

The Application of CPC in Mass Customization

【作者】 章平

【导师】 赵军;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着21世纪的到来,全球范围内的企业迎来了一个新的全球化市场。所有的企业都面临着市场竞争带来的诸多挑战。开放的国际市场使得消费者具有更大的选择空间,个性化、多样化的消费需求使得市场快速多变,不可捉摸,难以预测,传统的大批量生产模式已经无法满足现代生产的要求,客户化、小批量、多品种、快速交货的生产不断增加。批量定制生产模式是一种以满足客户特定(或个性化)需求为目标的低成本定制方式,旨在以大批量生产的成本和速度,向客户提供个性化的产品,其生产方式也称之为“个性化”生产。生产定制产品的企业必须快速、有效地与世界范围内的客户、制造商、分销商和供应商传递和共享对于他们来说至关重要的信息。在网络世界中,商务、交易都将趋向无国界化。在这种环境下,企业间的交往日趋频繁,社会化分工越来越细,业务往来也越来越紧密复杂。如何协调企业间众多复杂的业务往来关系,是每一个企业管理者所面临的新问题。随着电子商务的出现,人们有能力从单纯关注交易这一节点向关注商务全过程转移,这将涉及整个供应链上各方业务之间的协作。在企业内部,有各部门之间的业务协同、不同的业务指标和目标之间的协同以及各种资源约束的协同;而在企业之间,业务间的协同将变得更为重要。企业呼唤着一个能够适应知识经济时代的要求、适应激烈的全球化经济竞争需要的企业信息化解决方案。协同产品商务(Collaborative Product Commerce,简称CPC)是二十世纪九十年代后期出现的一类新的企业管理解决方案。其概念最早由美国Aberdeen Group咨询公司1999年10月提出,并给出如下定义:CPC是指一类软件和服务,它使用Internet技术,使每个相关人员在产品的全生命周期内互相协同地对产品进行开发、制造和管理,不管这些人员在产品的商业化过程中担任什么样的角色、使用什么计算机工具、身处的地理位置或处在供应链的什么环节。CPC是一个同时涉及产品开发过程、全局协同过程和商业合作过程的复杂解决方案。本文围绕协同商务在“个性化”生产中的应用进行阐述,共分成七章。第一章——绪论第二章——"个性化"生产的现状与特征。在这章中说明了定制的产品才是满足现代客户需求的产品,必须通过产品创新(包括管理的创新、产品本身的创新、流程的创新等等)改善产品的成本、质量、上市时间等指标,提高市场份额和产品利润从而大大增强产品的竞争力。因此提供个性化产品的企业要将更多的精力投射到产品开发领域,而且为了更好地满足定制生产对制造系统的要求,企业应加强信息(IT)基础设施建设才能使批量定制制造系统具有柔性和快速响应能力,业务流程与客户的真正需求联系在一起,并以确定顾客需求为起点,以满足顾客需求为终点。第三章——CPC体系结构分析。在这章中首先对CPC的概念进行了介<WP=4>绍,并从协同C、产品P、商务C三方面描述协同、产品、商务三者的发展和演变历程,同时提出了协同商务的核心理念。然后进一步围绕着产品和产品生命周期分析了CPC的三个层次、三个环节及其特点。并且指出为了实现产品全生命周期的“全程协同”——包括协同设计、协同制造以及协同商务,CPC应建立在当前已有的企业信息化工具基础之上,通过一个统一的协作支撑框架和一种不依赖于数据的通用性来保证个体间相互协同的统一数据模型,消除了时间和空间上的限制,建立协同电子商务系统。协同电子商务作为电子商务的第三个阶段,其真正的意义是在新的技术条件下解决那些在传统技术条件下难以打破的企业群不同业务单元之间以及统一业务单元不同职能部门之间的信息、知识传播的障碍,不断的创新,创造企业的新知识,实现这些知识在企业内的共享。最后将和CPC相关的管理软件进行了对比。第四章——CPC何以成为“个性化”定制生产的战略手段。定制产品开发设计的实施要求:要建立产品的数字化模型;要实行流程管理,还要有快速设计能力。而CPC的实施在组织上,通过建立一个跨部门的面向产品的开发团队实现多学科的协同,解决产品开发人员之间的协同问题。在流程上,通过并行开发的流程代替原先串行的产品开发过程,尽可能多地将产品开发的某些阶段提前,从而有效地缩短产品的开发周期。另外,在一个统一的框架下考虑市场规划、设计、供应链规划、生产、客户服务等流程放。通过这种统一,使产品开发始终围绕着客户进行,另外在产品开发的过程中尽可能消除过多的变更,从而在成本、时间、质量等方面得到很大的提高。总之,实施CPC对“个性化”生产企业的意义在于:缩短的产品生命周期,提高效率,提高质量;以最低成本创造最高效益的企业经营考验;满足日渐提升的个性化的要求。第五章——CPC的实施。实施CPC是多元化协同匹配战略在企业管理中的应用。在这一战略下,为了适应“个性化”产品开发组织的特征,CPC的研发管理需要把产品设计、工程、制造、采购、市场、销售、客户紧密组织系到一起,因此在设计CPC组织结构的过程中,要考虑这样一些趋势:扁平化、虚拟化、敏捷化、柔性化、网络化和动态化。本章提出的组织模型包含以下体系:决策体系,项目体系,监理体系,支撑体系。然后?

