

【作者】 梅气

【导师】 袁远福;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 一、选题的目的和意义本文的主题,是通过对内部控制理论及我国国有商业银行内部控制现状的考察,在借鉴国外商业银行内部控制经验的基础上,根据我国的实际情况,对完善我国国有商业银行的内部控制提出相应的政策建议。之所以选择这样一个题目是因为:随着金融改革的深化,我国银行特别是国有商业银行的风险不断积累,存在着大量不安全的因素,直接威胁到我国银行体系乃至整个金融体系与经济秩序的稳定。在目前新的经济金融环境下,怎样才能有效防范银行风险、保持国有商业银行的稳健运行呢?答案之一就是建立和完善国有商业银行的内部控制来改善其内部管理,提高抗风险能力。因此,建立和完善内部控制对中国商业银行特别是国有商业银行具有极其重要的现实意义。而2002年3月中国银行广东开平支行暴露出的特大银行资金盗用案,更是直接促成了笔者对本论文题目的选择。本文通过对商业银行内部控制理论的研究,在结合我国国有商业银行实际情况的基础上,提出了一些政策建议,希望对国有商业银行内部控制的建设和完善起到一些参考作用,这就是本文所研究问题的实际意义。二、基本思路本文对国有商业银行内部控制的研究,是从商业银行内部控制的一般理论出发,根据巴塞尔协议及COSO委员会的最新阐述,把内部控制的内容分为控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与交流、内部稽核五个部分开始的。为了突出商业银行内部控制的系统性、完整性,<WP=3>在接下来两个章节的写作中,论文紧扣这五个方面,分别考察了我国国有商业银行自80年代末以来内部控制的建设现状及目前存在的问题,介绍了国外商业银行在内部控制方面的经验。在论文第四章,针对我国国有商业银行在这五个方面存在的不足之处,笔者提出了建设和完善国有商业银行内部控制的政策建议。三、主要内容及观点全文共分四章第一章主要介绍了商业银行内部控制的内涵并对其重要性和必要性作了相关的理论分析。本章共分三节,第一节主要是根据巴塞尔协议及COSO委员会对内部控制的最新定义,阐明了国有商业银行内部控制的概念及包括的五个部分。第二节从理论上分析了由于经营的特殊性及功能的特殊性,商业银行具有内在的不稳健性,并且这种不稳健可能会给社会带来巨大的负外部性,这从侧面证明了保持商业银行稳健性的重要意义。那么,怎样才能保持商业银行稳健运营呢?文中指出,保持商业银行的稳健运营有三大支柱,即:内部控制、官方监管和市场约束,而内部控制是其中最基础最重要的制度。第三节笔者分析了我国的实际情况。国有商业银行目前仍然是我国金融业的核心和主导力量,并且存在着比较严重的风险,一旦其发生不稳健,将给我国经济金融的稳定增长带来严重的后果,从而指出了完善我国国有商业银行内部控制的重要性和必要性。通过本章的阐述,使读者对内部控制的概念、内容及其理论分析有一个总体的认识,为以下三章的写作打下理论基础。第二章是对国有商业银行内部控制建设的现状、取得的成绩及其所存在问题的实证考察,共分为二节。第一节按时间顺序分三个阶段考察了国有商业银行内部控制的建设历程。第一阶段是从80年代末到1996年,其特点是内部控制的建设缺乏系统性,主要是业务管理制度的制定和健全。第二阶段是从1996年到2002年,这一时期在理论与实践的推动下,内部控制建设初步形成了一个比较全面、系统的<WP=4>框架。2002年9月颁布的《商业银行内部控制指引》对内部控制的各方面作了全面的规定,标志着我国国有商业银行内部控制的建设将步入一个新的阶段。从整体看,经过三个阶段的建设,国有商业银行在调整内部组织机构、健全业务管理制度、加强内部稽核与监督上有了明显的进步。但问题也是存在的,第二节接着从五个方面具体分析了国有商业银行内部控制目前存在的缺陷和问题,如控制环境不够理想、风险评估不完善、信息失真问题严重、内部审计作用未能有效发挥等。回顾过去,审视现在是为了着眼于未来,本章对国有商业银行内部控制现状及问题的考察,为下文作了一个铺垫,使第四章提出的政策建议能够直接针对主要矛盾,有的放矢。第三章主要是对国际银行业有关内部控制思想、精神、实践的介绍及经验的总结。本章共分为二节,第一节详细考察了在国际银行业监管的核心文件——巴塞尔协议中,有关内部控制思想、精神及原则的演变过程。从这个演变过程中可以看出,以银行业风险监管为核心的巴塞尔体系,始终包含着内部控制的思想,贯穿了加强银行内部控制的精神。第二节笔者在体会巴塞尔协议有关内部控制的思想和精神的基础上,结合美国和德国这二个典型国家内部控制的实际情况,对其中相对重要的方面进行了经验总结,如明晰的产权制度、有效的内部稽核、严格的外部监管和电子化风险控制。这些源自于巴塞尔协议和发达国家内部控制实践的经验,将对我国内部控制的建设起到重要的参考作用,这就是在结构上安排本章的目的所在。第四章分为五个小节,分别从控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与交流、内部稽核五个方面提出了建立和完善我国国有商业银行内部控制的政策建议。第一节针对

