

【作者】 张立驰

【导师】 袁晖; 王宗法;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《尘埃落定》是新时期难得的优秀长篇小说,其在语言上的最大特征便是具备诗歌语言的特质和审美功能。本文通过对“象征性”、“抒情性”、“音乐性”、“隐喻性、哲理性”四个方面特征的论证,来阐释《尘埃落定》的语言。 通过对小说语言“象征性”的论述,我们能清楚地感到作者辩证的唯物主义历史观和多元互动的整体文化观。对小说“抒情性”的论述,我们能更明晰地觉察到中国传统抒情文学对叙事文学的重大改造和影响,以及阿来本人从事诗歌创作的经验在小说中的保存和延续。小说语言在外在形式和内在情感两方面所共同体现出的一种“沉静、平稳”而“徐缓”的节奏,从一个侧面表现了阿来的独特气质和敏锐沉稳的性格,同时,也体现了作品语言很强的音乐性。小说中语言的“隐喻性”和“哲理性”,体现了作者对人生的严峻沉思并试图洞悉生命的内在秘密。 上述这些特征都在小说语言上得以具体体现,从而使整部小说的语言具有很强的审美性。“小说语言的诗性美”给这部小说的语言作了高度的审美概括。

【Abstract】 The Landing of Dust is one of the few excellent long stories in modern times. Its most apparent characteristic is its language style, which has the features and the functions mainly belonging to the poem language. This essay mainly elaborates these poem features and functions carried by the language in this long story, by analyzing and expounding four poem language features: symbolization, emotion, melody, metaphor and philosophy.By means of elaborating the features of symbolization carried in the language of this story, the author’s viewpoint of materialism history and that of the whole culture of multielement reaction can be explicitly shown. And also through expounding the feature of emotion, the great trans formation and influence that Chinese traditional emotion literature has on the narration literature can be strongly felt, which can be vividly shown by the influence on the story creating from A Lai, the author’s of this long story poem creating experience. The two aspects, the outer style and the inner emotion together create a rhythm: tranquil, steady, slow. On the one hand, this rhythm displays A Lai’s unique quality and his sensitive, smart and stable character; on the other hand, it shows the great melody of the language. As to the feature of metaphor and philosophy, it reveals the author’s serious pondering on his life and this attempt to explore the inner secret of life.All the features above are shown in the language of this long story, therefore they enable the language of the story to have the function of beauty appreciation. So in general, this story language is honored ’the poetic beauty of the story language’ from the perspective of beauty appreciation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1026

