

【作者】 张君辉

【导师】 于伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “大学精神”的弘扬与培育对于中国未来大学之发展可谓“生死攸关”。它至少应包含“学术自由与人格独立”、“批判旧智与创造新知”、“勇担重任与创造文明”诸方面。这三条六点虽然是针对“大学”而言,但鉴于大学主体分别由校方、教师、学生三方组成,所以这三条也是各有侧重,而分别对应这三方而言。“学术自由与人格独立”主要是指为大学主体的校方之气象风范,及其对内对外的态度方略。“批判旧智与创造新知”是“大学精神”的根本所在,更多的是相对教师而言。“勇担重任与创造文明”是大学精神对服务社会、引导未来的主旨所在,更多是相对学生而言。本文拟从这三个方面对当代大学精神进行系统考察与研究。 本文共分四部分: 第一部分,主要阐述大学精神的内涵和在当代的发展。具体讨论大学精神及其沿革、大学精神的内涵、大学精神的现代理论形态和大学精神的发端等四个问题。 第二部分,主要阐述大学精神的主要内容及其功能。具体论述大学的学术自由与人格独立、批判旧智与创造新知、勇担重任与推进文明等三种精神和大学精神的导向与凝聚、塑造与约束、激励与辐射等三种功能。 第三部分,主要阐述当代中国大学精神的本质特征和建设思路。具体论述大学以人为本与注重学术、服务社会与引导未来的本质特征和重构大学精神的文化内涵、强化教师主体素质建设、推进大学制度创新、建立现代大学制度等建设思路。 结束语,主要论述大学精神建设的重要性及其价值导向。

【Abstract】 The spread and cultivation of college spirit is life-and-death for the development of Chinese colleges in the future. It should at least include "academic freedom and personality independence". "Criticizing the old wisdom and creating new knowledge". "Undertaking big duties and creating civilization" and so on. Though the three items and six points refer to college, they emphasize different parts. Because the subject of the college consists of campus, teachers and students. "Acdemic freedom and personality independence" mainly refer to the style of the campus as the subject and the manners and strategies of inside and outside campus. "Criticizing the old wisdom and creating new knowledge" is the foundation of college spirit. It mainly refers to teachers."Undertaking big duties and creating civilization", which is the purport of college spirit serving for the society and leading the future, refers to the student. This essay will systematically research and study the college spirit from three parts in the present age.Part one: the first part states the nature and the development in the present-day of the college spirit .we will study on the history, nature, the conformation in modern theory and origin of the college spirit in detail.Part two: the second part states that the main content and function of the college spirit. We will state how to direct and cohere, mold and band, encourage and radiate the three items.Part three: the third part states that the intrinsic character and the constitution’s idea of the contemporary college spirit .the intrinsic character is "man-centered","emphasis on academician "serving for the society","leading the future".We can also constitute the college spirit by reconstructing the culture meaning, enforcing the teachers quality, propelling the renewing of the college institution and building the modern college institution.The end: This part will state the importance and the values direction of building the college spirit.

【关键词】 当代中国大学精神
【Key words】 present ageChinacollege spirit
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1340

