

The System Architecture of Multiagent Faced to Road Construction and Its Communiction Mechanism

【作者】 唐智强

【导师】 张明路;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着单智能体技术的不断完善,以及对多智能体技术研究的不断深入,多智能体系统在实际中的应用也越来越广泛。近年来,国外一些研究学者已经开始尝试开发多智能体技术与工程机械相结合的机群施工产品,国内也将机群智能化的开发列为“863”计划的重要研究项目,本课题的研究就是在国家“863”计划项目“机群智能化工程机械实施方案研究”(项目编号:2001AA422011)支持下开展的。本论文构建了高等级公路施工机群分布——分层式树状控制结构,设计了混合式通讯方式,并解决了无线通讯方案及系统硬件配置的问题,以保证该机群系统能够高效率、低成本的实现智能体之间的协调与协作,完成高等级公路施工任务。本论文的主要研究内容如下:1.针对当前高等级公路施工中的特点,构建了高等级公路施工机群分布——分层式树状控制结构,并着重分析了各智能控制主体的结构和功能。2.分析了合同网方法的基本工作原理,并且利用合同网方法来解决该系统中智能体之间的任务管理及协作问题;同时应用IGS和E-PERT图方法,避免了大多数冲突的发生。3.针对分布——分层式树状控制结构,建立了直接寻址和广播方式相结合的通讯机制,并解决了无线通讯方案及系统硬件配置的问题,以保证系统能够更高效率更低耗费地实现信息传输。

【Abstract】 The multiagent technique is putting into practice wider and wider as the fully development of single agent technique and the academic research concerning multiagent. In recent years, many a foreign researcher has began to try to study new products of mechanical group about multiagent. And China has listed the research about application of multiagent system into the National 863 Plan. Under the support of Project NO. 2001AA422011, the application of multiagent technique in mechanical practice.The special distributed-layered tree control architecture of a mechanical group for high-level road constructing is set up to adapt to the characteristics of high-level road, and a special composite communication mechanism is constructed correspondingly. At the same time, a scheme of wireless communication is designed, and relevant hardwares required are prepared. All what the steps are taken to ensure that our multiagent system may finish its task with higher efficiency and lower cost.All what are done in this dissertation includes three questions as follows:1. The special distributed-layered tree control architecture of a mechanical group for high-level road constructing is set up to adapt to the characteristics of high-level road, and all control architecture of agents are mainly analyzed as well as their functions.2. The basal principle of contract net protocol is analyzed and introduced in this dissertation. The method of contract net protocol is employed to manage and cooperate the task among the agents, and chart of IGS and E-PERT are used to avoid most conflicts.3. The special communication mechanism, which makes use of two communication methods of direct routing and routing by signal propagation, is estimated to accommodate to the system architecture. Meanwhile, a scheme of wireless communication is designed, and relevant hardwares required are prepared. All what the steps are taken to ensure that our multiagent system may finish its task with higher efficiency and lower cost.

  • 【分类号】TP29;TP18
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】54

