

Study on Management Models of Small Watershed in Mountain Region and the Establishment of the Decision Support System

【作者】 李新虎

【导师】 李瑞雪;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 山区小流域是一个自然、经济、人文、社会构成的物质和能量的统一体。山区小流域治理是一个庞大的系统工程,它包括资料收集、区域系统诊断、规划决策、防护体系及工程设计、检测评价与调控等,其中的每一个环节都需要对研究区的庞大数据进行分析管理。如果应用常规方法进行工作,必然存在时效性差、精度低、重复工作、制图效果差等问题,人力、财力、物力、时间、数据的浪费。计算机软件、硬件技术的飞速发展与普及,山区小流域治理的理论与技术的发展,以及全球环境日趋恶化的大背景下人类社会对区域综合开发治理的迫切需求,加速了计算机技术与山区小流域治理开发理论与技术的结合,从而为产生山区小流域治理决策支持系统奠定了基础。本文通过对三峡库区典型山区小流域的研究,以重庆市开县石碗溪小流域为例,探求了构建山区小流域治理决策支持系统的思路及其实现方案,建立了基于GIS的山区小流域治理决策支持系统,探讨了山区小流域自然资源垂直分异特征及其分区治理模式,为三峡库区山区小流域的治理提供决策支持。 1.山区小流域治理决策支持系统的设计方案 山区小流域治理决策支持系统的核心由立地因子库、知识库和模型库构成。GIS子系统为立地因子库提供高质量的空间数据,同时也是系统数据更新的主要接口。功能模块以立地因子库、模型库、知识库为基础,通过人机交互接口,实现查询、显示、统计和各种分析功能。 山区小流域具有连续性、动态性和层次性的实体特征;山区小流域的数据具有时间性、空间性和属性值的特征;山区小流域治理决策需要环境、自然资源和社会经济几个方面的数据;可以通过现场测量、实地观测、实验和试验、遥感数据、现有图件、GPS定位信息和国家认可的电子数据等多种途径获得数据;可通过图形叠加和图斑合并处理山区小流域的图形数据;可以从流域、垂直分带、地块三个尺度上构建山区小流域立地因子库。 专家知识库是山区小流域治理决策支持系统的重要组成部分,从知识的获取和解释,知识整理,知识表示,知识形式化及形成知识库几个方面对山区小流域治理专家知识库进行了设计。 数宇地形模型是山区小流域治理中最重要的模型,另外模型库中还包含一般的决策支持模型和应用模型;参数可以直接量化的模型,直接用函数表示,系统运行时,直接调用该函数和数据库中的数据进行模型的运算;对于参数不可直接量化的模型,构建相应的人机交互界面,系统运行时,通过决策者相应的选择完成模型的运算:对于现有的较为成熟而又方便共享的模型,通过系统的外部调用接口直接调用。2.山区小流域治理决策支持系统实现方案 按照山区小流域治理决策支持系统总体设计的思路,利用现有的条件,初步构建了山区小流域治理决策支持系统,实现了部分功能:首先,在利用GIS软件ARC删FO,Arcview,Mapi恤及VisuaalFoxpro6.0建立了石碗溪小流域立地因子库;采用VisualBasic6刀编程语言,构建了山区小流域治理决策支持系统的人机交互界面;利用VsualBasic6.0实现了山区小流域治理部分决策模型;在 Visual Basic编程环境下,利用 DAO数据库编程技术和 Mapobjects实现了山区小流域立地因子库的数据接入。3山区小流域自然资源垂直分异特征及其治理模式 本文研究了山区小流域自然资源的垂直分异特征,得到了如下一些结果:山区小流域在地貌、气候、植被、土壤等自然资源随海拔高度的不同呈现出垂直分异特征;在山区小流域内部,自然资源的垂直分异特征,表现在水平分布上,从沟道发源地到汇流处,呈现有规律的变化,因此,可以依据这种垂直分异特征,将小流域进行分区。据此,将石碗溪小流域分为 1、11、Ill区,相应的治理模式如下:l区:加固河岸,沿河两岸种枫杨、刺槐、桑树等,防冲保土,一级阶地种植甘蔗,沙土种植花生、西瓜,稻田等水面养殖鱼虾、鳖等水产品;农户周围发展庭院经济,种植蔬菜瓜果,养殖鸡鸭鹅兔;健全排灌系统。11区:一级台地以下建成高产稳产农田;二、三级台地以下,坡度25”以上,建成柑橘、猕猴桃、桃、李等成片的经济林;山地、疏林地及荒草地,要封山育林,建成乔灌草结合的水土保持防护林体系。Ill区:山上部,陡坡地营造马尾松等用材林,结合马桑、映山红等灌木及首蓉等草本植物,形成乔、灌、草结合的防护体系:中部发展油桐、油茶、杏、慈竹等经济林;整治坡面水系,排洪沉沙,缓坡修筑梯田,肥沃土地种植黄山药、花椒、山胡椒等。

【Abstract】 Small watershed in mountain region is an entity of materials and energy, which involves nature, human culture and society. The management of mountain small watershed is a huge system project, including materials collection, regional systematic diagnosis, programming decision, protection system and engineering designation, inspection assessment and regulation, etc. Because a great deal of data should be analyzed in every links among the work, if conventional measures are used, problem will be obvious, such as lag, low precision, repeated work, and poor effect of map making, furthermore, a lot of manpower, treasures, time, and data will be wasted. The rapid development and popularization of the techniques of software and hardware of computer science, the progress of theory and techniques of small watershed management in mountain region, and the cry for regional systematical management under the background of the global depravation, all of these hasten the combination of computer technique and the small watershed management, at the same time, pave the way to establish the decision support system of small watershed management in mountain region. In this paper, based on the investigation of the typical small watershed in mountain region, with a case study Shiwan brook at Kai County in Chongqing, the train of thoughts to establish the system and plan to realize it was searched, furthermore, the decision support system of small watershed management in mountain region based on GIS was established, and the vertical diversity of natural resources and regional management model in mountain region were discussed .All of these results will provide support for the decision of small watershed management in mountain region.1 The design scheme of the small watershed management decision support system in mountain regionThe core part of small watershed management decision support system in mountainregion is made up of the database of locality factors, repository and knowledge warehouse. The child system of GIS can provide spatial data with high quality, and at the same time it is the main interface of data update. The function module is based on the database of localityfactors, repository and knowledge warehouse, which realizes the function of query, display and some analysis through the interface between human and machine.The database of locality factors was established and the following conclusions were drawn: First, small watershed in mountain region has the entity character of continuity, dynamic and hierarchy; the data of small watershed in mountain region has the characteristic of timeliness, extensity and attribution value; to make decision in the management of small watershed in mountain region, the data about environment, natural resources and social economy are needed; these data can be obtained in many ways, such as field measure, observation on the spot, experiment, trial, remote sense data, map in existence, location information gotten through GPS, arid the electronic data certificated by the national government, etc; figures data of small watershed in mountain can be processed by overlap of different layers and union of contiguous plots; the database of locality factors can be established in three different scale, watershed, region made out by the vertical diversity, and plot.Knowledge warehouse is the most important part of the decision support system of the small watershed in mountain region. In this paper, with a case study of Shiwan brook at Kai County in Chongqing, the knowledge warehouse of small watershed management in mountain region was designed from aspects of knowledge codification, knowledge expression, knowledge formalization and knowledge warehouse establishment.Furthermore, the repository of small watershed management in mountain region was established and the results were drawn as follows: DTM is the most important model used in the small watershed management in mountain region, moreover, the general decision support models and other implication models were included in the repos

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】383

