

Structure Analysis and Optimum Design of Aluminum Alloy Road Wheel

【作者】 郄彦辉

【导师】 刘波;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文简述了国内外汽车产品的发展及现状,剖析了目前汽车车轮的发展状况。在深入分析了钢制车轮性能的基础上,以降低耗油率、减轻材料重量和提高车轮的使用寿命为宗旨,详细说明了铝合金车轮的合理性和优越性。 本文详细阐述了优化设计的基本思想,计算步骤,力学基础及其在汽车工业中的应用;具体说明了有限元分析软件ANSYS的功能和它的开放式结构以及ANSYS的主要特点,此外,还对ANSYS的理论部分做了进一步的说明。着重介绍了应用ANSYS对铝合金车轮进行结构强度分析、优化设计的具体过程。 本文所使用的车轮是按照轮辋的国家标准而构建的,而载荷是根据1997年中国汽车行业标准中的汽车轻合金车轮的性能要求和实验方法所规定的疲劳实验载荷所施加的。在车轮的构建上,本文采用了三维绘图软件UG,在UG中首先完成车轮几何建模,然后导入到ANSYS里面进行修改并进行有限元网格的划分,边界载荷的加入,材料特性的定义,对车轮进行强度分析。计算结果表明:最大应力值远小于铝合金车轮的需用盈利,强度储备很大,造成了材料的浪费,存在着进一步优化的潜力和必要。接着ANSYS中定义设计变量(分别为轮辋和轮辐的厚度),确定设计目标(使车轮重量最小),因最大应力不超过铝合金材料的许用应力为限,进行优化设计。结果表明:在不增加车轮最大应力值的情况下,优化后的铝合金车轮的应力分布更加合理,充分利用了材料,减轻了重量,降低了成本。 本次研究结果显示了ANSYS在强度分析和优化设计中的作用和意义,应用ANSYS对车轮进行强度分析和优化设计方法适用于指导任何其它型号车轮的生产。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the development and actuality of motor vehicles product at home and aboard are reviewed and the market requisition of road wheel at present is analyzed first. On the basis of profound analysis of steel road wheel, according to the tenet of reducing the consumption of petrol, decreasing the weight of material, enhancing the age of road wheel, the reasonableness and feasibility of using aluminum alloy road wheel were investigated.Then, the basic idea, calculation step, mechanical foundation of the optimum design and its use in motor vehicles are expatiated in detail. The function and open style structure of the finite-element analysis software, ANSYS, and the main features of ANSYS are concretely explained. Furthermore, the theory section of ANSYS is showed. The processes using ANSYS to carry through strength analysis and optimum design are introduced as a focal point.Road wheel in this paper is created according to GB/T 3487-1996 and application of load is simulated the actual situation. ANSYS finished is used to build model of road wheel, divide finite element graticule, apply boundary load, and define material properties, which are submitted to ANSYS to analyze strength. The result shows the maximal stress value in original design is much less than the breaking point of aluminum alloy, which make material wasted. So it is necessary to optimize structure of road wheel. Using ANSYS to define design variable, determine design object and restrict constraint upper limit to optimize design. We find that the maximal stress value in road wheel approaches its breaking point. Therefore, this design makes material sufficiently used, the weight of road wheel effectively lightened. At the same time, stress distribution is more reasonable.Through this study, we can find the function and significance of ANSYS is showed in strength analysis and optimum design. The intent of this paper is to introduce a kind of method, using ANSYS to analyze and optimize road wheel, which is fit to any road wheel.

  • 【分类号】U463.34
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】699

