

【作者】 杜楚源

【导师】 李艺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新的世纪,人们迈入了崭新的信息时代。信息能力成为了信息社会人们生存的必要能力。学校作为未来人才的摇篮,必然要肩负起培养学生信息能力的重任,信息技术教育在全国范围内迅速普及。 评价是教育过程中的一个核心环节,它肩负着承前启后的重任,可以起到促进教学和学习的作用。在教育实践中,评价的方法多种多样,不同的评价方法有其独特的优势和合适的使用环境。终结性评价虽然对新课程学习目标中“过程与方法”“情感态度价值观”的关注有所缺陷,但它仍然是信息技术教育中应用较为广泛的一种评价形式,无论是在今天还是在未来都将有其存在的意义和价值。 本文在深入把握第八次基础教育课程改革的思想精髓和辩证地认识评价思想、方法的基础上,首先从信息技术课程的目标出发,从目的和标准,内容和方法等多角度构建了信息技术终结性评价的理论框架,提出了模糊工具,超量出题等新的方法理念。最后在这一理论框架的指导下,以终结性评价的一种实践形式——会考为例进行专项研究,建立了一套完整的信息技术会考的方案并给出样卷。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, people have entered into a brand-new information century. Information literacy is the essential capability of people to survive in information society. Schools and university being cradle of future talents have to burden responsibility to cultivate information literacy of the students and education on information technology has to be popularization nationally and swiftly.Evaluation as a core element in education process is a bridge linking instruction and learning. In education practice, we have a lot of evaluation methods, different one has its unique advantages and is suitable for some circumstance. As a wildly used evaluation form in education on information technology finial evaluation has its meaning value to exist, although it does not pay much attention to ’process and method’ and ’motion, attitude and sense of worth’.After understanding the soul, evaluation ideology and method of the 8th curriculum reformation on elementary education, the author starts from the goal of information technology curriculum and builds theoretical framework from angles of objective, standards, content and methods and brings forward some new ideas as fussy tool and bulk item bank. Under the guidance of this framework, in the last part, the author gives a practice of finial evaluation-research on provincial examination on information technology with a solution of this examination and also examination paper samples.

  • 【分类号】G40-057
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】269

