

【作者】 徐虎

【导师】 王继忠;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国《信托法》的颁布标志着我国信托业的发展进入了新的阶段,法学界对信托的研究也是不断深入。正是在此背景下,本文作者着眼于公益信托作为研究的重点。本文分为五大部分。第一部分属于信托的概述。回顾了信托的历史渊源,分析了信托的含义及特征,进行了信托法律关系与其他法律关系的比较,研究了信托当事人和信托的种类,强调了我国确立信托法律制度的作用及意义。第二部分是公益信托的目的范围。研究了三点内容:公益信托强调目的公益性;公益信托强调公共利益;国家对公益信托的政策。第三部分是公益信托的成立。分析了公益信托成立的一般要件和特殊要件。第四部分是公益信托的管理与监督。着重探讨信托监察人和公益事业管理机构。第五部分是公益信托的受托人的特殊性,主要表现在:公益信托的受托人的确定和辞任需经批准;受托人对处理信托事务和财产状况的报告义务;公益信托终止的,受托人的有关义务。最后一部分是其他有关问题。分析了委托人、受托人或者受益人的起诉权;以及公益信托的信托财产及其收益用途目的的限制。

【Abstract】 The approval of Chinese Trust Law symbolizes the new stage in the development process of Chinese trust industry. The legal academics have deepened their research on this issue. In this context, the author focused his study on the topic of charity trust. There are five main parts of this thesis. The first introduces the overview of the legal regime on trust, covering the history of trust, analysis of concept and features of trust, comparison between trust and other relevant legal relationships, the relevant parties to a trust and types of trust, and the significance and implication of trust. The second part is relating to the scope of the charity trust, including the three main points: Charity trust emphasizes the public welfare of the trust, the public interest and the state policies on charity trust. The third part is regarding the establishment of a charity trust where general requirements and special conditions for the establishment of charity trust are deliberated. The fourth part is about the administration and supervision of the charity trust, focusing on the trust supervisors and administration agency of trust industry. The fifth part is discussing the specialties of the trustee of a charity trust, including the following: the appointment and removal of the trustee of charity trust should be approved in advance; the trustee is liable to report on the trust management and situation of trust property; the liabilities of a trustee of charity trust when the trust itself is terminated. The last part is about the other issues, covering analysis of the suing right of the settlor, trustee and beneficiary and the restrictions on the trust property and the objectives of income derived from the trust property.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.282
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】450

