

【作者】 倪静

【导师】 孙利;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事辩护是指在刑事诉讼中受到刑事指控的人及其辩护人依法针对控诉进行反驳,在事实上和法律上提出对己方有利的材料和意见的诉讼活动。它是起源于西方而盛行于现代各国的一种法律制度,它的形成标志着一个社会对刑事司法的意义及其精神的思考达到了一个新层次。由于刑事司法是以限制或剥夺受到刑事指控的人的一定权利为其条件与目的,在刑事诉讼中就必须注意防止对被指控人权益的不当分割,保护被指控人的合法权益。因此,建立良好的刑事辩护制度具有十分重要的意义。 本文试图追溯刑事辩护制度的起源和发展过程,阐明完善我国刑事辩护制度的必要性,分析现行刑事辩护制度中存在的问题及其形成原因,并在此基础上提出完善我国刑事辩护制度的建议。辩护制度的雏形可以在古罗马的弹劾式诉讼中找到。资本主义革命后,在资产阶级民主思想的基础上产生了近代辩护制度,并以法律的形式正式确立了辩护制度,强调被告人享有辩护权。第二次世界大战后,人权的发展对辩护制度产生了重大影响。人们对人道的法律秩序,建立世界性的和平和公正的秩序的期望,导致对人权的重视不断加强,在国际层面上形成了一定程度的对保护个人基本权利和自由的共识。联合国在使这些共识制度化方面发挥着主导作用,通过了一系列国际公约和法案。这其中,相当部分涉及刑事辩护制度,对个体权利的关注和保护也随之成为各国完善辩护制度的根本出发点之一。中国的辩护制度肇始于清末,确立于中华人民共和国成立之后,特别是1997年开始实施的新刑事诉讼法给辩护制度带来了重大发展。97年刑事诉讼法明确了辩护人的职责,提前了辩护人介入的时间,加强了控、辩双方的抗辩性。这些<WP=6>变化突出了对个体合法权益的保护,适应了世界发展的趋势。但是,在实践中,我国的辩护制度也还存在一些问题,与国际普遍接受的标准也还有差异,有必要不断完善。 本文归纳了我国刑事辩护制度在实践中比较突出的几个问题,包括:律师提前介入的实现难,调查取证难,阅卷难,控辩双方地位不平等和刑事辩护执业风险高。对这些问题,本文探讨了其形成的原因,认为虽然各种因素错综复杂,但可以从三个方面来进行分析。第一是观念的影响,这里既有传统思想和“左”的影响,也有长期以来“重实体,轻程序”的价值取向的影响。第二是立法中还存在一些缺陷,这些缺陷或者是法律条文自身不合理,背离立法精神或发展的趋势;或者是法律对一些问题缺乏规定,例如律师保守职业秘密问题;又或者是法律不够具体,缺乏执行的配套措施。第三是执行中出现的问题,突出表现为两种现象,即对法律的解释与立法精神不符和在执法中违反法律规定。 针对上述存在的问题,本文对完善我国的刑事辩护制度提出两方面的建议。首先,是制度的完善。根据分析出的产生问题的原因,从对应的立法、执法和观念更新着手,对我国的刑事辩护制度进行完善。在立法层面,提出诸如赋予律师庭审言词的“豁免权”,取消会见、调查、阅卷的不合理限制,建立证据展示制度;在观念层面,提出树立保护人权、重视程序的意识以及在执法层面,切实严格执法等具体建议。其次,还要重视作为辩护主体的律师的作用。不仅律师的自身素质的提高,包括业务能力和职业道德水平的提高非常重要;而且还要充分重视律师职业组织的发展和建设,以促进律师行业的发展,特别是充分发挥职业组织--律师协会在行业自律和维护律师合法权益方面的作用。

【Abstract】 Criminal defense refers to litigious activities of the defendants under criminal accusation and their defense counsels to contradict the accusations against them according to law and provide legal and factual evidence and opinions in favor of their own side. It is a legal system originating in the West and prevalent in all countries in the modern time. Its establishment marks a significant development of criminal justice and its spirit. As criminal justice is conditioned on and aimed at the limitation or deprival of certain rights of those under criminal accusation, it is necessary to guard against improper partition of the rights and interests of the accused and protect their lawful rights and interests. Therefore, it is of great significance to establish a sound criminal defense system.This essay tries to trace the origin and the development of the criminal defense system, explains the necessity to improve the criminal defense system in China, analyzes the problems existing in the current criminal defense system and the reasons for their formation, and, based on that, put forward proposals for the improvement of the criminal defense system in China.The embryonic form of the defense system found its expression in ancient Rome. After the capitalist revolution, the modern defense system came into being on the basis of democratic concepts and was formally established by law, emphasizing the right to defense of the accused. After the Second World War, the development of human rights exerted great influence on the defense system. The expectation of people for humanitarian legal system and the establishment of world peace and equitable order resulted in continuous strengthening of the weight of human rights. <WP=8>This led to consensus for protecting individual basic rights and freedoms at the international level. The United Nations has played a leading role in systemizing that consensus by adopting a series of international conventions and resolutions. A considerable part of them involved the criminal defense system. The attention to and protection of individual rights subsequently became one of the fundamental considerations of various countries for improving the defense system.China’s defense system started in the late Qing dynasty and was established after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The new criminal procedure law that went into effect in 1997, in particular, brought along major development of the defense system. The law made clear the duties of defense counsels and permitted the accused to access to defense counsel earlier, and introduced into China aspects of the adversary proceedings. Those changes highlighted the protection of the lawful rights and interests of individuals and were in keeping with the trend of the world development. However, in practice, there still exist some problems in China’s defense system and there are discrepancies with the widely accepted international standards. There is a need for its constant improvement.The essay sums up outstanding problems in the practice of the criminal defense system in China, including the difficulty in early access to a defense counsel, the difficulty in collecting evidence and in making investigations, the difficulty in accessing files, the unequal status of the prosecution and the defense, and the high risks for making criminal defense. For those problems, this essay explores the reasons that give rise to them. It holds that most complicated various factors may be, they may be analyzed from the following three aspects: Firstly, the influence of the mode of thinking. It includes both the influence of the traditional concepts and the "left" deviation and the value orientation of placing emphasis on substance and taking procedure lightly. Secondly, there still exist some defects in legislation, which have been developed either because the law clauses themselves are unreasonable and run counter to the spirit of legislation or the trend of development, or because there lack legal provisions for

【关键词】 辩护制度刑事诉讼辩护律师
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】541

