

【作者】 谌莉

【导师】 张树夫;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 人文地理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 自从战略地平线LLP顾问公司的创始人帕恩二世和吉尔墨在《哈佛商业评论》中喊出“欢迎来到体验经济时代”,体验经济正以其巨大的魅力向我们走来。两位作者以其长远的目光确立了经济价值演变过程的四个阶段:商品、货品、服务和体验。由于旅游产品的本质是向旅游者提供一种或多种经历和体验,因此体验经济时代的来临预示着旅游产业更快的发展以及旅游产品更丰富的创新。体验在本质上是个人的,由于以前所有的经济产出都停留在顾客之外,因而众多学科的研究也主要是从产品、服务的功能利益角度考虑,而很少从顾客本身的角度思考。本文对游客体验的研究正是基于这样的时代背景而提出的。 全文共分六章: 第一章,首先对体验、旅游本质进行探讨,在此基础上揭示出游客体验概念的内涵。第一章的最后对本文研究实例的背景情况及研究方法作了介绍。 第二章,旅游消费成为旅游者寻求旅游愉悦的手段,本章首先界定了旅游消费范畴和旅游消费的特点。然后从旅游期望体验、旅游动机决策行为、旅游产品消费三方面探讨了游客消费体验过程中的期望问题、动机问题及产品消费问题。最后,以中山陵风景区为例,探讨了游客消费体验决策的动机偏好,并结合体验要素探讨了顾客价值问题。 第三章,首先分析了旅游审美体验的心理模式和行为特征,然后对美学用于营销学而产生的营销美学理论进行了分析。在此基础上,本文结合中山陵风景区探讨了其美学战略的实施问题。 第四章,共享经历是游客在景区游览的一个显著特点。本章首先探讨了旅游体验过程中社会交往发生的情景模型和终止水平以及旅游交往者行为特征,然后对影响共享经历的旅游心理容量进行了分析,并实际测算了中山陵园的旅游者心理容量。 第五章,市场营销追求的是顾客满意及满意基础上的顾客忠诚。文章首先探讨了影响游客满意的因素,但是游客满意并不能代表旅游者真实的意见,作者提出了基于游客满意效果的情感体验评价,并指出通过创造游客惊喜来创造积极的情感体验。 第六章,本章首先指出旅游景区创造体验驱动型品牌的重要意义,然后从实施体验式营销战略、形象驱动战略、品牌的内部化及组织的改进和完善论述了体验品牌创建的四个方面。

【Abstract】 Since B. Joseph Pine. II and Jame H Gilmore announce the coming of the ear of experience economy in Harvard Business Review, experience economy is coming to us with great charm. The two authors, with deep insight, radicate the four stages of society evolution by economy growth, they are product, goods, service, and experience. As tourism product in essence is one kind of experience, the coming-forth of experience economy era foreshows faster development of tourism industry and more luxuriant of tourism product. Experience is essentially of oneself, but being impacted by traditional ideals of product and service being of primacy, tourism research put emphasis on function and advantage, neglecting the researches of customer itself. So this paper tries to offer a theoretical and empirical way to the study of tourist experience.Chapter 1 first starts with the research of the essence of experience and tourism, then the concept of tourist experience is explored. The end of the chapter makes an introduction of case study background and research method of the case.Tourism consumption is the way by which tourists obtain delight. Chapter 2 discusses the question of Tourism consumption by analyzing tourist anticipation motivation and product consumption.Chapter 3 first analyses the psychologic model and behavior character of aesthetic judgment, then expounds the category of marketing esthetics.Sharing-experience is a typical character of tourism product, and it has impact on tourist experience quality. Chapter 4 discusses this problem by analyzing tourism communication and perceptual capacity.The aim of marketing is in pursuit of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This chapter makes a discussion of the factors of tourist satisfaction, then with further study on tourists’ truthful ideals, the author put out the notion of emotion experience judgment.The last chapter disserts landscape implementing the strategy of tourist experience-driving brand.

  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】2371

