

【作者】 佟志军

【导师】 杨青山;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,旅游业在我国迅速增长,并成为国民经济的重要支柱产业。旅游资源开发是发展旅游业的核心和基础,是各级政府发展本地区旅游业的重点。辽西走廊地区旅游资源丰富,文化品位高。经过20多年的发展和建设,区域旅游资源得到了快速的开发和利用,为地区旅游业的发展提供了物质基础。但旅游资源开发过程中还存在许多问题和不足,从而导致了区域旅游相对落后于周边的秦皇岛等地区。究其原因,既包括管理体制不顺,市场营销乏力,资金匮乏等影响因素,也与旅游资源开发没有突出区域特色和整体优势,旅游产品单一雷同,区域旅游形象差,旅游地吸引力弱有关。因此有必要通过区域整合,明确地方特色,对辽西走廊地区旅游资源进行系统评价,优化旅游产品结构,提高旅游资源的利用效益,促进旅游资源的可持续发展,最终实现将资源优势转化为经济优势。全文共分为三大部分。第一部分介绍辽西走廊的自然和人文概况,根据实地考查得到的第一手资料,简要介绍辽西走廊地区重点旅游资源。第二部分系统分析辽西走廊地区旅游资源的总体特征、分类体系及层次结构,客观评价旅游资源的开发现状,阐述辽西走廊地区旅游资源开发的有利条件,在此基础上提出辽西走廊地区旅游资源开发的策略。第三部分是文章的重点与核心部分。在阐述产品层次理论的基础上,得出“旅游产品”的层次结构,以此作为旅游产品设计的理论依据。分三个层次对辽西走廊地区的旅游产品进行设计,即核心旅游产品、形式旅游产品和附加旅游产品。核心旅游产品包括项目旅游产品、旅游网络组织和旅游线路开发。形式旅游产品主要从旅游地形象设计的角度进行设计。通过对比分析,文章从不同角度对辽西走廊地区的旅游形象进行了定位,提出了辽西走廊地区旅游形象口号。附加旅游产品主要从服务、信息等软件方面对辽西走廊地区旅游产品进行包装设计。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the economy,tourism increases quickly and becomes one of the most important industries. The exploitation of tourism resources is the core of the tourism .It is quite an important part of the work of the local government. Tourism resources in Liaoxi Corridor Region are plentiful. With the development in more than 20 years, tourism resources in this region have got fast exploitation and good use. They offer the substance foundation to the local tourism, but there are some questions and difficulties and it isn’t as good as we hope. There are some reasons, not only the bad management systems, the weak market sense, the shortness of the capital; but also the lack of special features, the bad district image of a whole dominance and so on .It is necessary to analyze the tourism resource in Liaoxi Corridor Region and to evaluate the resource system .In this way, the advantage of tourism will be turned into advantage of economy.The paper consists three chapters. Chapter One introduces the general situation about the environment and the culture background of Liaoxi Corridor Region. This chapter describes briefly the important tourism resources in this region .Chapter Two analyses the characters of the tourism resources in Liaoxi Corridor Region and builds up the classified system of the tourism resource. We know that the exploitation of the tourism resources in Liaoxi Corridor Region has got a certain progress. Yet there are a lot of problems in the process of tourism resource exploitation. It’s necessary to bring forward a serious of strategies.Chapter Three is the crucial part of this paper . First, it studies the theory of Hierurchical Structure of product. To its opinion, a product should includes three layers. They are core product, actual product and augmented product. According to this theory, tourism product should also include three parts: core tourism product, actual tourism product andaugmented product. All of designs of the tourism products base on the theory. The core tourism product of Liaoxi Corridor Region consist mainly the item tourism product, the tourism net and the tourism routes. The author analyses the structure of the tourism net and designs a serious of wonderful tourism route and 11 items tourism product. The key to the design of Liaoxi Corridor Region is the tourism image. The author makes the design from six aspects, such as the position of the region, the character of the tourism resources, the history, the war culture and the market. At last ,five slogans are given out ,which represent the tourism image of Liaoxi Corridor Region.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】688

