

【作者】 刘妍

【导师】 高凤兰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 俄语学习者在使用俄语时常会出现错误,这令许多俄语学习者感到焦虑和困惑。如何帮助俄语学习者克服错误,尽快达到正确的语言输出,成为每一位俄语教师急于解决的问题。 俄语学习者在学习俄语过程中出现的不正确或不完全正确的语言不单单是语言错误,是一个内在语言系统。这个语言系统在结构上处于汉语与俄语的中间状态。也就是说,它既不是学习者母语的直接翻译,又与目的语(俄语)很不一致,这便是塞林克所提出的“中介语”。俄语学习者在俄语使用中的这些中介语不是任意的,是遵循一定规则而形成的系统,这一系统是一个不断变化和发展的连续体,它随着新的语言规则的摄入,在学习中会不断地被克服和纠正,并逐渐向俄语的正确形式靠拢。 任何事物的产生都是有其原因的,那么俄语学习者的中介语是如何产生的?我们的俄语教师又该如何帮助他们克服、摆脱中介语的困扰,尽快达到正确的语言输出,缩短他们的中介语过程?笔者在本文中试图探寻俄语学习者中介语的成因,并就此提出几点教学对策,期望能成为俄语教师可以操纵、控制的一把钥匙,去引导、开启俄语学习者学习和应用俄语的“锁”,克服其中介语,缩短中介语的过程。全文共分三部分: 第一部分:介绍中介语理论。 第二部分:分析俄语学习者中介语产生的原因。 第三部分:提出克服俄语学习者的教学对策。

【Abstract】 Russian learners will have been making mistakes at times while using Russian, which is enabling Russian learners to feel anxious and confused. Then how to help them overcome this mistake and try to achieve the correct language on that are the subjects, which every Russian teacher is eager to solve.The incorrect language occurring in the process of Russian learning is not only a language error, but also an internal language system. This language system lies in the middle stage of Chinese and Russian in structure. That is to say, it is neither a direct translation of learners’ native language nor at odds with Russian. This is what Selinker called "interlanguage". These interlanguage occurring in the process of Russian learning are not arbitrary but conform to a certain system consisting of principles, this continuously developing system will be corrected and overcome in the process of study and be closer to the right form of Russian with the input of new language principle. Everything occurs, and then there must be causes. Thus how does the Russian learners’ interlanguage come into being? And how will our Russian teachers help them overcome and get rid of this trouble as well as reach the correct language output quickly and shorten this process? I am intending to perceive the causes of interlanguage and suggest several teaching strategies, expecting this can be a controlling key for Russian teachers to instruct and enlighten the "lock", when learners study and apply Russian. Accordingly this dissertation is divided into 3 parts.Part 1: Introduce the theory of interlanguagePart 2: Analyze the causes of interlanguagePart 3: Suggestion of the teaching strategies of overcoming interlanguage.

【关键词】 中介语俄语学习者教学对策
【Key words】 InterlanguageRussian learnersTeachingstrategies.
  • 【分类号】H35
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】183

