

Postmodern Curriculum and Its Pertinence in China

【作者】 张灵芝

【导师】 吴永军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 论文试图在对后现代课程观进行冷静分析的基础上,对后现代课程观作一种建设性的解读,深入剖析它与中国传统文化、当代中国社会状况以及中国课程实践之间的亲和力和不可通约性,探讨在后现代课程传入中国的过程中,几千年的传统文化以及现代中国的政治、经济、文化、科技等因素是如何发挥着它们的表层和深层的作用,挖掘出后现代对中国课程实践的适切性价值,从而使中国课程理论的发展能在一种中西文化的大背景下更好地把握自己的方向,为中国基础教育课程改革的健康发展提供一个可资借鉴的良好的生态背景。 论文共分为二个部分:第一部分——厘清后现代主义的发展脉络,深入剖析后现代课程观的特点,同时,出于参照和比较的需要对后现代课程观进行评价和解读。第二部分——这一部分是重点,着重分析后现代课程观对中国课程的适切性问题。这一部分分为三章,分别论述后现代课程观在中国的背景及阐释焦虑以及它与中国传统文化的关系,同时深入探讨后现代课程观对目前中国基础教育课程改革的启示。无论从中国传统文化、全球化语境或中国实际课程状况出发,都可以找到与后现代课程观相契合的亲和之处,从而为后现代主义课程理论轻而易举地进入中国提供了文化土壤。后现代批判精神的某些要素,早已内在于中国智慧之中,使得我们今天在接受西方的后现代主义课程理论时显得比较容易、比较自觉。同时,后现代主义课程在中国又有其不可通约之处,诸如中国主流文化的制导和抵制以及在教育实践中的难于操作等等。全文重点放在后现代课程在中国的适切性分析上,旨在以后现代课程观在中国的适切性探讨为突破口,寻找后现代课程观中有积极意义的因素,为我国课程理论和实践提供借鉴材料。后现代课程观为我国基础教育课程发展带来了新的思维方式,提供了有益的启示。比如教师和学生需要不断的反思,重视师生之间的合作与交流,推崇多元、整体性和综合性,课程需要渗透关怀的理念等等,都为我们的课程改革提供了一个崭新的视角。

【Abstract】 On the basis of imperturbable analysis, the dissertation attempts to make a constructive evaluation on postmodern curriculum and specially anatomize the pertinence of postmodern curriculum in China. It emphasizes on the relationship between postmodern curriculum and Chinese traditional culture and theoretical and practical actuality of Chinese curriculum. Furthermore, the new curriculum reform of elementary education is now in the ascendant in our country. So we can draw the constructive viewpoints from postmodern paradigm. The postmodern perspectives on curriculum ring us new mode of thinking and useful enlightenment. From the viewpoints of postmodern paradigm, curriculum is an open system. It bears the characteristics of indefiniteness, holistic and connections. It should be penetrated with the thought of caring.This dissertation is composed of five chapters. They are actually divided into two parts. The first part talks about the rise and viewpoints of postmodern curriculum and analyses its characteristics. The second part probes into the connection between postmodern curriculum and actuality in China, discussing how the orientation of value, manner of culture, social spirit and mode of thinking of Chinese people influence postmodern curriculum to enter into China. At the same time, it discusses the constructive experience of postmodern curriculum and the enlightenment to curriculum development in our country. Postmodern curriculum is the result of reflection and transcendence to modern curriculum which shows great interest in objectivity, universality and neutrality, making efforts to carry forward the spirit of subjectivity, individuality and pluralism.

  • 【分类号】G423.3
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1479

