

【作者】 冯雷

【导师】 夏锦文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 随着刑事审判方式改革的不断深入,庭审功能也在日趋强化。其中一个关键的环节就是证人出庭作证。如果证人不出庭作证,控辩双方及法官就无法当庭对证人发问和质证,对证言进行辩论,人民法院也就难以审查判断证言的真伪,势必给认证造成一定困难。但是,为了维护特定的人与人之间关系的和谐与社会的稳定,大多数国家的立法同时又规定证人在法律规定的特殊情况下享有拒绝作证权,其中亲属作证特免权是非常重要的一个方面。而且,在我国传统法律文化中也可以找到它的源流——“亲属容隐制度”。这说明亲属作证特免权的重要性,其存在也必然具有一定的正当性与合理性。 西方两大法系国家的立法对于亲属作证特免权都作出了相应的规定,其规定有着很大的共性,同时又基于不同的传统和文化背景等因素而产生了一定差异性。我国传统法律中的亲属容隐制度,经历了数千年的历史发展,体现出一系列鲜明的特征,并且与现代的亲属作证特免权极为类似,这不能说仅仅是一种机缘巧合。相反,其中暗含了一定的必然性。但是,由于特定的社会背景和深刻的社会根源,我国在二十世纪中叶的某个时期,对于沿用了几千年亲属容隐制度予以彻底的抛弃。此外,亲属作证特免权是刑事诉讼过程中的一种价值权衡的产物,其具有重要的价值与功能。因此,在当今世界各国的刑事诉讼制度互相交流、互相融合的形势下,我国当顺应国际潮流,充分利用深厚的本土资源,借鉴国外的先进经验,作出更加详细具体的程序和制度设计,以求重构我国曾经失却的制度,使得亲属作证特免权制度更趋合理化。

【Abstract】 Along with the deepeness of the reform on criminal trial, the function of court on trial has been enforced gradually. One of the key step is the witness offer the testimony on the court. If the witness were absent on the court, the judge and bilateral parties could not ask the questions to the witness, do the cross-examination or argument. Then, the People’s Court could not inspection and judge the testimony is true or false, which will made the adoption of evidence be difficult. But, for the protection of the harmony between particular person and social stability, in most of the countries, it has been stipulated in legislation that the witness has right of immunity. Among those, the special immunity of the relatives as witness in one of the most important aspects. And we mayfind its resources in the traditional legal culture of our countries --"mutual concealment ofoffenses among the kin". It demonstrates the importance of the special immunity of the relatives as witness. And its existence is reasonable.The special immunity of the relatives as witness has been stipulated in legislation of the two western legal families. There is much similarities and differences that came from those elements, such as different tradition and cultural background. The mutual concealment of offenses among the kin in our county show a series of vivid characteristics through several thousand years. And it is so similar with the modern special immunity of relatives as witness, which could not be said just as a accident. On contrast, it has its inevitability. But, in the middle of the 20th century, we had abandoned the mutual concealment of offenses among the kin that had been used for thousand years since the particular social background. Furthermore, the special immunity of the relatives as witness is the product of the choice in the criminal procedure. It has the crucial value and function. Thus, under the background of mutual communication and involvement on the criminal procedure among all of countries in modern world, we shall follow the international trend, use the native resources, study the advanced experience of foreign countries and make out the more detailed arrangement on procedure and institution, which shall recoustruct the institution that we had lost and make the special immunity of the relatives as witness be reasonable.

  • 【分类号】D915.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】546

