

Study on the Effect of Foliar Spray Inorganic Nutrition and Different Plant Growth Regulators

【作者】 赖锦山

【导师】 袁德厚;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 试验研究表明,叶面喷施无机营养和配施不同生长调节剂,对本地糯玉米和莴笋、瓢儿白三种作物生长发育中水分、酶活性、氨基酸、粗蛋白质、还原糖、淀粉、Vc、叶绿素含量等有较大的影响。 1.对内在成分代谢方向和速率的影响:玉米配施B9、DA-6,叶片过氧化物酶活性与处理2比较,后期增幅达23.80%~39.24%,第二(25/6)、第三(1/7)次测定相对变幅达48.96%~66.40%。嫩玉米籽粒还原糖比CK增加10.15%~47.91%,氨基酸增加60.80%~92.96%。两种蔬菜田盆试验内在成分也均有较大变化。内在代谢成分绝对含量的增减,说明影响了代谢方向,而不同测定时期间差值的变幅,则可视为影响了代谢速率所致。 2.对品质的影响:糯玉米以食嫩籽粒为主,提高氨基酸和还原糖含量无疑提高了产品质量。如嫩籽粒配施生长调节剂的处理与CK比较,氨基酸含量提高58.54%~95.73%,还原糖含量提高10.15%~95.82%(除PCPA降低26.57%)。两种蔬菜作物与基础溶液比较,NO3-N含量,盆栽莴笋茎下降3.82%~9.41%,田间茎下降24.15%~66.74%;盆栽瓢儿白中期下降16.09%~22.80%,田间DA-6中期增0.41%,其它降0.63%~28.18%。盆栽试验氨基酸含量,莴笋叶GA和BR后期(8/12)提高186.00%和100.00%,茎提高6.38%和34.57%;瓢儿白DA-6和BR前期提高34.94%和31.47%,GA降幅为21.43%~24.12%。盆栽试验还原糖含量,莴笋叶调节剂处理中、前期提高9.97%~39.74%,后期降15.02%~21.25%,茎中变幅为-17.12%~1.92%;瓢儿白各处理前期降低12.01%~34.87%,中、后期增加33.76%~85.56%。盆栽试验Vc含量,莴笋叶调节剂处理中、前期降低18.64%~49.53%,后期叶和茎分别增加0.49%~44.20%和8.51%~21.05%。瓢儿白各处理降低9.25%~30.48%。表明,试验处理对供试作物主要品质因素存在着较大影响,也可以看出,只要组合使用得当,则能改善品质,不致产生不良效果。 3.对作物N、P、K含量和土壤有效N、P、K的影响:1/7时,基础溶液、CCC、DA-6、PCPA4个处理与CK比较,玉米叶片N含量提高5.23%~16.05%,P含量提高3.90%~10.60%,K含量降低0.98%~9.61%;土壤碱解N降低3.43%~11.87%,有效P除基础溶液下降13.06%外,提高3.12%~10.28%,有效K除DA-6下降53.09%外,提高11.39%~14.74%。说明,叶面肥施用,除要影响植株叶片N、P、K成分外,同时通过影响作物生长,进而影响到土壤N、P、K的有效性。由此我们认为,叶面肥应是合理施肥、提高肥料利用率的有效途径之一。

【Abstract】 The results from our experiments revealed that foliar spraying with inorganic nutrition and different plant growth regulators (PGRs) have significant effect, on three local plants-glutinous maize, lettuce and Chinese cabbage, on the water, enzyme activity, amion acid, crude protein, reducing sugar, starch, vitamin C, chlorophyll, etc. relatively1.The effect on the metabolic direction and metabolic rate of the inherent-element: Foliar spray B9 or DA-6 on maize, peroxidase’s activity of anaphase foliage increase from 23.80% to 39.24% than treat with base solution in anaphase, relative change scope about peroxidase’s activity was from 48.96% to 66.40% between the second (June 25) and the third (July 1) time measurement. The reducing sugar and amino acid in tender seed of maize increased 10.15%~47.91% and 60.80%~92.96% respectively after treat with PGRs. The inherent-element of the two vegetables also changed much in field and pot experiment. The absolute content of plant inherent-element changed much when ’treated with PGRs, it means that the metabolic direction have been affected. The change scope of difference between different measurement time was regarded as the result of the change of metabolic rate being affected.2.The effect on the quality: We primarily feed the tender seed of the glutinous maize, so increasing the content of amino acid and reducing sugar in it is increasing the quality of the product. When sprayed PGRs in leaf, the amino acid and reducing sugar in tender seed increased 10.15%~95.82 and 58.54%~95.73% respectively compared with CK, only the reducing sugar in PCPA treatment decreased 26.57%. The content of NO3-N decreased 3.82%~9.41% and 24.15%~66.74% in pot-planted lettuce and in field-planted lettuce respectively when compared with base solution, the content of NO3-N decreased 16.09%~22.80% in metaphase of pot-planted Chinese cabbage, increased 0.41% in filed-planted treated with DA-6, and decreased 0.63%~28.18% in other treatment. When treated pot-planted lettuce with GA and BR, the amino acid content increased 186.00% and 100.00% in leaf and increased 6.38% and 34.57% in stem in anaphase. Pot-planted Chinese cabbage s content of the amino acid increased 34.94% and 31.47% in prophase when treated with DA-6 and BR, while treated with GA, the extent of decrease was21.43%~24.12%. Pot-planted lettuce’s the content of reducing sugar in the leaf increased 9.97%~39.74% in prophase and metaphase and decreased 15.02%~21.25% in anaphase and its change extent in the stem was -17.12%~1.92%. Pot-planted Chinese cabbage’s the content of the reducing sugar decreased 12.01%~34.87 in prophase but increased 33.76%~85.56% in metaphase and prophase. Pot-planted lettuce’s the content of vitamin C decreased 18.64%~49.53% in prophase and metaphase but increased 0.49%~44.20% and 8.15%~21.05% respectively in leaf and in anaphase stem. Pot-planted Chinese cabbages the content of vitamin C decreased 9.25%~30.48% in various treatment. From the data in the experiment, we considered that foliar inorganic nutrition and PGRs can highly affect the plant’s quality, while compounding it correctly can we meliorate the quality of the plant but not bring bad effect.3.The effect on the plant of the content of N, P, K and soil’s available N, P, K: On July 1, we use base solution, CCC, DA-6, PCPA compared with CK found that the content of N, P, K in the maize leaf increased 5.23%~16.05%, 3.90%~10.60% and 0.98%~9.61% respectively. In soil, alkaline hydrolytic N decreased 3.43%-11.87%; the available P increased 3.12%~10.28% except decreased 13.06% in base solution; available K increased 11.39%~14.74% except decreased 53.06% in DA-6. It indicated that leaf fertilizer can affect the content of N, P, K in maize leaf, and can affect the validity of N, P, K in the soil through affecting the plant growth. So, we thought that using the leaf fertilizer reasonably is one of the good approach to enhance the ratio of using fertilizer.

【关键词】 作物叶面肥组合效应
【Key words】 cropthe composition of the leaf fertilizereffect
  • 【分类号】S147.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】491

