

【作者】 仲春

【导师】 袁敏殊;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 名誉是对特定主体人格价值的良好的、客观的社会公众评价,具有时代性、地域性和民族性。名誉权是受民事法律保护的公民和法人所享有的名誉不受他人侵害的人格权。名誉权具有法定性、专属性、绝对性、非财产性、可转化性和可克减性等特点。 通过对名誉权保护制度历史的研究和比较发现保护名誉以及制裁诽谤的法律在古代诸法合体的成文法典中占有重要的地位。然而这种保护大多从维护专制统治的角度出发,没有真正体现现代法治社会所崇尚的平等观念。名誉权保护制度的意义在于保护公民的人格尊严和利益,维护社会的良好秩序。构成侵害名誉权的行为具有行为人实施了侵犯特定主体名誉权的违法行为、该违法行为造成了该主体名誉权损害的事实、侵权行为人的侵害行为与受害人的损害后果之间存在因果关系、侵权行为人具有主观过错的四个要件。名誉权受到侵害的法律责任承担方式则有停止侵害、消除影响和恢复名誉、赔礼道歉以及赔偿损失。 由于社会公共利益的需要在特定的情况下对特定的主体的名誉权保护有必要加以限制。表达自由、舆论监督是公民的基本自由之一,是现代民主社会的基石,出于对民主和自由的渴求与需要,对于涉及公共利益的言论,在与名誉权保护冲突时可以适当地、相对地放宽标准。公众人物、政府官员及其他国家公务人员、法人、司法工作人员的名誉权需要加以限制,在限制的同时也要注意“度”,以免失之平衡。从对具体案例的分析中可知对在校学生出于学校管理的需要他们的名誉权可能会得到适当限制,这种限制以尽量不妨碍他们未来的健康成长为前提。

【Abstract】 Reputation is the objective social appreciation to the specific main body, whose criterion is changing with the different time, places and nations. The right of reputation is the protected personal right which is enjoyed by the people and artificial person. It is legal, specific, absolute, non-financial, able to transform and able to be restricted.From studying and contrasting the historical system of the protection of reputation right and other latter-day countries’ practice we find that the protective stipulation play an important role in the archaic law. However it didn’t embody the equality idea of modern ruled-by-law society, they protected the autocratic class. The significance of the system is to protect personal right and dignity, maintain the good order of our society. The four compositions of encroaching liability are: the illegal action; the damage; the cause-and-effect between the foregoing two compositions; the subjective fault of the actor. The main methods of bearing civil liability shall be: cessation of infringements; elimination of ill effects and rehabilitation of reputation; extension of apology and compensation for losses.For the sake of the public advantage, the reputation right may be restricted. The freedom of expression is the footstone of modern democracy. Since we are eager for democracy and freedom, when people’s remark concerning about public advantage and conflicting with the protection of reputation right, the standard can be relaxed in some extent. The protection of reputation right of public person, goverment officials and servants, the artifical person, judiciary professionists should be limited to some degree, but we also should give our attention to the "degree". By analyzing the cases we can see that students’ reputation right may be restricted for the need of administration, the principle of restriction is not to disturb their healthy growing-up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】328

