

Perfect the Theoretical Research of Severalques of Management System of University’s Teaching

【作者】 王江辉

【导师】 黄学扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建设科学、高效的教学管理制度是我国高等学校提高教学质量,培养合格人才的根本保证,也是我国当前高等教育改革中的重要内容之一。认真审视我国当前教学管理的实质,并通过理论研究和实践,就如何建立健全和不断完善高校教学管理制度,探讨高校的教学改革和高等教育质量的提高提供理论支持,是本文撰写的目的。 本文通过归纳法、分析法等科学研究方法,从探讨高校教学管理制度与高等教育质量的关系为出发点,分析了教学管理组织的职能、教学管理制度的内涵,重点剖析了当前经济体制改革、教育体制改革与高校教学管理制度创新之间的关系,从而提炼出目前高校教学管理制度中存在的管理方法单一、管理目标局限、评估体系不健全等一系列问题,并对如何完善高校教学管理制度以及采取怎样的完善措施进行了较为深入的理论探讨,得出了应重塑教学管理理念、重构教学管理组织、完善教学管理体制、建立教学质量评估制度与监控体系的结论。

【Abstract】 Establishing a scientific and efficient teaching management system, an important content of the ongoing reform of higher education in colleges and universities across China, is primarily to guarantee the improvement of teaching quality as well as the development of qualified talents.This article, by well defining the essence of the teaching management and carefully studying it both in theory and the improvement of teaching quality of higher education as well.This article, by means of scientific methods like induction and analysis , preceding from demonstrating the relationship between the system and teaching quality, after examining the management units’functions and the system’s intension,and then revealing how economic system reform,education system reform and university teaching system reform work with one another, identified and analyzed the existing problems in the current university teaching management system such as single methods, limited targets and imperfect assessment system,made a further discussion in theory on how and by what means university teaching management system can be perfected, and finally concluded that, as to teaching management, the ideology should be re-shaped, the units re-structured and the system perfected, and what is more, the teaching quality assessment and monitoying system should be estabiished.

  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】2208

