

【作者】 王履北

【导师】 颜安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 CDE公司经过近45年的发展,由一个传统的石化设计院,逐步发展成长为国际国内知名的EPC(即指设计Engineering、采购Procurement、施工Construction)全功能的大型工程公司。自80年代初起,公司确立了创建国际型工程公司的战略目标,并注重采用IT创造公司的“马力”,提高公司的竞争力,也取得较好经营业绩。但是,由于公司是由一个设计院脱胎而来的企业,受到其发展历史、管理、人才、资金等若干因素的影响和制约,其信息技术基础薄弱,IT(Information Technology)系统缺乏整体规划,管理水平较低,造成公司竞争力不足。随着我国进入WTO,CDE公司面临来自国内国际同行的竞争挑战,为了提高公司的竞争能力,实现公司的远景及战略目标,CDE公司必须对其自身进行改造,进行管理创新和技术创新。利用信息技术对公司的生产运作和管理方式进行改革和改造将是公司改造的重要方面,而PDM(Production Data Management)技术工具及其管理理念的引入,对工程公司这种以信息加工为主要生产运作内容且初具信息化基础的企业,有着重要应用价值,是一个值得考虑的途径。PDM系统是一种将流程、应用以及信息进行集成与管理的一种软件平台;它可以跨多种平台,并且可以提供平台与平台之间的信息交换与沟通介面;它是CAD(Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计)/CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning,计算机辅助工艺设计)/CAM(Computer Aided Manufacture,计算机辅助制造)等IT系统的的集成平台,是企业全局信息集成的框架。所有用户均在同一PDM工作环境下工作,实现了与站点无关、与硬件无关、与操作系统无关的全新的工作方式。工程公司实施PDM系统,将产生以下积极的意义:提高产品(项目)质量、缩短项目执行周期、降低项目成本;提高企业的管理水平,增强企业的竞争能力和创新能力。PDM中先进的管理思想将提高工程公司的整体素质。当然,PDM不是包治百病的“万能药方”,不能奢望它能解决企业的所有问题。<WP=3>本文作者为CDE公司管理人员,在CDE公司工作了20余年,对CDE公司历史及发展过程有较深入的了解,也曾直接参与CDE公司IT系统的规划和建设活动,在即将完成EMBA学习之际,作者运用所学到的知识,对CDE公司当前生产运作流程、管理系统、信息技术应用现状、信息技术装备(软件和硬件)现状进行了调研分析,根据信息技术的发展的新趋势和CDE公司企业自身发展需求出发,阐述了以PDM作为搭建CDE公司信息技术及管理平台的必要性和可行性、构建思路、实施步骤和注意的问题。共分六章来讨论。本文第一章对CDE公司历史发展沿革及公司发展远景和战略进行了介绍。第二章论述了信息技术对公司战略和发展的支持效果和作用。第三章对公司生产经营管理模式的特点结合公司信息技术应用现状进行了分析介绍,运用价值链方法识别出公司信息技术支持薄弱的业务过程,并使用信息结构方法和业务规划法分析了公司人员、业务过程对信息需求的现状。在此基础上揭示出公司在信息管理上的缺陷,并指出PDM系统是可以选择的方案。第四章重点介绍PDM技术的内容、基本功能和关键技术。第五章在前四章讨论的基础上就PDM技术应用于CDE公司生产作业过程及管理信息系统的改造和构建中的必要性、可行性进行论述。第六章对PDM实施前的准备、风险及防范措施及实施步骤进行了探讨。笔者认为,IT作为企业的一组工具其成功还要依赖于利用另外两种企业资源(人和信息)并对其进行认真地规划、开发、管理和运用,从而实现三种资源的协调。国内大多数设计院或工程公司在信息技术应用推广上花钱费力不少,而成效不大的原因,就在于对这三种资源的规划、运用、管理和协调,存在若干错误的理解和实践。笔者提出了自己的见解并提出了解决问题的关键途径和思路。工程公司的产品数据管理的基本对象是构成项目的设备和材料,而不仅仅是图纸和文件。因此,CDE公司应当选择面向产品管理的PDM系统,企业<WP=4>产品数据管理应当从企业基本数据库建设入手,而数据库建设的重点目标应当围绕项目的BOM(Bill of Material),电子文档库建立的应当必须重视数据的处理和加工,从而成为可被利用和共享的信息,企业应当根据信息技术工具的应用改革作业流程,在新的信息化工作平台上构造企业生产、经营管理平台。笔者力求通过本文的描述,使读者能够对PDM在工程公司中的应用及途径有一个全面的了解。并希望此文给我国正在进行改企建制的大型设计单位和PDM 系统集成商在考虑采用信息技术构建工程公司的生产运作及管理平台提供一些有益的思路和可参考的方案。由于保密的原因,文中所述的公司名称用CDE来代指,但有关公司历史、现状和基本情况的数据和资料都是真实的。

【Abstract】 Through about 45 years of development, CDE Company has gradually become a known large EPC engineering company both at home and abroad from a traditional local petrochemical design institute. Since early 1980s, CDE has established a strategic target to build the company itself into an international engineering company. Emphasis was made on IT application as a driving horsepower for the purpose to improve the competitive capability of the company. Good business achievements have been made, some lessons have been drawn and a number of persons have been trained in the course. Yet as the company was originated from restructuring of a design institute, the impact and restraint of its developing history, administration, talents and capital, plus weak background of information technology, no overall plan of IT plan and low level administration, the company has inadequate competitive capability. After China’s entering into WTO, CDE is now facing the competition and challenge of domestic and overseas competitors of the same sector. In order to raise its competitive force and maintain sustained development, CDE must restructure itself for administrative and technical innovation. It is essential for the reforming and restructuring of the traditional operation and administration in the company to use information technology. The application of PDM (production data manger) technological tool and management concept is significant to an engineering company that is basically operating on data processing and has certain information technology background. It is a worthy approach to be considered. PDM is in fact a software platform integrated with operation flow, application and information. It has multi-platform functions, i.e. to achieve information exchange and communication between platforms.<WP=6>PDM is an integrated platform of CAD (Computer Aided Design)/CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning)/CAM (computer Aided Manufacture), also a frame for information integration of an enterprise. All users are working under the same PDM working environment to realize a new working approach with no relation to the stations, hardware or operating systems. Significance of PDM application in engineering company is: Improving product (project) quality, shortening the project execution schedule, lowering project cost, and promoting innovation of the enterprise systems, technologies and administration. The advanced administration concept of PDM will improve the overall quality of the engineering company and make the enterprise more competitive. Sure, PDM is suitable for certain aspects, not universal for all aspects. It cannot be relied on to solve all problems of an enterprise. As one of CDE’s managers, the author of this paper has worked for 20 years in CDE and has profound knowledge about the history and development of CDE. He was directly involved in the planning and construction of IT system in CDE. Before finishing EMBA study, he has made an investigation and analysis on CDE’s current operation flow, administration system, current status of information technology and related software and hardware based on the knowledge learnt. The author has expatiated the necessity, building concept, implementation steps and precautions of building platform for information technology and administration in CDE Company originating from the developing trend of information technologies and the necessity of CDE’s development. It is described totally in six Chapters in this paper as below: In Chapter One, outlines the history of CDE, also its further features with development, the strategy of CDE. <WP=7>In Chapter two, describes the achievement and function for the IT support to the strategy and development of CDE.In Chapter Three, analysis and introduction are made on the operating, marketing, and administration of CDE combined with IT application. The weak points of IT supports to CDE’s business process is identified by using the method of value chain, and analyzed the status for the IT requirements from CDE staff a

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