

【作者】 乔琳

【导师】 李东阳;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化已成为世界潮流,对外直接投资正在日益成为经济全球化进程中各国经济相互联系、相互依赖的基本途径,同时也成为国际竞争的重要组成部分。长期以来,我国参与国际投资的方式主要是引进外国直接投资,而对外投资,尤其是对外直接投资的规模极小。目前,对外直接投资已成为世界经济发展中最活跃、最重要的因素,一个国家或地区对外直接投资流量的多寡,在一定程度上代表了这个国家或地区的整体经济实力,同时也从另一个侧面直接或间接地反映了这个国家或地区的对外开放程度、社会稳定程度、国家安全程度、民主法制程度、国民富裕程度等等。对外直接投资问题已成为当前世界和中国经济的热点问题。在此背景下,我选择大连市作为研究对象。大连市是一座对外开放的“窗口”城市,经过多年的城市环境建设,积极吸引外国直接投资,在吸引外资方面取得了巨大成就。与此同时,大连市的对外直接投资也在不断扩大,但与吸引外资相比显得滞后,这也说明大连市对外直接投资还有很大潜力可挖。本文在调查、分析的基础上,论述了大连市发展对外直接投资的必要性和可能性,并提出政策建议。文章主要内容包括:第一章:导论。对选题进行详细说明,并介绍本文研究的理论依据。第二章:大连市发展对外直接投资的必要性分析。从以下各方面进行分析:发展对外直接投资是大连市开放型经济均衡发展的需要;发展对外直接投资是大连市扩大出口规模的必然选择;发展对外直接投资是大连市利用国外资源,满足经济持续发展的需要;发展对外直接投资是大连市利用外资的一种手段;发展对外直接投资是大连市获得国外先进技术和管理经验的有效途径;发展对外直接投资是大连市企业提高国际竞争能力的需要。第三章:大连市发展对外直接投资的可能性分析。从大连市的具体情况出发,分析大连市经济发展水平、技术水平、外向型经济的特点、工业企业发展状况,提出大连市已具备发展对外直接投资的条件。第四章:大连市发展对外直接投资的政策建议。综合上述分析,从以下四<WP=3>方面提出大连市发展对外直接投资的政策建议: 科学选择对外直接投资区位;对外直接投资方式的选择;对外直接投资决策的科学性;培养较高层次跨国管理人才。

【Abstract】 Economy globalization has been the world trend. FDI is becoming the basic route to foster the connection between countries and is also the very important part of the international competition. The current stage, using foreign investment plays a very important role in economy development in a country or a region. During a long period, china takes a research on a hot issue of the absorption of foreign investment, but it shows a weak sign of developing FDI. The current days, FDI is the most important and active factor in the development of the world economy. The more or less of the flow of FDI for a country or a region, to some extent, shows its economy strong as a whole. At the same time, it reflects the degree of the social stable 、the country safety、democracy and legal system、people prosperous and foreign opening. FDI has been the focus not only of the world but of china. In view of this, I take DALIAN as an objective of a research project. DALIAN, a window city, during many years of construction, actively absorb FDI and constantly enlarge FDI, But show falling behind contrast to the absorption of foreign investment. On the basis of the investigating and in-depth analysis, the thesis research DALIAN from different angles and put forward the countermeasure and propose. It is helpful to promote the economy development of DALIAN. The main content of the thesis includes:Chapter One: Guidance. The reasons for taking the thesis and the research theory are introduced.Chapter Two: The analysis of necessary for developing FDI. It is necessary to keep economy’s balance、enlarge export-scale、take full use of foreign resources、gain advanced technology and managed experience、strong the international competition.Chapter Three: The analysis of possibility for developing FDI. It analyze the<WP=5>situation of economy development、technology、enterprise、industry and industrial structure. DALIAN is qualified for admission to develop FDI.Chapter Four: The policy and propose for developing FDI. There are at least four points in this part: How to take the important area as a FDI area; There are several ways to invest other countries; Avoiding unrealistic investment; Paying much more attention on training overseas management personnel.

  • 【分类号】F832.48
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

