

【作者】 江汝南

【导师】 汪汉卿;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事证据制度是指法律规定和确认的关于刑事诉讼的证据及相关概念,以及在刑事诉讼中取证、举证、确证的规则、原则和具体性规定。刑事证据制度作为国家法律体系的重要组成部分,对刑法实现具有决定性的意义。由于我国目前关于刑事证据制度的法律规定在刑事诉讼法中的规定较笼统,致使在刑事审判中往往对刑事证据的认证难以把握。随着最高人民法院关于民事诉讼和行政诉讼的证据规定的出台,刑事证据的专门立法也已提上了议事日程。本文旨在通过对刑事证据制度的有关问题的探究,分析我国刑事证据制度的不足,结合目前刑事审判中的实际情况,提出改革和完善刑事诉讼证据制度的建议。 一、刑事证据制度概说 通过对证据的概念加以定义,并对刑事诉讼证据的含义及表现形式、刑事诉讼证据制度的概念加以说明,着重说明刑事诉讼证据制度对刑法的实现具有重要的意义; 二、我国刑事证据制度的历史发展 刑事证据制度作为国家法律制度的重要组成部分,在不同历史类型的国家,有不同的证据制度。在我国社会的发展历史上,主要表现过以下几种类型的证据制度:我国古代刑事证据制度、我国近代刑事证据制度、我国现代刑事证据制度。 三、我国现行刑事证据制度的内容构成分析 我国现行刑事证据制度的内容构成是指我国法律规定的刑事证据制度的具体内容,包含以下三个部分:取证制度、举证制度、确证制度。 比找国刑事证据制度本部分通过对刑事诉讼证据制度内容构成分析,指出我国现行关于刑事诉讼证据法律规定的不足之处; 四、我国现行刑事证据制度的改革和完善; 分析我国现行刑事证据制度的不足,针对刑事审判的实际,提出几点改革和完善的意见:设立“污点证人’制度;确立非法证据有限排除规则;完善证人出庭制度。 我国刑事证据制度作为我国刑事诉讼制度不可或缺的组成部分,其重要地位、作用和意义不言而喻,其运行状况优劣直接决定刑事诉讼的成败,而其运行状况的优劣虽然也取决于司法者的素质,但最主要的是取决于刑事证据制度立法。因此,加强刑事证据制度立法工作,包括对侵犯刑事证据制度行为予以打击的刑事、民事、行政等刑事证据制度法律保护性立法,必然会对我国刑事审判工作起到重要的决定性指导作用,有利于刑法目的的最终实现。

【Abstract】 The rule of criminal evidence includes rules and principles and prescripts about the concepts of evidence in criminal proceeding and achieving evidence and providing evidence and affirming evidence, which are ruled and affirmed in law. As an important component of a civil law system, it has a final significance to the realization of criminal law. Because the law on criminal evidence is still lacking and fundamental, it is rather difficult for justice to affirm evidence. Along with the coming on of principles on evidence in civil litigation and administrative tribunals by Supreme court. The special lawmaking on criminal evidence will be carried though presently. The penman runs for the rule of criminal evidence and assay the shortage of it in China now days, combining with practical situation in criminal trial, and expound proposals to innovate and consummate the rule of criminal evidence.First, the generality of the rule of criminal evidence; In this part, the penman defines the concept of evidence and implication and expressive forms and the rule of criminal evidence. Moreover, emphasizes on explaining its important significance to the realization.Second, the historic evolution of the rule of criminal evidence in China, As an important component of a civil law system, the rule of criminal evidence appears with different sorts of the rule of evidence in different countries. In the development history of Chinese society, there had appeared with three sorts: the ancient rule of evidence, the intimaterule of evidence and the modern rule of evidence.Third, the analysis to the content and constitute of the rule of efficient criminal evidence in China. The material contents of the rule of criminal evidence in national law include three parts: the rule of achieving evidence and the rule of providing evidence and the rule of affirming evidence. In this part, through the assay of the content and composing of the rule of criminal evidence, the penman expounds the shortage of current law in China.Fourth, the proposals to innovate and consummate the rule of criminal evidence; Aiming at the practice of criminal trial, the penman advises some proposals: setting up the rule of "criminal witness"; establishing the rule of illegal evidence restricted exclusion and perfecting the rule of witness’ appearing in court.Because of the importance of the rule of criminal evidence, it becomes very important to strengthen the lawmaking on the rule of criminal evidence. Only in this way, can necessarily direct the criminal trial and be propitious to the realization of the criminal law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D925.23
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】509

