【作者】 李馨;
【导师】 张力上;
【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 现代证券市场是建立在信息披露制度之上的,上市公司的信息披露是证券市场健康发展的重要保证,也是投资者做出合理投资决策的基本依据。在企业已出现跨行业、跨地区经营的全球性发展趋势的当今,从总体上反映一个集团财务状况和经营成果的合并报表,隐匿了企业集团在不同行业、不同地区的盈利水平、增长趋势和风险情况,难以满足财务报告用户有效决策的需要。为弥补合并报表的先天不足,需要对合并信息进行分解披露,国际上通行的做法便是编制分部财务报告。随着我国集团公司和跨国公司的飞速发展,以及国内证券市场上重组事件的频繁出现,我国将会有越来越多的跨行业、跨地区经营的大型企业出现,这客观上要求我国制定出统一、完善的分部报告准则,以提高上市公司会计信息的整体质量,促进证券市场的健康发展。但目前为止,我国还没有一套完整的分部报告会计准则,有关分部信息披露的规定也主要散落在证监会和财政部的一些法规和制度中。由此可以预见,我国分部信息披露制度还有待进一步改进和完善。因此,笔者选择分部报告作为毕业论文研究的课题,以期对我国分部报告准则的制定有所裨益。全文共分三个部分: 第一章 分部报告概述本章主要论述了两个方面的内容。首先对分部报告的产生和发展作了一个简要的介绍,接着分析了分部报告的供求矛盾,指出必须通过制定分部报告准则来解决这一矛盾。分部报告产生的动因如下:1. 社会经济环境的变化。主要表现为兼并收购规模的扩大和跨国经营的大量出现。2. 合并报表的固有缺陷。合并报表不能揭示企业集团内不同行业和地区的盈利水平、增长趋势和风险情况,使报表使用者难以深入分析企业经营得失的原因。3. 证<WP=3>券市场的迅速发展,投资工具不断创新。衍生金融业务具有极大的风险,一旦公司涉及到高风险、高报酬的衍生金融业务,给投资者带来的风险也将是巨大的。4. 会计目标理论的推动。会计目标由受托责任观转向决策有用观,为分部报告的产生提供了理论支持。西方国家对分部报告的研究始于20世纪60年代,经过数十年的修订和改进,已经形成了比较完善的准则规定。笔者主要介绍了英国、美国和国际会计准则委员会的研究成果,并对FASB131和IASC14两个最具权威的分部报告准则作了比较和分析。分部报告从它产生开始,就在理论界和实务界引起了激烈的争论。争论的焦点集中在分部信息披露的成本上。分部信息披露成本包括资料收集和整理成本、审计鉴证成本、信息误导成本和竞争劣势成本。分部信息提供成本与取得成本是相互矛盾、此消彼长的,信息提供者为降低信息披露成本,必然会放弃披露某些分部会计信息,从而造成分部信息供给不足的现象。这时,通过制定会计准则以约束上市公司的披露行为就显得尤为重要。第二章 分部报告的理论框架 本章从理论上探讨了分部报告的相关问题,提出分部报告的理论框架。分部报告的理论框架由分部报告的目标、分部信息质量特征和分部信息披露的会计难点三部分组成。分部报告的目标在于通过对特定行业和地区的揭示,为现在的和潜在的投资者和债权人提供更多更详细的关于主体经营成果和财务状况的信息。为了实现分部报告的目标,分部信息必须具备一些基本质量特征,主要包括相关性、可靠性和可比性,且必须尽可能统一于决策有用性原则之下。但是分部信息的相关性、可靠性和可比性并不总是在同一方向上影响信息的决策有用性,三者的选择犹如鱼和熊掌,很多时候都是不可兼得的。因此,要根据实际情况有所取舍。目前,我国企业的经济决策主要不是依据会计信息或者说信息使用者对会计信息的相关性要求并不高,再加上资本市场长期为会计信息失真问题困扰。因<WP=4>此,会计信息可靠性问题就显得尤为突出,分部报告的信息质量应在保证可靠性的前提下,注重相关性和可比性。对于分部报告的会计处理,目前仍存在一些有争议的问题。主要包括:分部报告的编制基础、分部的确定、可报告分部的确定、分部收入和分部费用的计量和确认。如何合理的确认分部是其中最大的会计难点,也是理论界争论最多的地方。对于分部的确认,国际上有两种做法:“管理法”和“风险和报酬法”。前者主张将企业的内部报告和外部报告结合起来,在尽可能的情况下,企业对外报告所划分的分部与企业向高级管理部门报告的分部一致。后者虽然也强调企业内部管理框架,但更多的着眼于企业所生产的产品和提供劳务隐含的风险和报酬。第三章 分部报告准则的制定本章是全文的重点。首先,笔者对我国分部信息披露的历史作了一个简要的回顾。我国分部信息披露主要经历了如下几个阶段:1994年以前:完全的自愿披露;1994年-1995年:指导性的自愿披露;1996-1997:半强制披露;1998年:较为严格的强制性披露;1999-2003:修订性阶段。接着,以2002年年度报告为出发点,举例说明我国分部信息披露的现状和存在的主要问题,指出年度报告中分部信息披露不规范的原因一方面是由于部分上市公司不严格按照证监会分部信息披露的有关规定执行,另一方面则是源于制度本身的不完善。最后,针对我国分部信息披露制度的不足
【Abstract】 The modern security market is established on the information disclosure system, which is an important assurance to the development of economy in a healthy way. Nowadays, more and more enterprises diversify their operations in order to occupy markets and reduce risks. Therefore, the usefulness of the information based on the whole company is decreased. The advantage of consolidated financial statement is that it can fairly present the financial condition and operating results of an entity as a whole. However, it also ignores some important information of diversified operations. To make up the weakness, firms are required to present segment report usually.Since the 1960’s, western countries began to do some researches on segment report. Heretofore, they have set up comparatively perfect segment report standard systems. In contrast, our researches on segment report distinctively lag behind. So it requires enacting a segment report standard objectively, in order to regulate segment information disclosure. Enacting segment report