

Preliminary Research on Consultation System for Diagnosing & Controlling Vegetable Pests in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 郑永利

【导师】 程家安; 章强华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 蔬菜是日常生活不可缺少的副食品。随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及我国加入WTO,蔬菜安全质量不仅是广大消费者最直接最基本的要求,而且已经成为国际市场竞争的重要指标。另一方面,由于蔬菜病虫种类多、发生频繁,且蔬菜种植分散,农技推广力量薄弱,有关病虫种类识别和综合治理技术等方面的指导难以到位,以致盲目使用农药的现象普遍存在、蔬菜农药残留居高不下。 随着计算机应用的普及,通过计算机获取与传递相关信息,解决生产中的问题成为了可能。本研究基于前人研究成果以及已有的知识和生产经验为基础,摸拟领域专家的推理决策思维,初步构建浙江省蔬菜重大病虫诊治咨询系统CSDC(Consultation System for Diagnosing & Controlling for Vegetable Pests in Zhejiang province)。 基于用户需求调查,进行了系统设计。通过查阅文献、走访专家及试验研究等渠道获取了系统所需的源知识,并根据生产实践对源知识进行了整理、综合、修正等再加工处理,形成标准化、规范化的系统知识。图像资料主要通过SONYF707拍摄,再用ACDsee5.0、Photoshop7.0以及HvperSnap-DX5.0等进行编辑、注释,并以JPG格式保存。利用关系数据库管理系统VFP6.0构建了浙江省蔬菜重大病虫知识库,主要包括规则库、事实库和图像库等。 CSDC门诊治决策咨询子系统、病虫信息咨询子系统、综合治理咨询子系统和常用农药咨询子系统、安全生产咨询子系统与系统维护子系统等6个子系统组成。 诊治决策咨询子系统是CSDC的主干,包括病虫害诊断与治理决策两部分,其主要功能是辅助用户对当前田间已发生的病虫害种类进行诊断,并根据诊断结果向用户提出决策建议。 病虫信息咨询子系统由病虫基础知识与病虫信息咨询两个模块组成,主要功能是查询主要病虫害的形态特征、为害症状、生活史、发生与环境关系等方面信息,帮助用户对蔬菜重要病虫害进行识别学习,提高用户今后在田间识别的正确率。 综合治理咨询子系统主要向用户阐述蔬菜病虫害综合治理的基本原理,并以蔬菜作物分类为用户提供约定蔬菜作物主要病虫害的综合治理方案,由综合治理基础和综防技术咨询两个模块组成。 常用农药咨询子系统主要向用户提供蔬菜常用农药及有关资料的检索、查询、咨询和学习等服务,由农药基础知识、农药信息查询、药剂选用索引等三大模块组成。 安全生产标准查询子系统的主要功能是为用户提供安全生产常识、无公害蔬菜的生产标准以及安全合理用药准则等相关资料,由安全生产常识、无公害蔬菜标准和合理用药准则等三个模块组成。 系统维护子系统是一个交互式的半自动知识获取机构,提供知识输入、编辑的手段以及合法性检查的机制。通过系统维护模块,系统管理员可对系统知识库进行编辑、更新和扩充,从而实现改善和提高系统性能的目的。 最后,讨论了CSDC的应用前景与发展方向。

【Abstract】 Vegetable is indispensable food for daily life. As people’s living standard is increasing and China was affiliated to the WTO (World Trade Organization), the safety and quality of the vegetables have become not only the most direct and basic demand of the vast consumers but also have already become an important index of the international competition.However, technical instructions about pest identification and techniques for integrated pest management could not be transferred to the farmers in time, which has resulted in the overuse of pesticides and the high pesticide residue in vegetable.With the popularization of computer technology, the information and knowledge related to vegetable pest management could be transferred by using computer system as a media. Based on the previous, knowledge and experience, a preliminary computer system, named CSDC (Consultation System for Diagnosing & Controlling for Vegetable Pests in Zhejiang province) , was developed.The computer system was designed based on the information from potential users, extension staff and farmer, interviewed.The source knowledge was achieved from literature , experts and field experiments. The image of pests and symptoms were mainly is mainly acquired by SONY F707, and edited using ACDSee 5.0, Photoshop 7.0 and HyperSnap -DX5.0 , then saved with the format of JPG The database management system-VFP6.0 was used to construct the systems, which consists of rule database, fact database and picture database etc.The Consultation System for Diagnosing & Controlling Vegetable Pests in Zhejiang Province consists of the following:Subsystem for diagnosis and decision-making: It is the main body of CSDC, including two parts for disease and insect pest diagnosis and decision-making, respectively. The main function is to help users diagnose disease and insect pest problem they met and give advice for control actions.Subsystem for inquiring information on: The subsystem included the basic information and images of main diseases and insect pests. The main function is to help users to inquire information related to morphology , symptoms, life history , ecology and management of main vegetable pests.Subsystem for Integrated Pest Management: It is mainly provided basic principle and knowledge of IPM and control strategies for main vegetable pests based on crops. The main function is to help users make decisions using IPM principle.Subsystem for pesticide application: It is mainly provided information on reasonable use of pesticides in vegetable crop system. The main function is to help users inquire knowledge and information related to pesticide application and select right pesticide.Subsystem for food safety: It is mainly provided knowledge and information related to food safety. The main function is to help users learn and inquire relevant of food safety.Subsystem for system maintenance: It could be used to update and expand in the system, and improve its function.Finally the potential application and further we the future and development of CSCD were discussed.

【关键词】 蔬菜病虫害诊断治理咨询系统
【Key words】 VegetablePestsDiagnosingControllingConsultation System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】S436.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】265

