

【作者】 李玉周

【导师】 王治安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,上市公司大量存在着粉饰财务报表,提供虚假信息,误导投资行为的现象,严重影响了证券市场的有序发展。从中国的银广夏事件、琼民源事件,到美国的安然事件、世通事件就是典型的案例。虽然目前对有关上市公司财务报表粉饰、造假分析的文章很多,但对一些主要问题的认识还不够深入,特别是通过对上市公司报表作假常用手段的系统研究,导出对上市公司报表分析应采取的专门方法,以及如何利用上市公司已经披露的信息从现金流量指标重点研究报表的可靠性。正是基于这种考虑,笔者选择了《上市公司财务报表分析研究》作为毕业论文的选题。一、论文正文由四部分(即四章)构成:(一)上市公司财务报表数据不真实的原因分析。笔者认为导致上市公司报表作假的原因有主观和客观两个方面,具体有五个主要原因:1、 财务管理的目标间接导致经营者作假2、 会计假设导致财务报告的局限性3、 财务报表的模式和结构有不合理之处4、 上市公司治理结构的不完善也是公司造假的又一重要原因5、 造假者的机会收益远远大于败露成本,是上市公司敢于造假的另一重要原因。(二)对上市公司报表作假常用手段进行了较深入的剖析。首先回顾了10个上市公司造假主要案件;从案件归纳出上市公司造假的类型主要有两类,一是粉饰经营业绩,二是粉饰财务状况。上市公司造假的具体手法有六种:1、利用资产重组粉饰财务报表;2、利用关联方交易粉饰财务报表;3、利用不恰当的会计核算粉饰财务报表;4、利用会计政策粉饰财务报表;5、利用政府行为粉饰财务报<WP=3>表;6、其他手段(三)论述了上市公司报表分析常用的方法和技巧有十一种:一是报表平衡关系分析法;二是税项分析法;三是应收款项和存货分析法;四是毛利分析法 ;五是子公司分析法;六是资产重组与关联交易分析法;七是资产质量分析法;八是审计意见分析法;九是其他的特征分析法;十是行业特点分析法;十一是重点科目分析法;(四)提出要重视对报表中现金流量指标的分析。本部分内容分四方面:1、传统财务分析指标的构成及局限性;2、现金类指标的构成及优越性;3、两种财务分析体系对银广夏财务状况的分析;4、 现金流量财务评价体系的建立及实证分析。二、对上市公司现金流量的综合评价中使用了计量统计学中的“主成分分析法”在此作简单的介绍:1、在多元问题分析中“主成分分析”是一种常用、有效的重要分析方法。对多元问题,为简化数据结构、选择最佳变量子集合时主要采用主成分分析,实际就是降维的过程,主成分分析是将多元简化为一组足够反映总体特征的少数几元。2、构建描述性模型,即把考察的对象描述成能够用数学方程表达的形式,对多元因变量的建模过程就常采用主成分分析。3、主成分分析主要是通过筛选出最佳变量(主成分),形成的子集合来综合反映由原来全部变量所反映的样本特征;4、分析的思路(1)对某一家公司(某一个样本)的财务数据进行分析会涉及到多指标(多变量、多元),在数学上将这种分析称为多元问题分析。例如:从现金流量角度分析衡量公司的盈利能力,资本运作能力,偿债能力等,从而想进一步测算该公司投资价值时,我们也许会计算多个指标(变量、元)——净利润现金比、每股经营现金流量、营业利润现金比、负债现金比、现金比率、销售收入现金比、资产现金回报率、经营性现金流入比和全部资产现金回收率等9个指标(变量、元),对这9个指标进行分类、整合,可通过构建数学公式,分别为<WP=4>9个指标赋权并加权求和得出综合指标对公司是否具有投资价值进行评价。(2)为什么不对9个指标进行直接建模,而要通过主成分分析建模?是因为原来的多指标之间难免存在相关性,发生重叠,主成分则是几个相互独立的综合指标,既能保留原始变量的主要信息,又彼此独立,比原始变量直接分析更具优越性。主成分分析是对多元进行降维,通过变量系列(如:前面举例的9个变量)对样本特征(样本公司的投资价值)的累积贡献率(视为反映特征的累积权重)是否超过85%,来确定变量系列中的主成分,主成分就是系列中累积贡献率(累积权重)超过85%,能够完整、综合反映样本特征的几个因子。通过主成分分析推导,每个主成分(因子)会是原9个变量的函数,9个变量在该函数式中各自的系数就是该变量与该主成分的相关系数。(3)根据累积贡献率一般要求大于85%才能构建主成分的原则,主成分应取到Z5,见论文表4-6,此时累积贡献率为87.5065%。(4)用主成分分析法构建的数学函数(从现金流量出发反映公司投资价值)是一种可行分析模式,用这种方法对上证180指数的公司分别计算其综合得分值,进而得出某年的平均分值,可以评分说明不同公司间的综合差异。采取这种方法评价公司的财务状况,其依据是一些公认的现金流量指标,从多角度反映公司投资价值,对投资人显的更加直观。5、文章在数据的演算中采用了SPSS11.0统计分析软件。6、实证分析得出上证180指数股票的现金综合评分的平均值为0.6042572,该得分越大表明该股票的投资价值越好。三、论文的特点1、?