standards possess important realistic meanings in our country. This is the reason why the author chooses this subject as her thesis.The dissertation is composed of three chapters:Chapter 1: A brief account of segment report This chapter involves two points. The first one is to probe to the generation and development of segment report; the second one is to analyze the contradictions of supply and demand on disclosing segment information. Finally, the author indicates that it is necessary to enact a standard of segment report. Since London Stock Exchange required listed company to disclose segment information, the researches on the segment information disclosure have got obvious development in near several decades. In Western countries, comparatively perfect standards such as IAS14 (revised, 1997), and SFAS131are established.<WP=7>The segment report arose the furious dispute on both theory and practice. The bone of contention focuses on the segment information disclosure cost. The cost of supply and acquisition are incompatible. Information provider will abandon to disclose some certain information for lower disclosure cost, which bring account information in short supply. So, it is important to enact segment report standard.Chapter2: Theory framework of segment reportThe framework of segment report is made up of objective, quality feature and difficulty in accountancy. The main goal of segment report is to provide useful information that can help users make decision. The highest quality requirement of financial accounting information is decision usefulness. But reliability and relevance don’t affect decision usefulness in the same direction. Under the situation of current capital market in our country, reliability should be the No.1 importance because there is so much false accounting information in listed company’s report.There are still several controversial problems resulting from accounting transaction, such as the basis of organizing segment; the identification of reportable segment, the segment revenue and segment expenses. Chapter3: Enact segment report standards This chapter is the highlight in this thesis. Firstly, the author analyzes the current situation of the segment information in our country. Currently, the requirements on the disclosure of segment information in our country are still in the embryo. Secondly, the author chooses a few typical problems in 2002 annual financial report to study and analyze the shortage of current provisions and concludes that it is necessary to draft a standard of segment report. Finally, the author points out her own imagination of our segment report:1.The standard should be effective to the listed company.2.Provide information on the basis of "industry segment" and "geography segment"; consider internal organization and reporting system<WP=8>at the same time. 3 According to the importance and cost-effective principle, Use revenue profit and assets as quantitative thresholds to identify reportable seg
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西南财经大学 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
- 【分类号】F231
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】206