

【作者】 张丹

【导师】 孙立;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界经济, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,金融国际化、全球化的趋势不断发展,资本在国际范围内的自由流动趋势继续加强,各国政府相继采取放松管制的措施以促成本国金融市场的国际化,从而导致了外资银行进入金融市场的数量不断增加。银行业国际化的迅猛发展对世界经济、贸易和金融的发展产生了巨大的积极作用,但另一方面,由于国际金融业的巨大风险的存在,往往会对东道国的政治、经济甚至整个国际货币体系产生不容忽视的消极影响。为此,世界各国都认识到有必要采取一些措施,来加强对外资银行的监管。 本文在对外资银行的发展概况及其相应监管理论研究的基础上,试图通过对外资银行监管政策的国际比较及监管措施的国际比较,结合中国的国情,提出有中国特色的、并尽可能与国际惯例接轨的外资银行监管政策和监管措施。 全文共分为四部分: 第一部分,外资银行发展概况。主要研究了外资银行的发展历程、组织形式及其主要业务活动。 第二部分,外资银行监管的理论基础。外资银行作为银行业的一部分,其自身与其他经济领域一样存在市场缺陷与国家干预的问题。不仅经济管制的一般理论是解释外资银行监管的基本理论,而且金融监管的一般理论也同样是我们理解外资银行监管的理论依据,主要包括自然垄断、外部效应、信息不充分和市场行为的短期性和投机性。外资银行作为金融业的一个组成部分,在具有金融业共性的同时,还有其自身的特点。除了上述理论之外我们还必须考虑一些更为具体和直接的外资银行监管理论,主要包括:外资银行具有明显的公共性和社会性;跨国经营给外资银行增加了经营的难度和风险。 第三部分,外资银行监管政策原则的国际比较和我国的政策选择。文章首先提出了对外资银行监管的三个主要政策原则,既保护主义原则、对等互惠原则和国民待遇原则等。通过这三种原则在实践中的比较分析,结合中国的国情,提出了我国应采用的政策原则一以对等互惠为主和以有限保护为辅。 第四部分,外资银行监管措施的国际比较与我国的措施选择。文章通过对外资银行准人、资产风险、业务经营和市场退出等方面监管措施的国际比较,结合我国的监管现状和监管能力,提出适合中国国情的监管措施:1.在市场准入方面,合理调整外资银行引进的国别分布;大力发展合资银行,适当限制独资银行;调整外资银行的地区分布,促进全国均衡发展。2.资产风险管理:①资本充足率管理,应将母国为信用风险特别高的外资银行的资本充足率提高到不得低于 12%。②流动性管理,将比率管理与其他对其产生影响的因素综合考虑,加以管理。③贷款集中度管理,规定合理的贷款集中度比率,降至 10刁“建立广泛具体的监控指标。④建立存款保险制度。3.业务经营运作管理方面要加强对外资银行经营人民币业务和衍生品业务的监管。4.市场退出管理,应根据问题的性质和严重程度情采取相应的措施,如道义劝告、限期改正、限制经营范围、重组、接管和关闭等。

【Abstract】 With the trend of financial internationalization and globalization development continuously and the trend of capital flowing freely at the international level strengthening, every state adapts relaxing regulative measures to promote internationalization of the domestic financial market. So the quantity of the foreign banks entering other country’s financial market is increasing. The rapid development of the banks internationalizing has an active effect on the world economics, trade and finance. On the other hand, because of the gigantic risk in the international finance, they have negative effect on the politics and economics of the host countries and even the whole international monetary system. So every country begins attaching importance to the business of the foreign banks and regulates them.On the basis of the study on the developmental situations and regulative theories about the foreign banks, the thesis makes an international comparison on regulative policies and measures to the foreign banks and tries to put forward with the regulative policies and measures, which agree with the state of our country and international practice.The thesis is made up of four parts:The first part, the general developmental situations of the foreign banks. The author studies the developmental course, organization patterns and main managerial activities.The second part, the regulative theoretical basis of the foreign banks. As a part of the banking system, the foreign banks themselves have the problems of the market defects and government interventions as the same to other economic fields. Not only the general theories of economic regulations but also the general theories of the financial regulations can construe the regulative theoretical basis of the foreign banks. These include natural monopoly, externalism, information insufficient and the short-term and speculative market behavior. As a part of banking system, the foreignbanks have not only the general financial characters but also their own ones. Besides the above -mentioned theories we must consider some more specific and direct regulative theories of the foreign banks. These include: the foreign banks have obviously general and social characters; multinational operations add difficulties and risks to the foreign banks.The third part, the international comparison on the regulative principle to the foreign banks and our choice. The thesis firstly raises three main regulative principle on the foreign banks: protectionism principle; principle of equity and reciprocity; principle of national treatment. The thesis analyzes the policies in practice, then put forward with our principle: principle of equity and reciprocity is main and limited protectionism principle is auxiliary according to the state of our country.The fourth part, the international comparison on the regulative measures to the foreign banks and our choice. The thesis makes an international comparison on market entry management, asset risks management, business operation management, market withdrawing management and so on. Combining with our regulative status and capacity, the author raises our regulative measures. 1. Market access management, adjust original country that foreign bank introduces rationally; develop affiliates energetically and limit the individual proprietorship bank properly; adjust distributing area foreign bank, promote national balanced development. 2. Risk management of the assets: (1)Rate of capital sufficient can not be lower than 12% for the foreign bank whose home country is in specially high credit risk, (2)liquidity management, consider rate management and other factors synthetically while exerting it (3)Loan concentration degree management, stipulate the rational loan concentration degree rate , drop to 10-15%; Set up extensive and concrete integrative measures. (4)Establishing the system of deposit insurance. 3. Business operation management require to strengthen the management of RMB business and derive product supervision to foreign bank. 4. Market withdr

【关键词】 外资银行监管国际比较
【Key words】 Foreign bankRegulationInternational comparison
  • 【分类号】F831
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】328