【Abstract】 Concomitancy with 21 century, enterprises in the world have a new global marketing. So, all the enterprises meet many challenges because of the competition. The opening international marketing gives custom more choice, customization and diversification demand made the marketing changed rapidly and cannot be ascertained and forecasted, the model of traditional mass manufacture cannot satisfied with the demand of modern manufacture and the customized、small batch、more varieties、expeditious delivery manufacture grow fast. The model of mass customization means the low cost customized and satisfied the demand of especially (or individuation) of the custom, it provides the individuation product to client by the cost and speed of traditional mass manufacture. The new product model calls individuation manufacture.The enterprise provided customized production must transfer and share the important information with the client、manufacturer 、franchiser and supplier expeditiously and effected. In the net world, business and commerce tend to no national boundaries. The environment made the traffic between the enterprises more frequently. Socialization divided work become slender, the communication of business become more compact and complex. How to deal the complex business between the enterprises is a new problem of the manager. Along with the E-business, people have the ability to change from attention simply commerce to attention the whole process of the business, it relate to the collaboration of all kinds of the operation in the supply chain. Inside the enterprise, there are the collaboration between the departments、the collaboration of the different business goals and the collaboration of all kinds of resources; the collaboration of business between the enterprises become more important. The enterprise needs an information technology solution to be seasoned with the request of time of knowledge economy and the intense compete of the global economy.Collaborative Product Commerce (for short CPC) is a new company manage solution appear at 90’s twenty century, was given at Oct, 1999 by Aberdeen Group consultation company in America. The concept is : CPC is a kind of software and service , it uses Internet technology, makes each correlation in product life be collaborated in development 、manufacture and management, in spite of the different role in the course of product and<WP=6>business、using different compute、being in the different geography position and being in the different tache of the supply chain. Above all, CPC is a complex solution relate to product life、complete collaboration and the business cooperate.The article expatiates the application of CPC in Mass Customization, divides into seven chapters.Chapter 1—— introductionChapter 2——The actuality and character of individuation manufacture. This chapter narrates that only the product of customization can be satisfied with the request of custom, enterprise must improve the quality of the product, lower the cost, faster the cycle of come to the market, elevation the share of the market and improve the profit by the product innovation (involved management innovation、product innovation and the flow innovation) in order to boost up the competition of product. So, the enterprise provide individuation product have to pay more attention to the field of the development of product, and in order to satisfied the demand of manufacture system of mass customization, and reinforce the construct of IT establishment to made the system have the flexible and rapid response ability, made the business flow related to the need of client, with the beginning of confirming the need of custom and the end of satisfied the demand of custom.Chapter 3——The analysis of CPC structure. In this chapter, the first introduce the concept of the CPC, describe the development of CPC from collaborate、product and business, and advance the core idea of CPC. The second, around the product and product life, it analyzes the three levels、three taches and the character of CPC.

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