

【作者】 林源

【导师】 林义;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 VaR(Value at Risk)或称风险价值法是近年来新出现的金融风险管理工具,是一种利用统计思想对金融风险进行估值的方法。在短短的过去几年中,VaR已受到越来越多的重视和得到广泛的应用,成为一种常用的市场风险度量技术。尤其在金融衍生工具的风险度量方面,运用它来评估和管理个别资产或资产组合的市场风险。随着金融工程的不断发展和金融工具的不断创新和复杂化,金融风险问题越来越引起人们重视,VaR作为新的金融风险管理工具,其重要性已经得到认可。国外已有很多金融集团、投资机构和养老基金管理公司采用VaR方法控制金融风险。在我国,养老保险改革发展到今天,养老基金除了当期支付外,已经聚集了大量的资金,面临保值、增值的压力。政府为了养老基金的安全,规定资金只能存入银行、购买政府债券,投资渠道狭窄,使养老基金难以保值、增值,其中重要原因之一是由于没有很好的风险管理技术。因此,对于我国养老基金管理者来说,对养老基金投资风险进行控制的要求更为迫切。由于我国养老基金投资风险管理工具、手段、技术等方面远远落后于我国银行、投资基金等金融机构,风险管理人才匮乏,风险管理制度框架还未形成,因而有必要把先进的金融风险管理工具VaR引入养老基金投资领域,并把VaR方法与传统的资产负债管理结合起来。同时,为养老基金的投资建立一套风险预警指标体系,并借助于风险预警指标体系,构建养老基金投资风险模糊综合评价模型,从而达到预警风险、控制风险并把投资风险限制在可承受的范围内的目的。这样,有利于养老基金的保值、增值。为了确保受益人的利益,需要对投资风险损失进行补偿,因而有必要构建我国养老基金投资风险补偿机制,以确保养老基金的偿付能力,利于社会的稳定。论文遵循以上逻辑思路展开分析。全文共分五章。第一章是本论文的理论基础。主要介绍风险价值(VaR)模型的<WP=3>基本内容,包括模型的定义、特点、现实意义和计算方法,其中计算方法有方差-协方差法,历史模拟法及蒙特?卡罗法。在本章中还介绍了VaR模型的局限性以及对VaR模型缺陷的弥补和检验方法。由于主要是分析风险价值模型在我国养老基金投资风险方面的应用,因而需要对我国养老基金投资风险管理方面目前存在的问题进行分析。在第二章,分析了我国养老基金投资管理和运营中存在的主要问题、养老基金投资风险的表现形式以及我国目前的风险管理状况。这一章为下文分析VaR在投资方面的应用作了一个铺垫。第三章是对VaR模型在养老基金投资风险控制中的应用的一般研究,是一个重要章节。VaR模型作为一种定量分析工具,国外的研究已经把它应用于度量市场风险、流动性风险、信用风险以及投资组合风险等方面,并相应的构建了数学模型。VaR模型还可用于监控市场风险,养老基金管理者可以根据不同的置信水平计算各种投资的VaR值,使管理者知道养老基金投资正承担的风险是多少,从而对市场风险进行跟踪和监控。同时,VaR的出现为养老基金管理者进行风险预算、风险限制和风险资本分配提供了一种良好的分析工具。借助于VaR模型,养老基金管理者可建立风险限额系统,这等同于为投资建立了警戒线。在此基础上,确定养老基金的整体风险资本,而后进行风险资本的配置,亦即将养老基金的整体风险资本(或风险限额)在整个体系中进行分配,其目的在于构建一个与养老基金总体风险战略和目标相一致的投资风险组合。本章最后部分分析了VaR还可作为风险信息披露工具和投资绩效评估工具,从而可以提高养老基金投资的透明度,使养老基金对投资业绩的比较有了一个统一的标准。这表明,VaR成为养老基金进行投资决策分析的有效工具。第四章是对传统的资产负债管理和VaR模型的整合研究。资产负债管理是包括养老基金在内的所有金融机构面临的共同课题。资产负债管理的核心实际就是利率风险管理,最常用的两个方法是缺口管理和持续期。资产负债管理有其固有的局限性,比如,传统的资产负债管理依赖报表的静态分析,缺乏时效性,只重视财务绩效的分析,几乎忽略了风险的考虑等,这些原因使得资产负债管理和VaR模型<WP=4>的整合成为必要。在本章最后分析了资产负债管理中导入VaR系统的运作模式,包括风险控制机制,这是论文的一个重点。第五章是论文的核心部分,也是论文的重点。在本章,主要分析研究了建立以VaR为基础的我国养老基金投资风险控制预警系统。前述几章内容均是作了一些理论分析,本章着重把前述几章的理论应用于我国养老基金投资风险控制的实践。首先介绍了我国养老基金投资风险控制预警系统的构建思路和设计原则,遵循这一思路和原则,按照投资风险来源的划分,设计风险预警管理指标体系。根据该体系,度量养老基金投资风险的指标分为两个层次:一是反映养老基金投资的整体风险情况,作为一级指标;二是反映各业务部门的风险情况,作为二级指标。在本章的核心部分,即在养老基金投资风险预警指标体系的操作与应用中,介绍了模糊综合评价法(FCE)的基本理论,结合风险预警管理指标体系,将模糊综合评价法应用于养老基金投资风险的控制中,并构建了我国养老基金投资风险控制的模糊综?

