

【作者】 高静

【导师】 俞子正; 张志瑛;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 音乐学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从罗西尼对意大利古典歌剧的戏剧表现力的拓展方面入手,从题材、人声、歌剧管弦乐以及对德法歌剧的兼收并蓄等几个方面,进行论述。分析他在意大利音乐处于低潮的局面中,如何从拓展戏剧表现力上,挽救意大利歌剧的颓势。在继承意大利古典歌剧优秀传统的同时,在题材上选择典型的人物和事件,在人物塑造上力求丰满,表现个性冲突和矛盾;对歌剧的内部结构进行了合理的调整,改革了以往咏叹调和宣叙调交替出现,统领一部歌剧的现象;改变了歌唱家为了炫耀技巧而随意改动旋律声部,破坏剧作的统一和完整的现象;增加了重唱与合唱的分量;在歌剧管弦乐的表达上与剧作内容紧密结合,管弦乐为戏剧服务。并突破前人传统,大胆吸收外来音乐元素,开拓了意大利歌剧的新视野。最后是对罗西尼戏剧观的总结。

【Abstract】 This article starts from Rossini’s expansion in the dramatic display of Italian classical operas. Argues from aspects of theme, voice, orchestral of opera music and the inhaling of German and French operas and analyzes how he retrieved Italian opera from its declining tendency when it was in low tide. Rossini inherited the brilliant tradition of Italian classical opera; chose typical characters and events in theme; Pursued its ampleness and showed conditions and conflicts in personalities; Adjusted the inner structures of opera; changed the phenomenon that arias and recitatives appeared in turn and dominated an opera; Transformed the custom that singers change the structure of melody and disrupted the integrity of the opera, enhanced the significance ensemble; The expression of operas and orchestral music were connected densely with the content. Orchestral music served the opera. Rossini broke through the tradition of his predecessors, absorbed exotic element and expended the new panorama of Italian operas. The last part is the summary of Rossini’s outlook on drama.

【关键词】 罗西尼歌剧戏剧性拓展
【Key words】 Rossinioperadramaexpand
  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】544

