

Language Transfer in Second Language Acquisition: A Cognitive and Psychological Perspective

【作者】 杨阳

【导师】 张伊娜;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近半个世纪的语言学界的研究表明语言迁移现象是不可回避的,而且它确实从某些方面影响了二语习得。(Ellis, 1994; Odlin, 1989)。语言迁移已经越来越成为许多语言学家和心理学家所共同关注的问题。近半个世纪的语言迁移研究已经取得了显著成就,然而,还有很多问题急待研究者的解决:(1)交际和学习迁移的区分问题;(2)两种语言的比较问题(Ellis, 1994: 340);(3)怎样从理论上认识学习者如何以及何时受母语影响等问题。本文作者试图探讨的是第三个问题。基于Kellerman提出的心理类型(psychotypology)和典型性(prototypicality)(这里的心理类型其实质就是心理距离)理论以及另一个重要的基本理论:标记性理论(markedness theory),作者建构了自己的理论框架,试图从认知心理角度来探讨语言迁移。 作者提出的理论框架侧重于学习者的心理类型和典型性的相互作用。由于学习者的心理类型随着其二语知识的积累而改变,这种相互作用构成了一个非常复杂的语言迁移过程。本文作者摄取了学习者初学某一语言项目这一横断面,试图从心理类型,典型性和标记性这三个方面对一些语言结构的迁移现象作相对静态的分析,从中找到一些规律性的东西。 为了证明这个理论框架的合理性,作者分析了中国学生学习英语时在某些句法结构方面的语言迁移现象。结果作者的分析证明了这一理论框架:对于某个语言点,当学习者的心理距离较远时,这个语言点就不会发生迁移或减少它在中介语中的使用甚至发生回避现象;当学习者的心理距离较近时,会发生以下两种情况:()当心理距离与实际距离相一致时,将会发生该语言点的正迁移。Q)当心理距离与实际距离不一致时,将会发生该语言点的负迁移即产生偏误。

【Abstract】 Language transfer can have an important impact on second language acquisition (Ellis, 1994; Odlin, 1989). It has received more and more attention from researchers and teachers in this field. A review of the studies on language transfer shows that there have been considerable advances made in the study of language transfer. However, there are still a number of problems faced by transfer researchers: (1) the problem of how to distinguish communication and learning transfer, (2) the problem of how to compare two languages, (Ellis, 1992: 340) and (3) the theoretical understanding of how and when learners draw on their L1. The author of this thesis just attempts to probe into the third proble1m of language transfer. On the basis of Kellerman’s theory of "prototypicality" and "psychotypology" and another basic and important theory: markedness theory, the author proposes her own theoretical framework so as to predict the language transfer from a cognitive and psychological perspective.The framework proposed focuses on the interaction of learner’s prototypicality and psychotypology. This interaction between psychotypology and prototypicality results in an extremely complex process, especially as learners’ psychotypologies change with experience. The author focuses on the cases of learners who begin to learn certain language items, trying to decode the complex process in light ofpschotypology, prototypicality, and markedness theory.In order to verify and validate the framework, the author analyzes language transfer in terms of some syntactic structures in context of Chinese students learning English as L2. The framework is supported by the analysis: in respect of certain linguistic property, when the psychotypology of learners is distant, there will be no transfer occurring on the one hand, and on the other hand there will be underproduction or even avoidance; when the psychotypology of learners is close, it will be divided into two cases. (1) When the psychotypology accords with the actual language distance, there will be positive transfer of the correspondent L1 item. (2) When the psychotypology differs from or even contradicts the actual language distance, there will be negative transfer of the correspondent L1 item.

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1784

