

【作者】 聂学青

【导师】 黄旭;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 东方锅炉(集团)股份有限公司压力容器事业部从1992年开始组建,发展速度较慢,在市场的竞争中处于较弱的位置,但母公司在1998年以前一直是电站锅炉行业里发展最快的企业之一。1999年到2001年的三年间,主要受国家政策及股票问题的影响,东方锅炉进入了困难时期,虽然压力容器事业部在此期间业务有所增长,但母公司处于谷底,整个企业效益极差。当痛苦已经来临,人们开始思考苦日子将持续多久?以后我们还会遭遇此类境遇吗?于是,管理层与员工都需要一个长远规划或目标,消除人们的疑虑,增强人们信心,激发人们的热情。本文在把企业的长远规划和事业部生存与发展结合起来的基础上,以一部分实证调查为依据,通过研究东方锅炉压力容器事业部的竞争战略,为压力容器事业部抓住当前机遇,走出停滞不前做了有益的尝试。第一章概述了压力容器事业部及所处产业背景;第二章简明扼要的介绍了产业结构分析和企业资源能力分析等企业战略理论;第三章和第四章在前述理论的基础上对压力容器事业部进行了产业结构和竞争分析及企业资源能力分析等相关战略分析;第五章和第六章提出了压力容器事业部的战略基础、总体战略目标与战略实施的途径及措施,对其进行了检验与评价,并对具体实施中需注意的几个方面作了探讨。笔者结合定性与定量的方法,为东方锅炉压力容器事业部制定了总成本领先的基本竞争战略,并结合实际提出了未来五年的总体规划。强调主动应对外部环境的快速变化,培育企业核心竞争力,利用产业资源及其结构的多样化,扩大企业规模,积极纵向上整合,占据产业高端市场,发展成为在行业领先的企业。本文试图通过在行业快速发展的一个关键时期的企业战略制定,给企业提出一些建设性的建议,增强居安思危的思想意识,为改变东<WP=3>方锅炉压力容器事业部的思维模式做力所能及的思想准备。本文的研究,希望增加企业管理层战略性思维的比重,多从长远和大局考虑问题,同时,也为当前压力容器行业的其他企业提供一定的启示和参考。随着社会的进步,全球化进程的加快,战略理论的发展,本文的一些分析、观点及措施需不断的改进和完善。

【Abstract】 Pressure vessel department of the DBC (DONGFANG BOILER GROUP CO.,LTD) was built in 1992. Until now, PVD/DBC is always located at less important position in pressure vessel industry, due to it’s slow development. As mother’s company, DBC step down hard condition from peak of development during 1999 to 2001, though PVD/DBC kept light increasing on sales. DBC fell into very bad earning well. Every DBC people start thinking. How long would painful day be still? How could we do for change of condition? So, level of management and employment needed the target and plan for go out of hard status and strengthen belief of people.The thesis tries to research the new competitive strategy for PVD/DBC, depended on practice investigation, based on combination of company’s blueprint and SBU’ s existing and development, so as to help it seize the present opportunity and out of the present stagnation. There are four parts in the paper. The first part, first chapter, outlines the background of pressure vessel industry. The second part, the second chapter, introduces two kinds of enterprises strategy theories——The Industrial Organizational Structure Mode and The Enterprises Resource Structure Mode, both of which lay the foundation for the strategy analysis in the next part. Both the industry structure and competition structure as well as the enterprise resource and competence for PVD/DBC are analyzed in the third part. The last part, the fifth and sixth chapter, the dissertation put forward to the SBU’ s strategic foundation, general planning and strategic object of PVD/DBC. It gives evaluation and examination on the choice and discusses the related factors about practicing of the plan.<WP=5>The author drafts general cost lowest strategy and five years plan of PVD/DBC through the qualitative with quantitative analysis. It is strengthening on SBU’ s own initiative reforming as environment changing, developing THE CORE COMPETENCY of company, taking advantage of resources and diversified structure of the industry, expanding scope of PVD/DBC, up vertical integration with initiative and occupying high product market for being advantage company within pressure vessel industry.The thesis tries to provide useful information for formulation of PVD/DBC’ s competitive strategy, and raises the feeling of impending crisis around company. Nevertheless, with the rapid development of environment and theory, all the viewpoints in the paper need to be improved and perfected.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】193