【Abstract】 I.The purpose and significance of the research in this thesisThrough researching the internal control theory and the current situation of internal control in the state-owned commercial banks of our country (SOCBS), using the controlling experience that is practised in the foreign commercial banks for reference, and according to the actual condition of the SOCBS, the thesis puts forward the corresponding suggestion to perfect the internal control in the SOCBS.The reason why I choose this topic is the following.With the development of the financial reform, the risks of China’s banks, especially the state-owned commercial banks accumulate constantly. A large number of unsafe factors exist, which threat the stability of the bank system and even the whole financial system and economic order of our country directly. Under the new environment of present economy and finance, how can SOCBS take effective precautions against bank risks, and keep sound and stable operations? One of the answers is to set up and perfect the internal control of SOCBS to improve its internal management and its ability of resisting risks. So, setting up and perfecting internal control has extremely important realistic significance to commercial banks especially state-owned commercial banks in China. And the case of usurping enormous bank fund in Guangdong branch bank, Bank of China that happened in March 2002 has urged me to choose this title as my topic directly.Through studying the internal control theory in the commercial banks, combining the actual conditions of the state-owned commercial banks in our country, I put forward some suggestion, hoping it can do some reference function on the construction and perfection of the internal control in the SOCBS. That is the actual significance of the research in<WP=8>this thesis.II.The basic thought of the thesis The research into internal control of the state-owned commercial banks in the thesis proceeds from general theory of internal control in the commercial banks, based on some new explanation for internal control on the Basel Agreement. According to the Basel Agreement, the internal control can be divided into 5 parts: control environment, risk assessment, controlling activities, information and communications, monitoring. For outstanding the systematization and integrality in internal control of the commercial banks, in the following two chapters, the thesis links these five sides closely, observes the existing problem in these five sides in the current situation of state-owned commercial banks in our country separately since the end of the 1980s, and the experience of internal control of the foreign commercial banks. In chapter four of the thesis, directly against the weak point in these five sides of state-owned commercial banks in our country, I have put forward suggestion to set up and perfect the internal control in the state-owned commercial banks.III.Main content and viewpoint of this thesisThe thesis is divided into four chapters altogether.Chapter One introduces the intension of internal control of commercial banks, and analyses its intension and necessity with theories. This chapter is divided into three sections. According to the Basel Agreement and COSO committee’s latest definition to the internal control, the first section expounds the meanings of internal control in the state-owned commercial banks and the composition of its five parts. Section two analyzes the inherent instability due to the particularity of the<WP=9>management and function of the commercial banks, and the enormous negative effect, which prove the important significance in maintaining the stability of commercial banks. Then, how to maintain commercial banks running stably? The thesis points out that there are three pillars, namely, internal control, official monitoring and market restricting, but the internal control is the most important and essential institution. In section three, the author analyzes the importance and necessity of setting-up and perfecting t

  • 【分类号】F830.33
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1381

