

Secondary Development and Implement of GIS Based on Arc Objects

【作者】 张正祥

【导师】 张洪岩;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,简称GIS)作为集计算机科学、测绘学、遥感学、地理学、环境科学、空间科学、信息和管理科学为一体的新兴交叉学科,越来越受到人们的重视,并且广泛应用于城市规划、市场管理、国土资源调查与管理、环境监测与分析、森林监测与管理、农作物估产、公安消防预警、交通与安全管理、配电网管理等诸多领域。本文简要回顾了地理信息系统的二次开发方法的发展历程,并指出了基于COM(Component Object Model)、OLE(Object Linking & Embedding)和ActiveX基础的组件式对象模型的开发方法是GIS二次开发的潮流与趋势。作者较为详细的介绍了运用面向对象技术的ArcObjects开发组件进行二次开发的四种方法和常用组件属性、方法、事件的应用,并基于该组件提供的完备的空间数据处理、分析功能,利用可视化开发工具,进行了校园信息系统的开发实践。该校园信息系统建设使用面向对象的开发语言,充分利用了ArcObjects提供的完备的空间数据的分析、处理、显示等功能,有效地提高应用系统的开发效率,具有良好的外观和完善的功能。用户不再需要面对复杂的GIS概念和操作就可以适用本系统,从而扩大了地理信息系统的应用范围,这也是当今地理信息系统的一个新的研究领域。另外,在数据的组织和数据库的建立上作者尝试使用新的面向对象的数据组织与管理方式——Geodatabase以及应用SceneViewer控件完成校园三维图形的模拟显示。

【Abstract】 As a Intersectional Science, GIS (Geographic Information System) is erected on the base of Computer Science, Topography, Remote Sensing, Geography, Environmental Science, Spatial Science, Informatics and Managing Science. Now, GIS is drawing more and more people’s attention and used widely in city planning, market managing, resourse researching, environment monitoring and analysis, land resouse managing, forest monitoring and managing, estimating the yield of crops, fire alarming, traffic and safety managing, electrical net managing and so on.In this article, the author reviewed the history of the progresses in GIS’ secondary developing methods in brief. The component object oriented model based on COM, OLE and ActiveX are the trend and direction of secondary develop of CIS.The author illustrated how to use the object oriented technique of ArcObjects and took four methods of developing for example. Furthermore, the application of the property, event and method of common component are also discribed. Supported by visual basic and the fuctions of arranging, analysis, display of spatial data in the componet, information system of campus was established. Most users , which are not familiar with the knowledge of complicated concept and operation of CIS, can use this system freely. The application of ArcObjects is a new research field of CIS and enlarges the scope of CIS’ application. Geodatabase is a new object oriented data model of managing and organising data. In the system, it was used to build database. SceneViewer component was used to display three-dimensional model of campus.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】46
  • 【下载频次】1141