【Abstract】 In recent years, there are many phenomenons of coloring financial accounts, offering false information and misleading investment in listed company, which influences the development of securities market badly. The events from YingGuangSha and QiongMingYuan in china to Enron and Stone in USA are all typical cases. Though at present there are lots of articles about how to analyze false information of financial report of listed company, most of them have not gone deep into some primary problems, especially how to analyze systemically through usual means of decorating reports of listed company, then educing the special ways to analyze financial accounts and how to study the reliability of reports through cash flow index by using the information of listed company that have been disclosed. Taking it into account, I choose "Analyze and research financial report of listed company" as my project topic.The paper includes four chapters:ChapterⅠis about the reasons why there are false information in financial accounting of listed company. I think the reasons conclude two sides: subject and object, in detail there are five primary reasons:1. The target of financial management will induce operator skullduggery indirectly. 2. Accounting hypothesis will induce the deficiency of financial accounts.3. The pattern and structure of financial accounts are irrationality.4. Corporate governance structure of listed company is incomplete.5. Opportunity income is much bigger than the cost of disclosure.Chapter Ⅱ is deep analysis of usual means of skullduggery.First, looking back the cases of 10 listed companies conclude the types of skullduggery from the cases: one is to color operate achievement; the other is to color financial status. The particular skills of skullduggery<WP=7>include 6 ways: 1. Color financial accounts by using assert recompose.2. Color financial accounts by using connected transaction.3. Color financial accounts by using impertinent accounting.4. Color financial accounts by using accounting policy.5. Color financial accounts by using government behavior.6. Others.Chapter Ⅲ discusses the eleven usual ways and skills of analysis of financial accounts of listed company.1. The analysis of relation of balance.2. Taxation analysis.3. The analysis of account receivable and inventory.4. The analysis of gross profit.5. The analysis of subsidiary company.6. The analysis of asset recomposes and connected transaction.7. The analysis of asset quality.8. The analysis of audit opinion.9. The analysis of other characters.10. The analysis of industry traits.11. The analysis of stress subjects.Chapter Ⅳ brings forward the viewpoint that the analysis of cash flow index of financial accounts should be attached importance.This chapter concludes four sides:1. The structure and shortage of traditionary financial analysis index.2. The structure and advantage of cash index.3. The analysis of financial status of YingGuangSha with two kinds of systems of financial analysis. 4. The foundation and empirical analysis of cash flow financial appraisal system.In the synthetically appraise of cash flow of listed company, "the<WP=8>analysis of primary element" in measure statistics is used. Now introduce it in brief.1. in multiple problem analysis, "the analysis of primary element" is a common, effective and important way of analysis. For multiple problems, in order to simplify data structure and choose best variable subsidiary aggregate, "the analysis of primary element" is used mostly; actually it’s a process of reducing dimensions. "The analysis of primary element" is to simplify multi dimensions into several dimensions that can reflect collectivity characters enough.2. Construct descriptive model that is to describe review object as the form that can be expressed in mathematics equation, the process of construction of multi induced variable often uses "the analysis of primary element".3. "The analysis of primary element" is to

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