged corporation could accept them through an unnecessary procedure. In addition, if such rights are primarily treated as a part of the assets that guarantees initiators’ personal debts, we can easily find the fact that those assets will be in the shadow of enforcement by reason of creditor’s claims.<WP=6>Till now, in the realm of law research, three theories predominate in explaining the legal status of corporation in formation: "Partnership" theory, "Corporation without the capacity for civil rights" theory and "Non-legal person group" theory. The author holds the latter one in that although corporation in formation isn’t a completely independent civil/commercial entity, it possesses property of relative independence and should be regarded as a non-legal person group with limited personality.According the jumping-off point of corporation in formation, there exists three opinions: When initiators sign the articles of association; When initiators subscribe more than one share; and when full subscription of initial offering has been achieved.The agreement of initiators is a guideline regulating initiators’ issuing acts. After it having effectiveness, partnership of initiators has taken into shape among them internally, while all initiators become corporation in formation as a whole to the exterior. The agreement of initiators realizes the transformation of initiators from individuals to a group and makes corporation in formation a property of corporation. It also stipulates the concrete method and process of incorporation and arrange the rights and obligations of correlate entities, clarify their respective liability. Hence it is the found

  • 【分类号】D912.29;D913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】441

