

The Study of Lycopene about Its Technological Process of Extraction and Purification and Its Stability

【作者】 王燕燕

【导师】 邸进申;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 化学工艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄红素是一种天然类胡萝卜素,它具有防癌抗癌,提高免疫力,延缓衰老等多种保健功能。本文主要研究了从天然番茄中提取番茄红素粗产品,并进一步将粗产品纯化的工艺路线和工艺条件。 采用皂化法对番茄进行预处理不仅可除去脂肪酸甘油酯及各种游离脂肪酸,而且在番茄细胞组织的保护下,番茄红素不容易在碱性条件下被破坏。番茄皂化的最佳工艺条件为:温度70℃,KOH浓度0.5mol/L,皂化时间0.5h。从皂化后的番茄中提取的番茄红素产品有番茄红素晶体出现,产品的色价由原来的21.2提高到66.7。 分别采用固液浸取法、索氏提取法和微波萃取法用石油醚从皂化后干燥番茄粉末中提取番茄红素,考察了温度、时间、液固比、功率等各种提取条件对番茄红素提取量的影响。固液浸取法最佳工艺条件:温度50~60℃,提取时间1h,液固比40:1,番茄红素产量为22.54mg/g(干燥番茄粉末);索氏提取的最佳工艺条件:温度45℃,提取时间4h,液固比100:1,番茄红素产量为22.69mg/g(干燥番茄粉末);微波萃取的最佳工艺条件:功率400w,萃取时间50s,番茄红素提取量23.25mg/g(干燥番茄粉末)。三种方法对比表明微波萃取的提取量最大,而且提取速度最快。 用柱色谱法分离纯化提取阶段得到的产品—番茄红素油树脂。根据番茄红素的性质和薄层色谱的试验结果,色谱系统的固定相选用硅胶,流动相选用V(正庚烷):V(丙酮)=6:1的混合液,洗脱方式为梯度洗脱。为了提高混合物的分离度,对色谱操作条件进行了优化,确定出最佳流动相流速为5ml/min,高径比30:1。纯化后的产品经HPLC检验,番茄红素质量百分含量达到18.9%。另外,从番茄红素油树脂中还得到β-胡萝卜素和叶黄素。 影响番茄红素稳定性的因素主要有光、空气、温度、和pH值,这些因素作用程度的大小取决于番茄红素的存在状态,空气对番茄粉末的稳定性影响最大,光对提取液的稳定性影响最大。

【Abstract】 Lycopene is a kind of natural carotenoid, it has the function of various health cares, such as resisting cancer, increasing the immunity and deferring decrepitude etc. The paper mainly studies the technologic processes and conditions by which oleoresin be extracted from natural tomatoes then be purified into lycopene crystal.Alkaline saponification can remove the glyceride and fatty acid, and release lycopene. Under the protection of tomato cell tissue lycopene will not denature. The best conditions of tomato saponification are temperature 70 C, concentration of KOH 0.5 mol/L and time 0.5h.The lycopene oleoresin extracted from sapnification tomato included some crystal, and its color value increased to 66.7The methods including solid-liquid leaching, soxholet extraction and microwave extraction have been utilized to gain crude product from dry tomato powder with petroleum benzene. The factors such as temperature, time, ratio of liquid-solid, microwave power will affect the amount of oleoresin. The result shows that the best conditions of solid-liquid leaching are temperature 50-60 C, time Ih, ratio of liquid-solid 40:1,and the amount of oleoresin is 22.54mg/g (tomato powder); the best conditions of soxholet extraction are temperature 45 C, time 4h, ratio of liquid-solid 100:1,and the amount of oleoresin is 22.69mg/g (tomato powder); the best conditions of microwave extraction are power 400w, time 60s, and the amount of oleoresin is 22.54mg/g (tomato powder). The comparation of the three methods proves that microwave extraction can be used in industrial production of lycopene because of its high efficiency and output.Oleoresin can be purified by column-chromatography. The immobile phase is silica-gel and the mobile phase is the mixture of V (hexane): V (acetone)=1.5:1. The result of optimization for column-chromatography condition proves that the best flow speed of immobile phase is 5ml/min, and the ratio of height-diameter is 30:1. The needle crystal can be gained from the concentrated eluting liquid, and the measurement by HPLC shows that the masspercentage of lycopene is 18.9%. Other ingredients separated from oleoresin are B-carotene and lutehi.Light, oxide, temperature and acid salt tolerance will affect the stability of lycopene. The degree of lycopene denaturalization is often different from the state in which lycopene exists. Oxide denatures tomato powder more evidently and light affects the stability of lycopene solvent more distinctly.

  • 【分类号】O629.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1021

