

【作者】 徐新忠

【导师】 高晋康;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代公司中,经理权是公司组织机构权力链条中的重要一环,因而公司经理制度在公司法中具有十分重要的地位。在“经理中心主义”背景下,公司经理权扩张进而被滥用已是不争的事实,尤其是随着上市公司规模的不断扩大,一种世界性的、不可逆转的公司权力中心向经理位移的现象已凸现出来。在实际运作中,或者公司经理拥有的权力已大大超出了法律明文规定的范围,使他们登上了公司权力阶梯的顶层,或者公司经理应拥有的权力却缺失,进而影响了公司经理的经营绩效。本文主要运用比较研究和规范分析的方法,力求从经理权制度完善的角度,在充分发挥公司经理的经营才干、促进公司健康发展与尽量减少经理代理问题、降低代理成本之间寻找最佳平衡点,并进而提出完善我国公司经理权制度的立法建议。论文除引言和结语外,共有四章。第一章主要讨论了与完善公司经理权制度密切相关的基础性理论问题。由于我国经理权制度存在诸多缺陷的根源,实系立法者对经理的性质和地位未能正确理解。因此本章首先讨论了公司经理的地位和性质,并认为经理的地位为:公司辅助的业务执行机关、法定必设常设的公司机关,同时将经理的性质界定为:经理与董事会之间为内部关系,是委任关系;经理对外与第三人为交易时,其与公司之间为代理关系。接着,本章从经理权是“权利”还是“权力”及其与商事代理权、经理职权的关系角度对经理权的含义进行了辩析,并提出经理权具有法定性、身份性、广泛性的特征。探讨了设计经理权范围的理论基础、设置模式及限制方式。第二章在详细地比较了各国经理在公司治理结构中的地位配置后,检讨了我国公司经理权制度的情况及其可能给我国公司的内部治理结构带来的问题,如经理权与董事会的权力对抗、未明确经理作为公司“全权代理人”的地位及对外执行了公司业务而约束公司的权力<WP=3>之外观轮廓导致损害交易的便捷和安全等。最后侧重讨论了如何强化公司董事会和监事会对经理行为的有效监控问题。第三章在比较了各国经理权制度模式的基础上,指出了我国经理权制度在经理权授予方式、行使方式、共同经理权、范围界定、限制方式、解除方式等方面的缺漏,为第四章立法建议的提出打下基础。第四章是论文的重点,也是写作本文的目的所在,主要针对我国经理权制度的若干缺陷及其在现实经济生活中导致公司治理结构兹生的诸多问题,提出完善经理权制度的建议,本章首先提出了完善公司经理权制度应遵循的原则:法益平衡原则、法律规范与契约安排相结合的原则,并提出了应处理好的几个关系。然后针对立法缺漏提出完善建议,如认为在经理权立法的宏观模式上应改我国的单维模式为多维模式、补充规定经理注意义务等。本文的主要特点是:在目前理论及实务界仍着重围绕实际上已被架空的董事会权力为中心来讨论公司治理的情况下,笔者从“经理中心主义”的公司治理理念出发,较详细地探讨了公司治理结构中的重要一环——经理权制度的完善。

【Abstract】 Managers authority is an important link in the authority chain of modern companys organizational structure, so manager system of corporation weighs much in the Corporation Law. Under the manager-centered background, the expansion and even abuse of managers authority are firm fact. Especially with the continuously enlarged scale of corporations which list on the stock market, the authority center has been moving toward managers, world-widely and unchangeably. In actual operation, either managers authority has overstepped legally regulated scope and sent them onto the top of authority ladder; or managers are so lacking in the deserved authority that their operational performance is negatively influenced. A healthy corporation should fully exercise managers talent, reduce as much as possible managerial deputy, and decrease deputy cost. This dissertation mainly uses the method of comparison research and normative analysis, tries to find out the most optimal equilibrium among the three aspects above, and proposes legislation suggestion to improve our countrys corporation managers authority system.Besides the introduction and postscript, this dissertation has four chapters.The first chapter mainly discusses basis theory which is losely related to the improvement of corporation managers authority system. Since the source of many defects lies in the managers authority system of our country, actual legislators cant correctly understand the character and position of managers. So this dissertation first discusses the two points and thinks the position of managers: auxiliary operation executive body for the corporation and legal organ established necessarily and usually. And the legal position of managers should be internal, commission relation between them and the board which becomes deputy relation when managers deal with the third<WP=5>person. Then this dissertation differentiates and analyses whether managers authority is right of power, and the relationship between it and business deputy authority. It brings forward that managers authority has the characteristics of legality, identity and universality. It also discusses the theoretical basis, setting pattern and limitation way of managers authority.The second chapter gives a detailed comparison of managers position in their corporation structure in different countries, and discusses the situation of managers authority system in our country and the possible problems it might bring to the corporations internal structure, such as the confrontation between the authority of managers and the board, unclear understanding of managers position as plenipotentiary deputy for the corporation, the harm to the convenience and safety of transaction resulted from limitation of corporation authority, and so on. It discusses how to strengthen effective supervision over managers behavior by the board and the regulatory committee.The third chapter compares the patterns of managers authority system in different countries, and points out the gaps and omissions of our countrys managers authority system in the aspects of the empowerment way of managers authority, way of exercising the authority, common managerial power, scope division, limitation way and rescinding way, which lays foundation for the legislative advice in chapter four.The fourth chapter is the key point of this dissertation and contains the purpose of writing it. Aiming at the defects in our countrys managers authority system and the problems in corporation administrative structure resulting from that in the actual economic life, the fourth chapter proposes advice to improve managers authority system. It first suggests the rules that corporation managers authority system should follow: the balance between law and profit, and legal regulation combined with contract arrangement. It also suggests dealing well with several relations. Then comes the improvement advice aiming at the legislation gaps and omissions. For<WP=6>example, on the macro-pattern of managers authority legislation, our countrys single-

  • 【分类号】F271
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】156

