

The Study of Controlling Blasting of the Roadbed Extension and High Location Side-slope Cutting

【作者】 魏朝林

【导师】 宋金华;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国山岭区高等级公路建设的日益增多,对路基石方爆破的要求不断提高。特别是在复杂的地质,地形及地物条件下,如何保证工程的安全快速有效实施成为制约工程顺利完成的关键。本文的理论分析和实践研究以国道309河北武安至涉县段改建工程为依托,采用理论分析计算与现场试验相结合的方法,研究并优化了路基石方控制爆破技术与施工工艺,有效控制了爆破危害,实现了保证现有公路正常运营条件下的快速安全施工,本文提出了在预裂爆破中适合于路基扩堑工程的有关参数。同时提出了预裂爆破与缓冲爆破相结合是控制边坡稳定和成形的主要途径。本文研究成果的具体应用产生了巨大的社会效益和经济效益,具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 With increasing day after day of high grade highway in moutain ridge district,the requriement of roadbed stonework blowing up is improving continuously. How to ensure the project implement safely and effectively,esp in the complicated condition of geology, the terrain and its features, is the key to restrict the project finishing successfully;In this paper , the theoretic analyse and pratical study based on the extension of 309 country road (from Wuan to Shexian in Hebei Province),adopt the method of theoretical analyse,caculater and experiment,improve the controlling blasting skill and construction crafr of roadbed stonework,control the blasting harm effectively,accomplish the construction quickly and safely in normal conditions.The paper puts forward to the relative parameter applying to roadbed extension in beforecrack blasting,and raises the combination of beforecrack demolition and buffer demolition,which is the main way to conctrol the side-slope stable and taking shape.Putting to use the achievement produces great social benifet and economic benefitjt has widely practical future.

  • 【分类号】U416.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】159