【Abstract】 VaR (Value at Risk) is a newly appeared financial risk management tool in recent years, which is a method that uses statistic thought to evaluate the financial risk. In the past several years, VaR has been more and more valuable with the extensive application, becoming a kind of technique to measure market risk in common use, particularly in the aspect of financial derivative products. With the development of financial engineering and the innovation of financial tool, the financial risk problem attracts people’s attention. So, the importance of VaR has been recognized. There is a lot of financial groups, investment organizations and pension fund companies abroad adopting VaR method to control the financial risk. In China, besides the payment to beneficiaries currently, China’s pension fund has raised a flood of funds, facing the pressure to preserve its value and to increase in value. For the sake of the safety of pension fund, Chinese government regulates that the funds can only be in bank and purchase the government bond. The narrow outlet for investing makes the fund hard to preserve and to increase in value. In fact, this is primarily because of having no good risk management technique. Therefore, it is more urgent for the managers of China’s pension fund to control the investment risk. Thus, it is necessary to introduce the advanced financial risk management tool VaR into China’s pension fund investment realm, and combine the method of VaR with the traditional asset and liability management .At the same time, it is necessary to establish the early-risk-alarming index system and FCE (Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation) Model for the investment risk of China’s pension fund. Accordingly, to attain the goal of controlling risk and to guarantee the beneficiaries, it is imperative to rebuild compensation<WP=8>mechanism for investment risk of China’s pension fund.This thesis analyzes according to the above-mentioned logical way of thinking. The thesis article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is about the basic theory of VaR, including the definition, characteristics, practical meaning and calculating method of the model. It also introduces the localization of VaR model .In Chapter Two, the author studies the application of VaR Model in China’s pension fund investment risk control. Being a tool of quantitative analysis, it can measure market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and portfolio risk, and can also be applied to monitor the market risk. So, the managers of pension fund know how much the investment risk they undertake. At the same time, the VaR helps the managers to proceed the risk budget, risk limit and to distribute the risk capital. Asking for help from the model of VaR, the governors of pension fund can establish the risk quota system, which equals to establish the alarming line for the investment. At the end of this chapter, the author introduces VaR as a tool for disclosing the risk information and the evaluation of investment performance. In conclusion, VaR is important for the analysis of decision-making for pension fund investment.The fourth chapter is about the integrating ALM (asset and liability management) with VaR. ALM is a common problem for all financial institutions including pension fund, the core of ALM is interest-rate risk management. Owing to the limitation of ALM, the conformity of VaR with ALM is imperative. Finally, the author gives the system of VaR operation mode in ALM, including the risk control mechanism, which is a key point of the thesis.Chapter 5 is the core of the thesis, and also the key point of the thesis. In this chapter, author primarily studies the risk control alarming system for China’s pension fund on the basis of VaR Model. This chapter focuses on the theory in the former chapters in risk control practically. At<WP=9>first, the author points out the constructing idea and designing principle of investment risk-control alarming system for China’s pension fund. Following this way of thinking and principle, the author designs the risk-

  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1450

