

【作者】 施伟东

【导师】 郑长龙;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年7月,我国教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育化学课程标准(实验稿)》将培养学生化学物质观列为课程目标之一。因此,对于化学物质观的基本内涵及其教学策略的深入研究,已成为当前化学课程与教学改革中迫切需要解决重要课题。 本文首先通过对化学物质及其相关范畴的深入分析,认为化学物质观应是个体对化学物质所持有的具有一定结构和比较稳定的一种认知趋向。它所具有的动机、选择、解释、建构、迁移、生成和定势等七项功能对学生学习化学会产生重要影响。同时从化学史和化学哲学的角度进行考察,提出直线型化学物质观、三角形型化学物质观、三角锥型化学物质观和三角双锥型化学物质观是目前为止人们头脑中存有的四种化学物质观类型。 其次,结合中学化学课程内容,依据主导型化学物质观由低到高、由浅到深的顺序,将中学生化学物质观的发展划分为五个阶段,并对其特点和内容加以详细论述。 最后,在前面工作基础上,针对化学物质观的特点,认为培养学生化学物质观教学策略应遵循发展性、直接讲解与间接渗透相结合、注重运用化学实验教学、科学逻辑思维和科学方法的渗透以及加强化学学科内外综合的联系等五项原则,可以运用直接教学策略、先行组织者教学策略、自然科学方法论教学策略和培养对化学物质观认知的教学策略等在课堂上促进学生化学物质观的发展。

【Abstract】 Cultivating students’ views about chemical substance has been one of curriculum aims in Fully Time Compulsory Education Curriculum Standards of Chemistry (experiment draft) that was promulgated in July 2001 by our country department of education. Therefore, lucubrating the meaning and teaching strategy of views about chemical substance, has been an importance problem that was imminently inquired to settle in current reform of chemical curriculum and teaching.In this thesis, firstly deeply analysis about chemical substance and its relative category, we think that views about chemical substance are some cognize trends that have steady frameworks from individual about chemical substances. Seven functions of views about chemical substance, which are motivation, choose, interpret, establish, transplant, creation and direction, have importance influences students’ learning chemistry. Reviewing the history and philosophy of chemistry, we consider that the brains of people exist four kinds of views about chemical substance at the present time, which respectively are Beeline, Triangle, Triangle Prick, Twin Triangle Prick.Secondly, combining the contents of chemical curriculum, according as dominant views ’ranking from lowness to highness, form superficial to deep, we detached the development of students’ views about chemical substance into five phases, particularly discussed their characteristics and contents.Finally, at the base of these research, aiming at characteristics of views about chemical substance, we think that the teaching strategy that is used to cultivate students’ views about chemical substance, should follow five principles, which are respectively expansibility, integrating straightly explain and effect, paying attention to chemical experimentation, influencefrom scientific logic thinking and scientific methods, enhancing relations inside and outside of chemistry. Four kinds of effective teaching strategy could promote the development of students’ views about chemical substance in class.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】414

