

Discourse Restructuring Models in Consecutive Interpreting

【作者】 武光军

【导师】 冯之林;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟从语篇结构转换的角度来解决连续传译中遇到较大语篇时工作记忆小于需求记忆之间的矛盾,探索一种最佳语篇结构转换模式:既满足交际需要,又最大程度上模仿原语篇系统。根据我们对记忆特点的分析以及口译本身的特点,我们认为连续传译应以语篇为处理单位,通过话语的主位-述位推进特征并应用宏观结构规则有序的,渐进的实现话语从微观结构到最佳宏观结构的过渡。这样,译员遇到此类问题时才能处理的又快又准。并且,本文还通过一定量的对优秀译员的观察研究验证了此理论。当然,该理论尚需进一步的实验证明。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to come up with a solution to the problem that the limited working memory in consecutive interpreting is often saturated and to work out an optimal discourse restructuring model, which is capable of embodying the source text to the largest extent possible, fulfilling the communicative purpose and is achievable in terms of memory load. Based upon the features of memory and consecutive interpreting, we deem that each segment, be it large or small, shall be processed as a discourse. Interpreters, with knowledge of the theme-rheme progression patterns and macro-rules, are able to derive the optimal restructuring model from the microstructures of the discourse. As a result, the said problem will be solved and interpreters’ performance will accordingly be bettered. Besides, the author, through an observational study, has justified the hypothesis. However, the validity of this theory still requires further experimental evidence.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】227

