

【作者】 姚荻琳

【导师】 金喜在;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,美国经济出现了二次世界大战后罕见的高增长、低通胀、低失业,这种经济现象被人们称为“新经济”。新经济是以美国近十年来的经济发展状况为基础而引申出来的一个全新的概念。新经济虽然是以美国经济发展状况为基础而引申出来的一个全新的概念,但它不是美国经济发展状况的代言人。新经济一词最早出现于1996年12月30日美国的《商业周刊》,该刊认为新经济的实质是全球信息化和全球经济一体化,新经济的核心是高科技创新及由此带动的一系列其他领域的创新,是一场由新的科学技术革命所引发的经济领域的革命,必将在全球范围内不断推向前进,成为未来全球经济发展的主流形态和运行模式。既然新经济是一种趋势,探索新经济发展的客观规律就显得十分的必要。新经济时代的来临改变了传统的资源观,强调人力资本在经济发展中的贡献日益突出。根据世界银行报道,现在世界上64%的财富由人力资本构成。同时,新经济使全球范围内的企业竞争更加激烈,企业竞争的实质是人力资源的竞争。因此,加强人力资源的开发与管理是企业组织取得和维系竞争优势的关键要素;如何提高人力资源管理的水平,是一个关乎组织战略成败的关键问题。新经济时代使人力资源管理面临着许多新的变化,经济全球化、社会知识化和信息网络化。这种新的时代特征同时也赋予了人力资源管理以新的时代特点:第一,管理观念从以物为中心转向以人为中心;从制约性管理转向柔性管理。第二,人力资源管理的组织结构扁平化。第三,人力资源管理实施企业文化创新,建立学习型组织。第四,实施能够满足员工主导需要的人力资源管理激励机制。第五,人力资源管理方式的网络化。目前我国人力资源管理所面临的问题是:第一,观念滞后,对人力资源管理的认识不到位。第二,理论滞后,缺乏人本主义管理的基一一 础和依据。第三,机制滞后,造成人力资源浪费。 针对新经济时代人力资源管理所应具备的特点与我国目前人力资 源管理现状之间的对比,本文着重探讨新经济时代人力资源管理新体 系的构建。第一,树立正确的思想观念。企业应树立人力资源是企业 战略性资源的观念;树立人力资源管理是企业战略性管理的观念:树 立人力资本观念。第二,建立有效的制度机制。企业应根据新经济时 代的要求把握聘任、配置、激励、培训、考核、维护六个环节。第三, 培育良好的企业文化。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, American economy presents high growth, low inflation, and low unemployment after the Second World War. This kind of economic phenomena is called New Economy. New economy is based on the state of economic development in the past ten years of U.S.A. Though new economy is based on the state of economic development of U.S.A., it is not a spokesman of economic development of U.S.A. New economy first appears in "Business Weekly" of U.S.A. on December 30 1996". The essence of new economy is global informationization and economic integration. The core of new economy is high scientific and technical innovations that can also lead to a series of innovations in other fields. New economy is a revolution in the economic field caused by the scientific and technical revolution, Will push forward constantly in the world, and will become the major form and operational mode of economic development. Since new economy is a trend, seeking the objective laws of economic development seems very necessary. The advent of new economy has changed the traditional resource views, and emphasizes that the contribution of human resources is outstanding day by day. According to World Bank’s report, 64% wealth in the world is formed of human capital now. Besides, new economy makes the competition, whose essence is human resources, between enterprises more fierce. So strengthening human resources development and management is the main element for enterprises to make and maintain advantages in competition. How to improve the level of human resources management concerns enterprises’ strategic success or failure.New economic era makes human resources management face a lot of new changes: economic globalization, educated society and information networking. Such new changes entrust human resources management to new characters at the same time: First, the idea of management is from regarding things as the center to regarding people as the center, fromrestraining management to flexible management. Second, the institutional framework of human resources management does away with the hierarchical system. Third, implementing innovations of corporate culture and setting up learning organization. Fourth, implementing the incentive mechanism of human resources management that can meet the demands of staff. Fifth, the way of human resources management is networked.At present, human resources management in our country is facing the following problems: First, the idea lags behind and the understanding of human resources management is insufficient. Second, the theory lags behind lacking the foundation and basis of humanism management. Third, the mechanism lags behind causing human resources to be wasted.Contrasting the new characters with current situation of human resources management in our country. This thesis illustrates the construction of the system of human resources management in new economic era. First, establishing the correct concept. Enterprises should establish the ideas that human resources are strategic resources, and human resources management is enterprises’ strategic management. Enterprises should establish the idea of human capital. Second, establishing the effective system mechanism. Enterprise should grasp six steps: engagement, disposition, encouragement, training, examination, and maintenance according to the requests of new economic era. Third, fostering the good corporate culture.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】515

